Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2215 Goodbye Fairy Yao Xi

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Zhuang Daoqin advanced to the state of aggregation, but Sima Bo did not make this matter public, and Manghuang Mountain did not lift the restrictions on the surrounding formations. But it is still under lockdown.

Although Zhuang Daoqin is already in the state of convergence at this time, his aura is not yet stable, so it will take several years to consolidate his condition. In order to ensure its safety, continuing to close the mountain is the safest move.

As Zhuang Daoqin returned to the cave for retreat, Qin Fengming bowed and said: "Masters, I have something I need to say. In the next few days, I want to go to the northwest of Manghuang Mountain for retreat, no matter where it is. Whatever happened, I hope that I, the people from Manghuang Mountain, will not come to disturb you."

Sima Bo was also very surprised about Qin Fengming.

At this time, when I heard what the young man in front of me said, although I was puzzled, I didn't ask anything. With a nod, the order was immediately issued.

After talking for a while, Qin Fengming bowed and left the meeting hall.

It was only then that he felt relaxed. With that **Zhilan, he never expected that two monks at the peak of Transformation Infant could successfully trigger the Heavenly Gathering Tribulation.

Qin Fengming imagined that such a fairy grass would definitely be overjoyed even if it was seen by the great cultivators in the upper realm.

He no longer has any worries. He still has a few things to do before he appears in the overseas fairyland.

The first is to go to the Deqing Empire and meet Gongsun Jingyao. The other is to meet Fairy Yao Xi and obtain the complete refining method for refining the Seal of the God Emperor. At the same time, he asked for advice on how to refine his natal magic weapon into a sword formation. These two things are what he is most urgent about at this time.

After thinking about it, Qin Fengming still planned to meet Fairy Yao Xi first.

Stop near the northwest edge of Manghuang Mountain. Looking around, Qin Fengming was extremely satisfied with this place. This place is located in a remote place, and there are no monk caves within a radius of two to three hundred miles.

Moreover, within Manghuang Mountain, the monks' spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed. Therefore, even if there are monks two to three hundred miles away, they will not notice what is happening here.

Within Manghuang Mountain, there is no need to worry about other monks coming to disturb you.

After sitting cross-legged and meditating for two days, he adjusted his body and mind to an excellent state. He then moved his hand and a small, small mountain-like object appeared in his hand. When he raised his hand, the mountain was suspended in front of him.

The magic formula surged inside his body, and his hands began to perform the magic formula rapidly. The majestic magic power was injected directly into the hill along with the magic formulas.

With the influx of majestic mana, a ball of colorful fluorescence suddenly enveloped the entire hill.

Nearly twenty breaths later, after Qin Fengming had two drops of mysterious spiritual liquid in his mouth, his eyes flashed and he uttered the words 'Jiu! ’, his hand pointed towards a vast valley in the distance. A huge roar suddenly resounded on the spot.

A majestic and extremely huge energy fluctuation suddenly spread to the surroundings.

A tall mountain peak suddenly appeared in the vast valley in front of him as he pointed with his finger.

"Senior Fairy, I have successfully activated the temple. Please allow me to enter it." Standing in front of the tall mountain covered with white mist, Qin Fengming surged with mana, opened his throat and spoke to the mountain.

He had no choice but to enter the temple in front of him at this time. If he wanted to use traditional methods to enter, even if he had strong spiritual power, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do so.

Just as he finished shouting, there was a sudden flash of fluorescent light on the tall mountain peak. A majestic energy was revealed, and a huge multi-colored light pillar of more than ten feet suddenly emerged from the mountain peak. The light shone down from above and completely enveloped Qin Fengming in a flash.

Facing the sudden change, Qin Fengming's expression was calm and his whole body relaxed.

The five-colored light pillar appeared and disappeared extremely quickly. It only flashed and then disappeared.

As the light beam disappeared, the mountain peak shrouded in white mist suddenly changed, and the faint layer of white mist also disappeared. At the same time, there was a flash of fluorescence,

The tall mountain peaks suddenly changed like the surrounding peaks.

Even if a monk came to check it out at this time, it would be extremely difficult to find anything strange about this mountain peak.

"Junior Qin Fengming, I would like to pay my respects to the senior fairy." The colorful light in front of his eyes dimmed, and Qin Fengming stood in front of the statue of the beautiful female cultivator.

"Hey, my little friend's cultivation aptitude is really good. It's been just a few decades since I last saw you, and you have already advanced to the peak of Transformation Infant Realm. With such a speed of cultivation, it seems that it won't take long before you can advance to the realm of aggregation. Let's It seems highly possible that you will return to the spiritual world with the temple."

A sweet sound came from the statue's mouth, followed by a slight energy fluctuation, and Fairy Yao Xi appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

The young monk in front of him was only a person in the middle stage of transforming into an infant when we last saw him, but now, he has reached the peak of transforming into an infant. Even Fairy Yao Xi couldn't help but admire him when he saw this speed.

She had personally tested Qin Fengming's bone age back then and knew that he was only a man of over 200 years old at this time. She knew very well what it meant to advance to the pinnacle of infant transformation at such a young age.

The future progress of a person with such cultivation qualifications is absolutely difficult to estimate.

"Senior is so complimentary. It was only by chance that this junior advanced to the Peak of Transforming Infants. I wonder if senior has completed the task that junior entrusted to senior earlier?"

Facing the divided soul of a Mahayana monk, Qin Fengming did not dare to wait unscrupulously for a long time, so he thought of leaving here early and spoke directly as soon as he came up.

"Well, although it is slightly difficult, a mere imitation will not trouble this fairy. This is the complete refining method of the God Emperor's Seal. As for how much divine power it can achieve after refining it. I don’t know the power of the Imperial Seal itself. But I will definitely be able to do it and it won’t be any worse.”

Reaching out to take a jade slip of a classic book floating on his chest, Qin Fengming couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

I originally heard Master Yiyang say that if I refine it based on the fragments of the Divine Emperor's Seal, even if I really refine the Divine Emperor's Seal, it may not be as good as an ordinary ancient treasure. At this time, after being repaired by the Mahayana weapon refining master in front of him, it could be compared with the real God Emperor's Seal, which surprised Qin Fengming.

"Thank you, Senior Fairy, but I still have something to do. I hope Senior Fairy can help me."

After putting away the imitation and refining scroll of the Divine Emperor's Seal, Qin Fengming bowed and spoke again with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, the little guy is really greedy. Well, you won't be able to enter this place again in the future anyway. If you have any questions, just tell them. As long as this fairy can answer them, I will definitely answer them for you."

Although Fairy Yao Xi looked unhappy, she still agreed.

"This junior has a set of sword array magic weapons. I want to refine my own destiny magic weapon into this set of sword array magic weapons. I wonder if the senior fairy has any means?"

"Sword formation magic weapon? But I don't know what kind of sword formation it is. Please bring it to me and let me take a look."

Hearing what Fairy Yao Xi said, Qin Fengming didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly made the Four Celestial Swords appear in his hands, and respectfully handed them to the female cultivator.

"Well, the materials used for these four flying swords are reasonable. They have four attributes: wind, cloud, thunder, and electricity. However, the spells in these flying swords are extremely simple. They should be monks below the level of aggregation. The refined items, even if you refine the items of your destiny into this set of magic weapons, the power will not be much stronger."

Looking at the four magic weapons in her hand, Fairy Yao Xi spoke with a slight disdain. --4787+800292

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