"Xianzi Fu, come to Qin quickly."

As a huge hole several feet in size appeared in front of him, Qin Fengming suddenly shouted.

At this time, Qin Fengming's face was already slightly pale, and his expression looked solemn and anxious. The hands moved rapidly, as if they were trying their best to control something.

As the ten soul treasures self-destructed, huge waves of soul power were immediately revealed, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings. The holes were filled with violent energy, and it seemed that even a tough magic weapon entered it. , will be instantly torn apart by the violent soul energy.

Facing such a terrifying situation, it was absolutely impossible for Fu Qiong to say that she didn't have any fear or hesitation in her heart. However, after she heard Qin Fengming's hurried shouting, her expression condensed and she moved without any hesitation. Arriving next to Qin Fengming.

Under a roll of green light, Qin Fengming and his two figures disappeared on the spot.

In an instant, in the huge green shield, Qin Fengming and Fu Qiong appeared again under the flash of green light.

Turning around sharply, looking at the hole in front of him where the raging energy was constantly flashing, a strange look appeared on Qin Fengming's face.

Although the self-destruction of ten soul treasures successfully broke through a passage in the soul confinement barrier, this passage was completely different from the restriction that Tang Furen had broken through by relying on secret techniques. At the passage, the raging violent soul energy flashed continuously, and it was very frightening for people to see it.

What makes Qin Fengming even more anxious is that the passage is rapidly swallowing the huge soul energy released by the ten soul treasures. It seems that in just a moment, the huge energy will be completely swallowed up by the restricted wall.

Facing this scene, Qin Fengming could only shout and take the risk.

When passing through the passage, although he was attacked by a huge amount of soul power energy, the soul power energy contained his own divine soul aura. Therefore, although the power of the attack was not small, the two people in his huge soul power energy package , or passed safely.

The ten soul treasures self-destructed. Although Qin Fengming suffered some mental attacks, it was not serious.

The two of them turned around and just looked at the passage for two or three breaths. The hole several feet in size suddenly shrank rapidly, and finally disappeared without a trace amid a burst of buzzing.

In such a situation, even if the two of them are mentally tough people, they can't help but feel a little afraid.

Looking at each other,

Both of them saw fear in the other's eyes.

"Fairy Fu, this time you entered the restricted area without any risk. It seems that you and I will have a good future." Qin Fengming took a deep breath, his expression slowly returned to calm, and he said with a slight smile.

"Thank you for your kind words from Taoist friend Qin." Fu Qiong heard Qin Fengming's words and said with a forced smile. Facing the danger just now, he still seemed to be frightened.

After connecting mentally, he could not sense the slightest breath of the original two magic weapons, and Fu Qiong was also slightly disappointed. Knowing that those two extremely impressive magic weapons were lost.

The two of them stopped answering, turned around, looked at the scene in front of them, and at the same time released their spiritual consciousness.

But what left the two of them speechless was that it was difficult to penetrate the white mist in front of them with their spiritual consciousness. Facing this scene, the two of them were not surprised.

This place is already in Jiuxiao Mountain, and there are some restrictions, which is completely normal.

But the land in front of him was extremely vast, and it seemed that it would not be an easy task to find where Tang Furen was at this time.

While chatting in low voices, the two of them moved and flew forward.

Although the spiritual consciousness cannot reach very far here, it can fly in the air.

Based on their experience, they knew that rapid flight was absolutely not allowed here, so the two of them just used the Air Control Technique and slowly searched forward.

Passing through a land shrouded in white mist, what lay before us were several winding paths. This path extends to several buildings in the distance.

It is no longer possible to fly here. A huge squeezing force hit them. Even Qin Fengming, as great monks, could only land on the ground to resolve this huge squeezing force.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, there are five passages here, but I don't know where Tang Furen went?" Scanning the five paths in front of him, Fu Qiong couldn't help but show hesitation.

On these five paths, there seems to be no energy fluctuation at all, and no breath remains.

"A month has passed now. If the old man is still stranded here, he must be either trapped by the restriction or searching for treasure. You and I don't have to worry. If we search everywhere, we will definitely find it."

With a flash of blue light in his eyes, Qin Fengming had already seen all five roads in front of him.

Although the naked eye cannot see any difference in these five paths, under the eyes of Lingqing, some differences are still found.

Above these five paths, there is a layer of strange fluctuations. These fluctuations are not the energy of the five elements, but a substance like light waves. These light waves float slowly and are difficult to discern with the naked eye.

Among these paths, the light wave-like material on two paths is obviously shorter than the other three paths.

Based on Qin Fengming's experience, he naturally recognized that the two groups should have been separated on the path. Although a long time had passed, they had not yet fully recovered.

Of course, he wouldn't speak directly about what he had seen, so he spoke like this.

Under Qin Fengming's deliberate decision, the two of them entered the path near the left side.

Due to the white mist shrouding them, the two people's consciousness cannot be very far apart. The two of them were extremely vigilant and not very fast.

Wherever they pass, there are green trees everywhere, and the fragrance of exotic flowers and grasses is fragrant. If they didn't know that there is murder everywhere, Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming would think this place is a fairyland on earth and cannot bear to leave.

After turning around a huge rock, a huge square covering an area of ​​two to three hundred feet appeared in front of them. There were three magnificent halls standing on three sides of the square.

There is a tall plaque hanging above the main hall on the front, with three ancient fonts revealed on it: Hall of Heritage.

Looking at the main hall in front of him, Fu Qiong had a look of hesitation on his face. She didn't know those three ancient characters.

"Xianzi Fu, this is the location of the Heritage Hall, but I don't know if Tang Furen has entered it." Qin Fengming said the name of the hall without hesitation.

"Inheritance Hall, I think this place should be a place where the Xianshan Sect stores its classics and secrets. This place has never been recorded on the Yuanwu Continent. It seems that few people have been able to pass through the dangerous Sword Blade Valley before. And arrived here.”

Looking at the main hall in front of her, Fu Qiong showed a bit of joy.

From the literal meaning, it will not be difficult to identify the purpose of this hall. Therefore, Qin Fengming couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart for what Fu Qiong said.

After going through several dangers before arriving here, Qin Fengming is also sure that there are absolutely very few people who have been able to reach here before, not to mention the Sword Blade Valley and the phantom formation, which is the soul confinement barrier outside this place. The wall cannot be broken by ordinary people.

The Immortal Mountain Sect is a sect in the upper realm, and the books it stores are absolutely precious to the human world. As soon as his body moved, Qin Fengming rushed towards the central hall first.

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