"Although he has not detected any danger in the place in front of him, Tang has a feeling that there is an extremely dangerous aura hidden in the place in front of him. Novel/Fellow Taoists, in Tang's opinion, it is better not to covet the spiritual milk. For the best."

Holding the skull-faced butterfly in his hand, Tang Furen concentrated for a moment, put away the spirit butterfly with his hands, turned to look at the people around him, and said something that made everyone confused.

Except for Qin Fengming, the other four people present all looked puzzled.

They could see clearly that the skull-faced butterfly flew around without encountering any obstacles. Under the powerful consciousness of everyone, no energy fluctuations were revealed. The place in front of us is a place without any danger.

"Wait a minute, facing such a spiritual creature, I feel unwilling to give up like this, so I have to give it a try." The lean old man stared at the spiritual milk, his eyes flashed, and when he heard what Tang Furen said, he Involuntarily, his body moved, and he jumped forward more than ten feet, and he spoke urgently.

"Fellow Taoist Monkey, there is indeed an aura ahead that makes Tang feel extremely dangerous. Although the ten thousand-year spiritual milk is precious, you must be alive to enjoy it. That corpse is enough to warn us that the spiritual milk, It must be a trap."

Even Qin Fengming admired Tang Furen's determination when he saw it. Any monk in the world of immortality would definitely be greedy for the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk when he saw it. With it within reach, he was able to suppress the trembling in his heart. Not taking risks is a very unusual person.

Although the stern-faced man and the two female cultivators didn't say anything, their expressions showed a sign of reluctance.

Faced with the rumors of spiritual beings in the world of immortality, the three of them certainly couldn't bear to give up.

But at the same time, the three of them also understood that being able to make Tang Furen say the words of giving up was definitely not without purpose. ()

With his cultivation level reaching the level of everyone, who is not a thoughtful and tenacious person? Faced with such a huge benefit, Tang Furen was able to remain unmoved, which definitely shows that he must have sensed something just now.

Just when everyone was hesitating, not knowing whether to try again or give up, the lean old man waved his hand, and a strange monster covered in gray and black scales appeared, and with a roar , and ran towards the front.

After a few shakes, the strange monster rushed to the stone depression.

Seeing the monster beast reaching the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk so easily, everyone stared at it. No one thought that the spirit beast could retrieve the Spiritual Milk so easily.

It's that lean old man,

None of them showed any signs of joy.

"Ah, no, fellow monkey Taoist, quickly cut off the contact with the spirit beast." At this moment, Qin Fengming, who had been standing aside, suddenly shouted. At the same time, he raised his hand, and a palm flashed out, suddenly towards The lean old man grabbed him and ran away.

Qin Fengming's shout shocked everyone present.

But before everyone could react, the vision had already occurred.

I saw the spiritual beast in the distance, just a few feet away from the stone depression, when suddenly it was shaken, and then it suddenly lay down on the stone ground without any warning.

At the same time, the lean old man who was standing in front of everyone suddenly shook his body, as if being pulled by a huge force, and flew forward quickly.

Its speed was as fast as lightning and flint. Even Qin Fengming had already noticed it and used a soul-eating grab to imprison the lean old man's body, but he could not do it.

Although Qin Fengming's palm was released and covered the old man's head, the lean old man's figure still escaped from the soul-eating claw. In just a flash, he shot the mummy a few meters away. Zhang distance.

The lean old man suddenly shook and fell to the stone ground.

Seeing what happened in front of them, everyone present was shocked. With everyone's knowledge, it was obvious that the lean old man and his spiritual beast had completely perished.

Because there is no trace of life in their bodies.

Although it seemed that the lean old man was not attacked at all, Qin Fengming still sensed something strange.

At the moment when the spirit beast and the lean old man fell to death on the spot, he clearly sensed an extremely small but powerful energy invading their bodies.

It was precisely because of the injection of that divine soul that the two of them suddenly fell to the ground and died on the spot.

The reason why Qin Fengming issued a warning in advance was probably because he suddenly thought of the magic circle arranged by Fang Qiying to lure the monks into falling. The pile of carapace-like objects in front of the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk should be the corpse monk's spirit beast.

After he figured this out, he shouted.

But his warning was still delayed by half a beat. The lean old man had already moved his spiritual beast with his mind and was close to the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Breast.

Seeing the lean old man lying dead in front of him without any resistance, he fell on the spot. Everyone stood blankly, and no one spoke for a long time. This incident shocked everyone so much that even Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel scared.

The lean old man's move was exactly what he had in mind.

Facing that weird soul attack, whether he could survive was definitely unpredictable.

"Fellow Taoists, the danger here cannot be measured by common sense. No one is allowed to act privately below." After a long time, Tang Furen's expression changed and he spoke in a low and serious tone.

After Tang Furen said this, without waiting for anyone to say anything else, he moved forward, avoiding the ten-thousand-year-old spiritual breast, and moved forward again.

After what happened just now, everyone, who was already wary, became more cautious.

You only have one life, and no one wants to explain it here.

Along the way, everyone encountered several extremely precious treasures, including rare spiritual herbs or materials rarely seen in the outside world, as well as ancient treasures that seemed to have extremely extraordinary power. The value of each of these items will definitely not be lower than the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk. But not one of them stopped and stepped forward to check.

Facing those cherished things, it is absolutely impossible for everyone not to be moved. Even Qin Fengming felt hesitant when he saw those treasures. I wish I could stop immediately and take it into my hands.

But everyone finally suppressed the surge in their hearts and quickly moved away. Except for those treasures, no one encountered any danger. It seems that the mountain stream here is designed to test the endurance of the monks.

After marching cautiously in the ravine for half a day, everyone finally stopped.

At this time, what was exposed in front of everyone was a tall cave. Looking around, the cave was pitch black, without a trace of light. It appears to be extremely dark and deep, and it is difficult for spiritual consciousness to penetrate very far into it.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoists, ahead is the place we want to reach this time. It is still slightly dangerous, so Tang Mou warns fellow Taoists, below, the following people must follow Tang Mou closely. Don't act haphazardly. Because below, we have to pass through a dark place with severe restrictions. If we are not careful, we may be trapped by the restrictions. Tang does not want another Taoist friend to die. After losing the Monkey Taoist friend, can we Breaking through that restriction will also become extremely difficult."

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Tang Furen spoke with excitement and uncertainty in his tone.

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