Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2254 Binger appears

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Seeing Fang Gan retreating in a hurry, Qin Fengming didn't show any signs of behavior. He stared at dozens of monsters in the distance with a solemn look in his eyes.

Although the sharp blade that Fang Gan offered was powerful, it could only kill a few monsters. Facing the crazy attacks of dozens of monsters, its defense finally found a gap.

If he hadn't been extremely close to the Blackwater, he would have been in front of the barrier in just an instant.

The monsters seemed to be very afraid of the barrier. When they were more than ten feet away from the barrier, they stopped one after another and submerged into the sea water again. Otherwise, the several monster beasts that were approaching Fang Gan would definitely bite him.

"This kind of sea beast is actually immune to energy attacks. This is something I have never seen before. But do you know what kind of beast this is?"

Fang Gan looked gloomy, looking at the monster in the distance that had submerged into the sea again, and asked.

In his thousands of years of cultivation, he had never heard of, let alone seen, such a difficult sea beast.

"I don't know about this kind of sea beast, but I am sure that this beast lives in groups. Senior, please take a look at the scene in the distance."

Qin Fengming's brows suddenly raised, and he looked into the distance, his eyes flashed, and his expression looked extremely solemn.

◎↗ "Ah, come there are so many sea beasts here?" Following Qin Fengming's words, Fang Gan just released his spiritual consciousness to scan for a moment. Fang Gan, who was in the gathering realm, couldn't help but change his expression, and his mouth was even more... said in alarm.

Hundreds of miles away from where the two of them were, huge waves surged into the sky, and huge energy fluctuations surged forward, rolling forward like a huge demonic mist that spread two to three hundred miles, sweeping towards this place.

With their spiritual awareness, they could clearly see what was causing the majestic energy fluctuations. It was a tide of tens of millions of sea beasts.

In front of such a large number of sea beasts, Qin Fengming and Fang Gan had to gasp.

Seeing the tide of sea beasts in the distance, the two of them were immediately speechless.

Both of them tried to understand the power of the sea beasts in front of them. If there were dozens or hundreds of them, they would be sure to use their methods to kill them. If there were millions of such monsters, they were confident that no one would be able to kill them. Kill and drive away the monsters in front of you.

In just a few dozen breaths, a tide of beasts like thousands of horses galloping in the distance rushed in front of the two of them.

The two looked horrified, looking at the tide of beasts, but neither of them moved.

The two of them were not unwise people. They had fought with sea beasts before, and they already knew that those sea beasts were extremely afraid of the barrier and would never dare to cross the barrier at all.

The two men's judgment was extremely accurate. Just when the huge beast tide was several miles away from the barrier, it suddenly stopped and came to a standstill. The galloping scene disappeared like dust.

With his spiritual consciousness sweeping across quickly, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered that millions of sea beasts were sinking into the depths of the sea. In just a few breaths, they disappeared without a trace.

On the vast turquoise sea, the waves became calm again.

If it weren't for the scattered energy in the air, both of them would have thought that there was no tide of beasts at all.

Faced with such a strange situation, Qin Fengming and Fang Qian looked at each other, with shock and fear flashing in their eyes.

The methods of the two of them are not bad, one is a gathering monk, and the other is a person who is comparable to the gathering monk at the peak of transformation. It can be said that the two of them are already the highest-level monks in the human world. However, facing the millions of beasts in front of them, the two of them were frightened and unable to have even a hint of victory.

But the two of them are not people who will be scared off if they encounter difficulties.

After only staying for a moment, the two of them finished their negotiation and walked together along the barrier to the other side.

Since there are millions of sea beasts here, you might as well go to another place to have a look.

What left the two of them speechless was that they had been testing it in three directions. As long as the two of them entered the turquoise water, there would be a wave of beasts swarming in before they had a cup of tea.

During tea time, if they were on land, the two of them could easily fly thousands of miles away.

But on this turquoise sea, with their knowledge, no one dared to take the risk.

Fang Gan still didn't know that these ferocious sea beasts in front of him also had a magical power that could kill the two of them on the spot, and that was self-destruction. If tens of thousands, even thousands of sea beasts explode themselves, the two of them will definitely have no physiology. Even if Qin Fengming had many means to save his life, he would definitely hate this place.

Looking at the tide of sea beasts in front of him, Qin Fengming's expression became extremely solemn.

If the two of them were ruthless, used stupid methods, sacrificed magic weapons regardless of time, and tried their best to kill, it does not mean that they would not be able to completely kill the sea beast in front of them.

It's just that the two of them maintained their own identities, and no one would propose such a method.

Of course, if the two of them are willing to take risks and rush in from two very far away places, maybe someone can actually reach that vast land.

But in this matter, neither of them would try it unless it was absolutely necessary.

This wait lasted for several days. Although he was on the dark sea, the soul-devouring power here was obviously weakened, so Fang Qian did not feel any difficulty.

At this point, Qin Fengming's patience was slowly being worn away.

His consciousness scanned the storage ring carefully and began to search for a suitable magic weapon. He was already determined to break into the sea in front of him.

But just when he made his decision, he suddenly thought of Qin Bing'er.

They have not been able to figure out what kind of sea beast they are in front of. If Bing'er knows the name of this sea beast, maybe they can find a way to deal with it.

At this time, of course, he didn't care about what the other party was hiding. He sent out his spiritual thoughts and sent a message to Qin Bing'er in Shenji Mansion.

With a flash of figure, a beautiful girl appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing an extremely beautiful little girl suddenly appear, Fang Gan only moved his eyes slightly and recovered. Although an unknown monk appeared, but seeing that the little girl was only in the early stage of infant transformation, he certainly wouldn't take it to heart anymore.

It's just that Qin Fengming didn't know what he meant when he called out the name of the early stage monk.

"Bing'er, do you know the name of the sea beast in front of you?" Qin Fengming did not hesitate, pointed directly at the tide of beasts rushing towards the sea in front of him, and asked.

Looking around, Qin Bing'er knew that this place was a dangerous place, so she didn't make any more nonsense. She only glanced at Fang Gan next to her and ignored her. Looking into the distance, a cautious look appeared on his small face.

"Ah, brother, this is a tide of beasts. It seems to be an extremely powerful beast tide..." Suddenly seeing the overwhelming sea beasts swarming in front of her, Qin Bing'er also said in shock with a slight change in her pretty face.

"Hmph, you don't even know about this kind of sea beast. You are really ignorant."

Just when Bing'er spoke, a crisp girl's voice suddenly sounded from her arms.

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