Standing in the air, Qin Fengming's young face revealed an irrepressible surprise.

Even he had never thought that Xuanwei Shangqing Jue could be advanced again in just two years.

As a person with the constitution of a five-dragon, and having had an experience from the late stage of infant transformation to the peak of infant transformation, Qin Fengming was very clear about the huge amount of energy required to cross this realm.

Although the energy emitted by the colorful clouds is extremely huge, compared with the majestic Yin Qi in the Huangquan water from the Huangquan secret realm, it is only on par.

In the underworld secret water, he failed to advance smoothly. But this time he was able to achieve continuous breakthroughs in one fell swoop, which had a lot to do with the fact that he took the illusory beast essence pill given to him by the refining Cailian Fairy.

It was precisely because he refined the elixir that its efficiency in refining spiritual energy was greatly increased.

Otherwise, with the energy of the colorful clouds here, it would be really difficult for him to reach the peak of Transforming Infants in one fell swoop.

Feeling the majestic spiritual power in his body, Qin Fengming was very grateful to Fairy Cailian. It was precisely with the elixir of the illusion beast that his path to advancement no longer seemed so vague.

Looking at the colorful clouds around his body that had become extremely thin, Qin Fengming felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

At this time, there were originally five to six hundred miles of colorful clouds, but less than one-third of the clouds that still contained dense energy were left.

In less than three years, he had already consumed most of the energy in the colorful clouds.

Feeling the majestic energy contained in the colorful clouds in the sky, Qin Fengming couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness on his face again, because at this time, even if he stood under the clouds, he could no longer cause any energy attacks.

At this time, he also knew in his heart that if he wanted to further his cultivation, he had to find a place that was purer and contained more majestic spiritual energy.

His loss of consciousness was only for a moment, and his mental tenacity at this time could already be compared with that of a gathering monk.

With a flash of his body, he flew towards the red sea area more than a hundred miles away.

Two years ago, when Qin Fengming was more than a hundred miles away from the red island, the red island that had been stranded for several months suddenly submerged into the gray sea water again with a rumbling sound.

Although Qin Fengming was puzzled about the island, he was not eager to explore anything when he approached it.

Since he could no longer absorb much energy at this time, he naturally had to take a closer look.

The figure only stayed on the red sea for a moment, and then disappeared into the water below in a flash.

Although the red island is submerged below the sea surface, it is only a few dozen feet away from the sea surface. Stopping on the red rock, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with a look of surprise.

The red rocks under your feet feel great when you step on them, and they are not hard at all.

Reaching out and grabbing a red object, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly changed. What kind of rock is this? It is clearly a substance similar to flesh and blood.

"Senior Fang, please come out and see me."

Qin Fengming did not search for anything immediately, but directly sent the message to Fang Qian.

This is not to say that Qin Fengming is not greedy for money and has a high moral integrity, but that he has already scanned the entire island here and found nothing useful at all. I just felt a strange energy aura covering the red island.

The strange substances that were originally sensed were just some air masses containing pure energy, and even those air masses had disappeared at this time.

Although Qin Fengming didn't know what the object in his hand was, with Fang Qian's understanding of Kunpengchi, he might be able to know some secret things.

"This...this is...hahaha, fellow Daoist Qin, this is the Blood Condensation Mountain. This is what is condensed by the essence and blood shed by Kun when he transformed into a roc. This thing is rare. It is a hundred times when Kun transforms into a roc. There is no guarantee that this blood-condensing mountain will ever be preserved.

Fellow Daoist Qin, you and I are really lucky that we were able to encounter the Blood Ning Mountain. Although Kun Yi liquid is a remnant from the time when Kun transformed into Peng,

But it won't exist every time, but as long as this Blood Ning Mountain exists, there is a 50% to 60% certainty that it will exist. And that vitality crystal is 100% possible to exist. "

As soon as Fang Qian's figure was revealed, he was shocked. His consciousness swept over and he already knew that the place he was standing at this time was exactly on the red island.

As soon as his hand touched the red rock, his body suddenly shook and he said with a joyful expression.

The surprise on his expression has exceeded the calm expression usually displayed by an aggregation monk.

"Xue Ning Mountain? This junior has never heard of it. I wonder if these red things are of any use to monks like us?" Qin Fengming did not show too much eagerness. He looked at the red substance in his hand and asked in a calm tone.

Kunpeng was said to be thousands of miles in size. Although there was a lot of red material on the small island in front of him, it did not surprise Qin Fengming. However, he was slightly interested in the faint strange aura contained in the red substance.

"Hahaha, although this thing is something left by Kun, its essence has been absorbed by Kunpeng. Among these substances, it cannot be said that there are no useful things for us, but it is also extremely limited."

Hearing Fang Gan's words, Qin Fengming nodded.

"In this case, we will search here carefully. As long as we get the Kunyi liquid or the energy crystal, we will distribute it according to the original negotiation between you and me."

At this time, although Fang Qian felt a little regretful, he would not say anything more.

Although he didn't know how the young man in front of him dispersed the colorful clouds of calamity in the sky, he knew in his heart that if it weren't for the young man in front of him, he would have been unable to do it anyway.

"Okay, it's as agreed between you and me. However, if you want to find the Kunyi liquid, you need to remove these blood clot-like substances. This magic weapon cannot be easily eliminated. You can only use the magic weapon to pry it carefully little by little. This will take a long time, so why don't you and I do it separately and the gains will be distributed in the end."

Of course, Qin Fengming would not have any objection to Fang Gan's words. Both of them are powerful people, so naturally they won't worry about what the other person is hiding.

With a flash of their bodies, the two separated, each found a place, and began to slowly peel off the red thing.

Looking at the red substance in his hand, although Fang Qianyan said that this kind of substance was useless to monks, Qin Fengming still felt something in his heart. With a few strokes, he put the red substance in his hand into the spirit beast bracelet.

As the red substance appeared, the quiet silver sheath insects suddenly swarmed up and rushed towards the red substance. Suddenly, a scramble appeared in Qin Fengming's consciousness.

In just a few moments, the red substance that was about a foot square disappeared without a trace.

"Ah, the silver sheath bug actually likes these red substances."

Upon seeing it, Qin Fengming couldn't help but get excited. With continuous waves of his hand, the red substance quickly fell into the spirit beast bracelet.

What puzzled Qin Fengming was that the Five Elements Beast and other spiritual beasts were indifferent to these red substances. Just the silver sheath bug loves it very much.

Although he was puzzled, Qin Fengming did not go into details. Since the silver sheath insects were interested in this thing, he kept them all.

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