After a day and a night, Qin Fengming traveled three hundred miles. You can imagine how slow his flying speed was.

Even though it was so slow, he still encountered four tornadoes on the way. Although the closest point was ten miles away, such frequent hurricanes kept Qin Fengming's spirit highly concentrated and he did not dare to relax at all.

Being under tension for such a long time is an extremely heavy burden on his body and consciousness. So in the afternoon of the third day, he had to find a hiding place and planned to rest and recover before setting off on his way.

Finding a place to rest in such a desolate place really cost Qin Fengming a lot of thought.

Finally, under a mountain with a height of 100 feet, he drove two puppet beasts to dig a temporary cave. Although it was not too big, it was still three or four feet in size, enough to live in and meditate.

Then, Qin Fengming arranged the Four Elephant Hunyuan Formation around the cave, and at the same time released the little red beast, letting it hide in the formation for surveillance purposes.

This formation can withstand several blows from Chengdan monks without any damage, and it should be able to survive a hurricane for a while. With the protection of this formation, his meditation recovery will be greatly relieved.

After arranging everything, Qin Fengming didn't bother to check the storage rings and various treasures obtained from the monks surnamed Yun and Wu, and immediately jumped into the cave to rest and meditate.

When Qin Fengming woke up again, two days had passed. In the past ten days, he has been hiding in Tibet and has not had a complete rest, so he rested for such a long time.

He stood up, stretched his arms lightly, and felt no trace of sleepiness. His energy and consciousness had been fully restored. Only then did the items seized this time be counted.

Take out the first storage ring and use your spiritual power to pour all the items in it to the ground. Suddenly, a small mountain-like pile of treasures appeared in front of him.

First of all, Qin Fengming put all kinds of spiritual stones into a storage ring. He never thought that he would get tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Thinking about it, many of these spiritual stones should have been obtained from others. Although the spirit stone was of little use in the ancient battlefield, it still made Qin Fengming very excited.

Then he put various refining materials and spiritual herbs into the storage rings respectively. He also discovered two bottles of elixirs. Although they were different from the two bottles he originally found, they were equally full of spiritual energy and should be something he could take.

Only then began to count the spiritual weapons and magic weapons.

This time, two magic weapons were harvested. One was a copper bell used by monk surnamed Yun; the other was a scissors-shaped magic weapon that monk surnamed Wu had not yet had time to use.

There are more than a dozen spiritual weapons, but only three can be used at one time: a skull-shaped top-level spiritual weapon, a teapot-shaped top-level spiritual weapon, and a beast soul flag with a four-dimensional beast sealed inside. A mountain-shaking beast. The others were all middle-grade and high-grade spiritual weapons, which were of no use to Qin Fengming at this time.

Put the things you can use into the storage ring on your finger, put everything else into a storage ring, and keep it close to your body until you have the opportunity to exchange it for spiritual stones.

Finally, looking at the several jade slips and books scattered on the ground, Qin Fengming looked through them one by one. There were neither exercises nor any secret techniques in them. There are some ancient battlefield maps and formation books that you can take a look at. With a sigh, he put the jade slips and books into the storage ring.

Just when Qin Fengming wanted to compare the map with the map on his body, the little red beast suddenly sent a spiritual message.

Qin Fengming immediately stopped moving. After a moment,

He understood the meaning of that spiritual thought: a group of monks came to the top of the mountain.

After understanding the meaning of the little red beast, Qin Fengming was immediately shocked. Although this place is not far from the edge of the Gravel Valley, it is still four to five hundred miles away. No ordinary monk would enter this forbidden area with great fanfare. There must be ulterior reasons for this.

Qin Fengming no longer delayed, immediately flew to the entrance of the cave and looked up to the mountain peak.

If you don't look at it, Qin Fengming immediately turns pale with shock.

Because of this, he discovered that on the top of the hill where he was, there were twenty or thirty monks in the foundation-building stage, and most of them were late-stage foundation-building or peak monks. What frightened him the most was that these dozens of monks were all members of the Demon Mountain Sect.

When he took a look, the first thought in his mind was that these people were here to search for him. Thinking of this, there was a sudden 'boom' in his mind, and his mind went blank.

After a while, Qin Fengming regained his clarity and stared at the people on the mountain peak. Seeing that they were just standing, they all looked worried. He seemed to be waiting for someone and had no intention of searching nearby. Only then did I feel relieved.

When he completely calmed down, another thought appeared in his mind:

"These people must be here looking for some treasure."

It is very reasonable for Qin Fengming to have this idea. It is very dangerous to come here. Everyone in the Demon Mountain Sect is willing to take extraordinary risks and come here in large numbers. If there are no corresponding benefits, no one will be willing to come here, let alone Not to mention the monks who regard their lives as extremely precious.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming became very interested. The fact that so many people came here shows that what they are planning is huge, and it is many times more difficult than the cave that Zong Sheng and the others entered.

Just when Qin Fengming was thinking wildly, a thunderbolt flew from a distance, its speed was as fast as that of a monk driving a spiritual weapon.

After a circle, the light fell in front of everyone on the mountain peak. It was undoubtedly the old man surnamed Wei.

"There is no doubt that it is this peak. Just now, I searched carefully within a hundred miles nearby. Only the peak here exceeds a hundred feet, and the other peaks are only a few tens of feet."

The old man surnamed Wei said calmly as soon as he fell down.

After everyone heard this, their faces moved slightly, but no one spoke, they only listened to the old man's words.

"This place is extremely dangerous. Just after arriving here, eight disciples were trapped in the tornado hurricane. It is really a big loss for our sect. However, if we can succeed this time, this loss will naturally be eliminated. No problem. I can guarantee that as long as you successfully enter the secret palace, everyone here has a 60% chance of breaking through the bottleneck and entering the realm of becoming an elixir."

After hearing what the old man said, everyone who looked worried at first showed joy. The huge temptation to enter the Chengdan realm completely defeated the terror of the hurricane.

Seeing that everyone's morale had improved, the old man surnamed Wei smiled slightly, paused briefly, and continued:

"Three hundred miles ahead is our destination. This is the only way to enter the Gravel Valley. Therefore, we need to allocate some manpower. Although the possibility of encountering other monks is very small, we still need to leave ten Five people, guard the area three hundred miles from east to west, and no monks will be allowed to enter the Gravel Valley."

As soon as these words were spoken, the monks below started to stir slightly. Faced with the opportunity to enter the Alchemy Stage, no one wanted to hold it in their hands as soon as possible and did not want to stay here.

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