A month later, an open sea appeared in front of Qin Fengming and others. In a flash, the three people and one beast stagnated on the sea.

Sensing the huge energy fluctuations more than two thousand miles away, Qin Fengming's face did not show any strangeness.

"Fellow Daoist Long, I feel that there is a huge aura in front of me. I think it is the beast tide. I wonder what the situation is like on the Dragon Island where the nobles gathered just now?"

Facing that beast tide, Shi Chang, who had already seen its power in person, was extremely fearful. He didn't want to put himself in danger if it wasn't necessary.

But just when Shi Chang and Long Xing opened their mouths to speak, a rumbling and dull sound suddenly resounded on the spot.

"Senior Longxing, there is nothing to worry about. Senior Tuo said, just move forward, the tide of beasts is nothing to be afraid of." Qin Fengming, who heard the roar of the beasts, couldn't help but look happy, turned to the two of them and said.

Looking at the huge strange beast at his feet, Long Xing suddenly became happy.

Although for the beast tide, even if he reveals his true form, it is absolutely impossible to scare the beast tide away, but the one with him at this time is the ancient strange beast Qingtian Beast. It is an existence of the same level as the True Dragon and Sky Phoenix. Although it is a young beast, it is uncertain whether it can have powerful magical powers to scare away the beast tide.

Standing on the broad back of the huge alien beast, Qin Fengming did not feel the slightest fear in his heart. Since the Sky-holding Beast under his feet said it was okay, then it must be okay.

With Qin Fengming's scheming mind, how could he not take necessary precautions when facing this strange beast.

It is impossible to sign a master-servant covenant or a forbidden divine spell with him, and it is even more difficult to ask him to swear an oath of inner demons. But this is not a problem for Qin Fengming.

There is an ancient and strange talisman on him, which is the 'Forbidden God Talisman'.

This talisman is not offensive. As long as the opponent does not have evil intentions, the spell contained in this talisman will not be activated. This is a kind of fair talisman used by monks to restrain each other in ancient times.

With the knowledge of the giant beast, he could see the essence of this talisman at a glance, so without much trouble, the giant beast and Qin Fengming activated the forbidden talisman. With such a guarantee, Qin Fengming felt much more at ease when dealing with giant beasts.

Two thousand miles, under the rapidity of the giant beast, did not take long.

Seeing the countless beasts in the distance getting closer and closer, the expressions of Long Xing and Shi Chang finally became extremely solemn. Although Qin Fengming's eyes were shining brightly, his expression was much calmer.

The huge coercion came rolling in, already alarming the beast tide.

The ear-splitting roar of beasts suddenly sounded from a distance, and a huge herd of beasts that was hundreds of miles wide suddenly appeared from the front, heading towards Qin Fengming, three people and one beast.

Huge waves tens to hundreds of feet high rushed forward in layers, like an overwhelming mountain. With such momentum alone, even the gathering monks must be frightened and turn around to retreat.

Both sides were extremely fast and the handover was quick.


Just when he was about to hand over to the beast group, a beast roar containing strange energy suddenly spewed out from Qingtian Beast's mouth. This sound was slightly dull and not very deafening. It was completely different from the huge beast roar that contained sonic attacks when he fought with the three people.

As the roar of the beasts sounded, the huge herd of beasts more than a hundred miles in front seemed to have been summoned by something, and they were immobilized. Suddenly, they stopped. The huge bodies that were running rapidly, the eyes in their eyes. The ferocious gaze suddenly disappeared.

It seemed that he suddenly became extremely docile.

The huge Sky-Up Beast didn't stop at all. As soon as its body moved, it turned into a huge white water line and shot towards the beast group. Wherever he passed, countless monsters were hiding from both sides...

The trip went surprisingly smoothly. Half an hour later, the wave of red sharks that besieged Jiaolong Island evacuated one after another. In an instant, he disappeared from everyone's consciousness.

Standing on the back of Qingtian Beast, the Supreme Ancestor of the Dragon Clan watched the huge tide of beasts disappearing without making any movement for a long time.

Amidst the dull roars of Qingtian Beast, tens of millions of sea beasts restrained their ferocious nature,

They evacuated extremely respectfully under the leadership of hundreds of tenth-level red shark beasts.

"I, Huang Jiao, as the Supreme Ancestor of the Jiaolong clan, would like to thank my three Taoist friends for coming to our aid this time when the sea monsters cause trouble. On behalf of the Jiaolong clan, Huang Jiao would like to express his great gratitude to these three people."

A ball of yellow light flashed, and a figure appeared in front of everyone. Then a middle-aged monk wearing a yellow robe was revealed.

This middle-aged man is majestic and dignified in appearance, and there is a faint and compelling aura surrounding him.

Although his pressure has not been released, both Qin Fengming and Shi Chang can see that his middle-aged cultivation has reached the middle stage of convergence.

A demon cultivator whose body is the middle stage of the dragon's convergence, its magical powers are so powerful that Qin Fengming and Shi Chang could not guess at this time.

With the ability of the mid-stage aggregation, Huang Jiao had of course already seen that the huge beast in front of him was the same beast that he had fought with before. But he didn't say a word about it. Such scheming made Qin Fengming nod secretly.

"Senior Huang, you're welcome. This time, I and Senior Long came to the aid of Jiaolong Island to make up for their mistakes. Back then, I accidentally damaged a little of the forbidden land of the nobles, and I have been feeling uneasy. This time, I will try my best to make up for it. An honest mistake.”

Although Huang Jiao was facing Shi Chang, under Shi Chang's signal, Qin Fengming held his fists in salute without any hesitation and said with a slight smile on his face.

Standing on top of the Heaven-Qing Beast, Qin Fengming was confident. Facing the mid-stage convergence monks of the Dragon Clan, Qin Fengming showed no signs of any abnormality.

"Brother Huang Jiao, this fellow Taoist is the early-stage infant-transformation monk of the human race who we saw once from a distance when you and I were fighting with fellow Taoist Tutor. He was also the one who secretly broke into our race's forbidden land. But this time Fellow Taoist Fan Qin has helped Jiaoyu and Jiaochang before, and this time he rushed to help me, Jiaolong Island. He is indeed very helpful to our Jiaolong clan."

Long Xing's figure flashed and he was already standing in front of the yellow-robed monk. He bowed and saluted, and opened his mouth to explain. At the same time, his lips moved slightly and he quickly transmitted a few words.

"Hahaha, how come I look so familiar to my little friend? It turns out that you and I have met before. This time, our Jiaolong clan is in such a catastrophic situation. Thank you two Taoist friends and Tuo Taoist for their help. I, the Jiaolong clan, have deep feelings for the three of you." , I will always remember it in my heart. This is not the place to talk, so I would like to ask three of you to go to the island and talk about it."

After hearing Long Xing's message, Ren Huangjiao was a monk in the middle stage of the Convergence, and his face couldn't help but show a look of shock. He glanced at the huge alien beast in front of him, and at the same time there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He never thought that the strange beast he had been fighting with for months was actually the legendary beast Qingtian Beast. But the young monk in front of him was actually able to understand the words of this sky-holding beast.

Looking at the strange beast in front of him, Huang Jiao kept having thoughts in his mind. But there is absolutely no evil intention inside.

Seeing the monk's expression change in the middle of the convergence period, Qin Fengming knew the reason even if he didn't want to. I couldn't help but smile in my heart. If the two gathering monks knew the real reason, I wonder what they would think.

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