Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2201: Converging Heavenly Tribulation

With a burst of thunder containing huge power, the Gathering Heavenly Tribulation finally landed. △,

Seeing the vortex forming in the air, Qin Fengming's expression became extremely solemn. With a wave of his hand, five little beasts appeared. Looking at the scene in the air, the five little beasts did not show any of their previous appearance when they helped Kang Kai and others overcome the disaster. Happy and relaxed expression.

Instead, a scorching light flashed in the five pairs of beast eyes, and the figure shot up. Without waiting for Qin Fengming's spiritual thoughts to urge him, he flew towards the place where Fairy Cailian, whose figure was now revealed, was.

Around Fairy Cailian, five little beasts stopped and crouched. But this time, they were dozens of feet away from Fairy Cailian.

As the five little beasts crouched, five groups of energy light flashed out. At the same time, a huge energy shield suddenly appeared around Fairy Cailian, covering the Five Elements Beasts.

As his mind connected with the five little beasts, Qin Fengming's solemn expression did not ease at all.

Although the information sent back by the little beast was still stable and there was no panic, looking at the state and expression of the little beast, it was obvious that he was much more cautious than before.

Although Fairy Cailian was using all her strength to run the magic formula at this time, she naturally sensed the presence of the five little beasts that appeared outside her body. Of course she knew that these five little beasts were released by Qin Fengming, but she didn't understand what he meant by the five little beasts.

Naturally, this was not the time to ask about this matter. After just a brief glance, he immediately calmed down again.

Just when Qin Fengming released the five elemental beasts, a thick energy arc was revealed in the huge whirlpool in the air. The rumbling thunder that shocked the mind turned into substantial sound waves and shot downwards.

Although most of the sonic attacks targeted Fairy Cailian, there were still sound waves that swept towards Qin Fengming.

Through the protective spiritual shield, he directly invaded Qin Fengming's body.

Feeling the deafening and soul-stirring sound waves, Qin Fengming's expression was calm, and with a surge of magic techniques in his body, he easily resisted it.

Fairy Cailian, who has already experienced the baptism of a catastrophe, will naturally not be in any danger.

"Stab!~~" A harsh and frightening sound suddenly came from the huge whirlpool in the air, and three dark yellow dragon-shaped arcs several feet long shot out from the whirlpool.

Carrying this shocking energy coercion, it shot downwards with bared teeth and claws. It seems that anything that blocks it will be torn apart by sharp claws.

Two of the giant dragons rushed towards Fairy Cailian who was sitting cross-legged, while the remaining one struck at Qin Fengming.

Looking at the huge dragon-shaped electric arc that showed its power, Qin Fengming was finally shocked. The destructive energy contained in this arc is no weaker than the attack faced by Fairy Cailian who is undergoing a tribulation. This made Qin Fengming's eyebrows frown sharply.

You must know that when monks overcome tribulations, if other monks are contaminated with the aura of the tribulation cloud, the power of the tribulation they bear is generally related to their own realm. In other words, the higher the realm, the greater the power of the attack it can withstand.

But at this time, Qin Fengming's level was obviously lower than that of Fairy Cailian, but the attacks he received were no worse.

"Hmph, Qin needs to see how powerful the Heavenly Tribulation is."

With a cold snort in his heart, Qin Fengming did not use any means of resistance. He watched the attack that had turned into a huge dragon-shaped body fall down without making any movement.

"Stab!" A terrifying voice sounded as the giant dragon swooped down, and Qin Fengming was immediately caught in it.

A majestic destructive energy suddenly appeared and invaded Qin Fengming's body. The protective spiritual light outside his body failed to resist it at all, and touched his body.

The violent energy dragon-shaped thing did not cause any damage to his body. It only touched it briefly and then submerged into his body.

He only felt a majestic and raging energy invading his body, traveling rapidly along his meridians towards his whole body.

"Well, it's not bad. Although it's powerful, it doesn't pose much of a threat to Qin."

Feeling the energy entering his body, Qin Fengming not only did not feel the slightest danger, but instead felt slightly comfortable.

At this time, the meridians in Qin Fengming's body were so strong that even the gathering monks were slightly inferior to them. When he advanced to the late stage of infant transformation, the majestic yin energy absorbed into his body was already indescribable. After several times of physical training, this energy will certainly not pose any threat to it.

