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"I don't know what happened to the Immortal Mountain Sect. But this place is indeed the human world."

Although Tang Furen had heard some things about the Immortal Mountain Sect, he was not really convinced that a super sect in the upper world would be completely destroyed, so he vaguely agreed.

Facing a real powerful master of the demon world, Tang Furen at this time, although he could not say that he was afraid and lost the will to fight, but he did not have much confidence to dare to fight with the demons in front of him.

Because under the opponent's huge momentum, Tang Furen felt as if he was suffocating under the pressure of the huge mountain.

"This place is probably in that mountain stream. I don't know how far it is from the top of %?" The light in his eyes flashed, and the Sansha Holy Lord shook his body, and with a crackling sound, he slowly moved towards the cave. The huge cave entrance is approaching.

"Reporting back to senior, this place is hundreds of feet away from the top of the cliff..."

Tang Furen still behaved respectfully, and his words seemed extremely respectful. But when he just started speaking, he raised his hand, and the handbell magic weapon that almost caused Qin Fengming to suffer was already in his hand.

His face suddenly turned cold, and a sinister and ferocious look immediately appeared on his face.

"Dingling bell!~~~" A strange ringing sound suddenly rang out, and a strange sound wave, like a raging wave, surged towards the Sansha Holy Lord who had already reached the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, a violent stream of yellow mist surged out, transforming into a huge and thick monster python, and swept towards the Sansha Holy Lord a few feet away.

The majestic and terrifying aura contained in the thick yellow mist seemed to be stronger than when he fought with Qin Fengming.

Tang Furen is not an ordinary monk. His true body is a person in the middle stage of aggregation.

There are many dangers and weird things encountered in life.

Falling into this dangerous place this time, he had already sensed the danger of falling. This time, due to a mistake, a real powerful figure in the demon world was rescued.

This is much more dangerous for Tang Furen than when he was alone.

The person in front of him is not an ordinary monk, but one of the seven original saints in the True Demon Realm.

In front of him at first,

Even those people in the real demon world who have cultivated to the Mahayana realm and are at the level of saints can only serve them with trepidation and caution. If one is not good, it is not uncommon for him to be killed by the Sansha Holy Lord.

Ever since he knew that the demon in front of him was the true form of the Sansha Holy Lord, Tang Furen began to think rapidly in his heart.

Although the demons in front of him were only in the middle stage of the First Demon Lord, Tang Furen did not dare to take them lightly.

As a person in the Mahayana realm, although his cultivation may have plummeted due to being trapped in the strange ice for countless tens of thousands of years, Tang Furen himself knew the secret arts and magical powers, as well as the magical talismans. It is difficult to compare with it.

But the initiative lies in his own hands, which is Tang Furen's consistent approach.

Almost instantly, he made up his mind to secretly attack the Sansha Holy Lord who had just woken up and escaped from trouble.

At this time, when he saw that the other party was unprepared, he stepped forward to check the situation outside the cave. Tang Furen, who had already made up his mind, still had no hesitation at all. When a sharp light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he had already sacrificed the thing he relied on most. A handbell magic weapon that activates sonic attacks.

"Hmph!" Just as Tang Furen gritted his teeth and took out the magic weapon, a cold voice sounded almost at the same time.

That strange ringing sound released a huge sound wave, and just when it swept towards the Sansha Holy Lord, the sound of a cold snort, which was not very loud, was also accompanied by it.

Following this cold snort, a sonic boom suddenly sounded in the air.

At the same time, Sansha Holy Lord, who was already standing at the edge of the cave, did not turn around at all, but an extremely cold light band suddenly emerged from his body, like a dragon emerging from the water. A flash of blue light greeted him. The thick yellow mist sent out by Tang Furen's magic weapon flew towards him.

The two of them shot almost at the same time, even if there was a slight sequence, it was extremely weak.

When the two sound waves collided with each other, the blue ice-cold light belt was already in contact with the thick yellow mist.

A roaring sound suddenly resounded in the small cave.

I saw the blue light band. The moment it came into contact with the yellow mist, the seemingly thin and weak light band suddenly expanded, and a strange and extremely cold aura suddenly appeared.

Amidst the stinging sound, the yellow mist that moved forward rapidly seemed to have been cast a restraining spell and suddenly stagnated in the air.

Following the huge yellow python stagnant in the air, the extremely cold and huge aura swept forward and spurted towards Tang Furen. There is a strong intention to freeze Tang Furen on the spot.

"Ah, not good." Upon seeing this scene, Tang Furen was suddenly shocked.

Without even the slightest hesitation, Tang Furen dodged and moved aside. There was a flash of yellow light, and the hand bell in his hand suddenly swelled up. A huge two-foot-long copper bell flashed out and headed towards the Holy Lord Sansha.

"Explode!" A cry came out as Tang Furen dodged and offered the magic weapon in his hand, and a curse erupted from his mouth.

The cave here is only ten to twenty feet apart, and the two sides are already very close to each other. This fight can be described as lightning and extremely fast.

Although both sides only used one secret technique and one magic weapon, their power was much more powerful than that of ordinary Transformation Infant Peak cultivators.

The aura of the Sansha Holy Lord increased strangely as both sides took action.

When the two parties used their secret techniques to touch each other, the coercive aura of the Sansha Holy Lord had already reached the late stage of the Demon Lord, and the aura was still rising rapidly.

When the huge copper bell flashed out and covered the Sansha Holy Lord, his aura was already not far from the peak of the Demon King. But at this time, his aura was no longer soaring.

But at this moment, a powerful energy explosion filled with the aura of the soul was revealed in the cave that was only a dozen feet in diameter. At the same time, a huge toxin that could almost corrode and melt the magic weapon instantly filled the air.

The violent self-destruction of the divine soul power, and the permeation of corrosive toxins. Any monk with the strength of the Transformation Infant Realm who falls into it will have no more than 20 to 30% chance of surviving.

It was Tang Furen himself. Although his powerful spiritual aura existed in that magic weapon, it would still cause fatal injuries to him. Even the raging huge energy impact is in danger of falling.

With the surge of violent energy, a huge strong wind that could almost collapse the mountain peak suddenly spewed out of the cave. A figure shrouded in the strong wind was also swept towards the deep mountain stream outside the cave. Falling away.

After half a cup of tea, the huge divine soul energy and corrosive aura that had been raging in the small cave finally became weaker. Finally, it was sucked into it by the icy hurricane passing near the cave, and it completely calmed down.

The empty cave was completely empty, and not a single human figure existed anymore.

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