Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2273 Breaking the situation

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"Hahaha, the three Taoist friends Mo have succeeded. At this time, the clan protection restrictions on the periphery of the Xiao clan have been paralyzed. All of you, fellow daoists, should proceed quickly according to the original negotiation."

Seeing that the Xiao Clan's restriction was easily broken, Lu Minhe did not show any surprise, but shouted loudly with a happy face, and then looked at the two Tianhemen Supreme Elders who were standing far away again, with a playful look in his eyes. Flashing continuously.

Juehun Palace has certainly done enough homework for this attack on the Xiao family in Qianhuzhou.

As a major cultivator of Huaying, of course he knows that it is difficult to shake the Xiao family with the power of Juehun Palace alone. Therefore, Juehun Palace secretly negotiated with the Mo family in Dunzhou.

The Mo family was originally a cultivating family established by a monk from Fanyin Temple. Although it was established very long ago, the two parties have always been connected and have never severed their relationship.

This time Fanyin Temple secretly united with the Evil God Sect and the Hermit Sect, and the Mo family naturally joined the Demon Alliance. Hearing that Juehun Palace was planning to plot against the Xiao family in Huzhou, the two parties naturally hit it off.

What Juehun Palace never expected was that the Mo family had already started plotting against the Xiao family in Qianhuzhou.

For thousands of years, every generation of the Mo family head would secretly arrange for direct members of the Mo family to change their names and join the Xiao family.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the three ancestors of the Mo Qi family finally decided to use the three chess pieces that were hiding the Xiao family at this time to give the Xiao family a fatal blow.

So the two sides negotiated, and Juehundian led the monks from the sects to attack the Xiao clan's mountain gate head-on. The Mo family secretly invaded the Xiao family's hinterland from other directions.

Although Juehun Palace didn't know why the ancestors of the Mo family were so sure that their Mo family could break through the Xiao clan's ancestral protection ban in one fell swoop, after the two parties signed an agreement, Juehun Palace still readily agreed.

Seeing that the restriction on protecting the clan of the Xiao clan was broken, Qin Fengming knew that the following would be a bloody battle.

Now that he is here, he naturally cannot sit back and watch the Xiao clan being slaughtered.

With a movement of his body, he came to the side of Lu Minhe, who was feeling proud of himself. Without saying a single word, the soul-eating claw had already enveloped Lu Minhe's head.

Before the majestic Supreme Elder of Juehun Palace's Huaying Summit could figure out what was happening in front of him, his sea of ​​consciousness was already agitated, and his soul seemed to be swept by a strange energy, and he lost track of who he was.

"Ah, who are you?"

Just when Qin Fengming captured Lu Minhe, Ma Jiyuan, who was not far away, immediately realized that something was wrong. When he shouted, he hurriedly waved his hand, and a thick black whip shadow of more than ten feet was already like a black dragon, approaching Qin Fengming.

At the same time, his figure moved and turned into an afterimage, retreating into the distance.

Ma Jiyuan is a great monk in the late stage of transforming into an infant. He can be said to be extremely quick when seeing opportunities, and his attacks are even more accurate. When attacking the opponent, he was already ready to escape quickly.

He knew clearly how powerful Lu Minhe was, even if he faced two monks of the same level, he would still have the power to fight. At this time, he was captured by the young monk in front of him in an instant. The shock to him was beyond words. With his methods, he is definitely no match for the opponent.

At this time, he already knew that the other party had made thorough preparations. If he stayed here, he would only die. Therefore, he would not pay any attention to whether Lu Minhe was alive or dead. He only had one thought in his mind and immediately fled far away from this place.


Ma Jiyuan thought very well, but how could Qin Fengming give him a chance? After throwing Lu Minhe into the Shenji Mansion with a wave of his hand, he showed no intention of retreating from the huge whip shadow that was bombarded by Ma Jiyuan. As soon as his body moved, he flew away towards the huge whip shadow.

At the same time, the secret technique of Shocking Hush was also inspired.

Just when the sonic attack was launched, the magic formula from the body was already rushing out again, and the giant cyan fist was already bombarding the thick whip shadow.

Amidst the huge banging sound, the thick black whip-shaped magic weapon whined, rolled continuously in the air, and flew away into the distance.

Half filled with the sound waves of the secret technique of terror,

Ma Jiyuan only felt a strange energy wrapping around his whole body. His soul stirred in his body, his mind suddenly became dizzy, and his body fell uncontrollably downwards.

A light blue figure flashed, and Ma Jiyuan disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a mid-stage infant-transformation monk who fell into a coma was also taken into the Shenji Mansion by Qin Fengming.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao and Fellow Daoist Ouyang, the chief culprits have been captured. The following young people will be handed over to these three fellow Daoists. I will go and capture all the villains of the Mo family."

Qin Fengming shouted in his mouth, and before the three people in shock could react, the light disappeared together and turned into a black lightning, shooting towards the depths of Shengyou Island.

Master Xiao Daocheng and Ouyang Zhuo, and Qin Fengming, of course don't know who they are.

At first, the Xiao family only sent a message to Tianhe Gate, and teamed up with Master Ouyang Zhuo and his disciples to use a pincer attack strategy, intending to catch all the invading monks.

But what happened next went beyond the original expectations of Xiao Daocheng and others.

Seeing that the sect's restrictions were broken and the Xiao clan was at the point of life and death, a young monk wearing a light blue gown suddenly appeared. Almost instantly, the two great monks in the late stage of infant transformation from Juehun Palace were captured in their hands, which the three great monks could not have expected.

Looking at the figure of the young monk walking away, Xiao Daocheng knew clearly that this young monk was here specifically to help the Xiao clan. There is absolutely no conspiracy in this, and all three monks are convinced of this.

The three great monks looked at each other with shock in their eyes. However, at this moment, when they were not hesitating, Xiao Daocheng shouted, and all the members of the Xiao family who had just fled away immediately They turned around, and while shouting, they all controlled their magic weapons and spiritual weapons, formed a combined attack array, and attacked the enemy.

The three great monks rushed into the crowd of monks before the Xiao family members. With their hands waving, several strong treasures were already wreaking havoc among the crowd.

The monks from various sects who had just woken up from their coma felt a chill in their hearts when they saw that the two Supreme Elders of Juehun Palace who were floating in the air had disappeared. Although they did not know what happened, they recalled what happened before they fainted. As a result, everyone's backs felt cold.

Although no one could notice who the light blue figure was. Everyone could hear Tajima Jiyuan's shout clearly.

Based on everyone's experience, there is no way they would know that the two great monks of the Juehun Hall were already in danger.

Everyone was originally from different sects. When they saw that something was going wrong, there was no point in resisting. Amidst the shouts, they no longer cared about joining forces to resist the enemy. They all took advantage of the escape light and fled into the distance.

The monks from various sects who had just been confident of victory were suddenly defeated and began to escape.

All of a sudden, the sound of flying through the air, the sound of magic weapons clashing, and the sound of howling and screaming could be heard all around Shengyou Island.

Although there were several second- and third-rate sects and hundreds of Transformation Infant cultivators, under the panic among people, those who could withstand the joint attack of four late-stage Transformation Infant cultivators and peak cultivators all fled in just an instant.

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