Fairy Cailian in the distance, facing the dragon-shaped lightning falling from the sky, naturally could not be as careless as Qin Fengming.

She is not a body-refining cultivator to begin with. Although her body is that of a zombie and her body is not much worse than that of a body-refining cultivator after undergoing transformation, she does not have the experience of Qin Fengming after all.

Facing the dragon-shaped lightning shot down in the air, I was still very afraid. Therefore, when he saw the energy essence beginning, he sacrificed his life magic weapon outside his body.

A huge colorful lotus disk enveloped her delicate body. Nine colorful lotuses in the air quickly faced the attacking dragon-shaped lightning. With all their efforts to resist, the violent energy in the lightning was greatly reduced.

After passing through the huge energy shield inspired by the Five Elements Beast, Fairy Cailian looked even more delighted. The violent aura carried by the dragon-shaped lightning had almost disappeared, leaving only the majestic energy invading her body.

Although the energy is huge, its destructive power has been greatly weakened.

He saw Fairy Cailian sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, clasping her hands and closing her eyes tightly, not showing much fear. Qin Fengming knew that he didn't need his help at all now. It can be dealt with just by relying on its natal magic weapon.

There were stabbing sounds, and majestic dragon-shaped lightning flashed in the sky. Half a candle's time later, the number of dragon-shaped lightnings shot down from the air had increased to ten.

Feeling the majestic energy carried by the dragon-shaped lightning, Qin Fengming tried his best to run the Xuangui Art in his body, trying his best to refine the majestic energy that invaded his body.

As the number of lightnings increased, Fairy Cailian in the distance finally showed a solemn expression.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming no longer hesitated. With a wave of his hand, two white clouds of insects emerged. Amidst the buzzing sound, a wave of sixty or seventy thousand silver sheath insects flew towards Fairy Cailian. In a circle, it covered the top of Fairy Cailian's head.

Another wave of Silver Sheath Insects, which numbered only about 30,000, roared and floated above Qin Fengming's head.

Facing the dragon-shaped lightning containing the majestic energy in the sky, Qin Fengming also hesitated greatly, worrying that the silver sheath insect would not be able to resist the lightning attack.

Therefore, as soon as the Silver Sheath Insect was released, he thought quickly, and the two huge insect clouds immediately condensed into two white umbrellas, one large and one small. Under the wild flash of white light, it was suspended in the air.

The raging lightning that shot down from the air and turned into a dragon shape immediately struck the huge umbrella canopy.

Amidst the stabbing sound, the yellow and white light intertwined and flashed wildly, and the dragon-shaped lightning struck through.

Seeing the scene in the sky, Qin Fengming finally felt relieved. He saw that under the dragon-shaped lightning strike, although the silver sheath insect was hit by the arc, it was only slightly sluggish and was not killed by one blow.

The white light flashed wildly and immediately blocked most of the lightning energy.

The appearance of the Silver Sheath Insect Cloud made Fairy Cailian, who had been having a hard time just now, feel relieved. After being blocked and purified by the Silver Sheath Insect Cloud, the dragon-shaped lightning contained incomparable violent power was greatly reduced. Under the Cailian Fairy's operation technique, the damage caused by the lightning to the meridians can be completely repaired. .

Fairy Cailian recognized the Silver Sheath Insect that appeared in the air at a glance, but she had no idea how Qin Fengming obtained such a strange insect.

But this is naturally not the time to ask.

The process of expanding the meridians and tempering the body is extremely long, and this process alone lasted for more than an hour. It is much longer than the entire time it takes a monk to go through the Transformation Infant Tribulation.

As the dragon-shaped lightning that continued to shoot down from the sky stopped, a majestic energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the huge vortex that was already extremely fast in the sky.

A huge energy beam of hundreds of feet suddenly shone down from the whirlpool, and in a flash it enveloped the two to three hundred feet of the area where Fairy Cailian lived below.

At the same time, the same majestic energy beam shone down from where Qin Fengming was. But its range is obviously much smaller than where Fairy Cailian is.

"The energy buildup has finally begun."

Looking at a huge energy beam suddenly shrouded in the sky, Qin Fengming's face was filled with joy, the catastrophe was finally moving forward.

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