Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2156 Joining forces to no avail

The secret technique Shi Chang performed was so powerful that Qin Fengming was stunned. Although he was completely at a disadvantage when he collided with the huge alien beast that was 40 to 50 feet tall, he was ejected back by it.

But the mountain-like beast also stopped its rapid movement after two melee strikes from both sides.

As the strange beast roared loudly, Qin Fengming frowned, and the huge soul power in his body surged up, immediately getting rid of the sound wave.

Long Xing, who was approaching quickly, came to a sudden stop.

Seeing the situation in front of me, my heart was moved. Being able to physically come into contact with this alien beast was unbearable even for him. The human race monk in front of him who was practicing the Ghost Dao Kung Fu actually resisted a blow with his secret technique, which made Long Xing greatly admired in his heart.

Qin Fengming and Long Xing didn't know that at this time, Shi Chang Danying's heart was also shaking with energy and blood.

The physical strength of that huge alien beast was hard to imagine. When the two sides touched each other, Shi Chang felt like he was colliding with a tall mountain rock. It's even scarier than hitting rocks.

Because the two huge powers he exerted were actually blocked by the strange beast and turned back.

Feeling the two identical giant forces colliding back, it was difficult for him to control his huge body.

At the same time as the roar of the huge alien beast, its body that was stagnated by Shi Chang was only stagnant for a moment before it shot up again.

The direction the alien beast was running this time was towards Qin Fengming, who was three to four hundred feet away.

The speed was so fast that with just a flash of the tall figure, a majestic pressure was already in front of Qin Fengming. He opened his huge mouth and swallowed it towards Qin Fengming.

At this time, even if Shi Chang did not fall into a momentary stagnation caused by the rebound of the giant beast, it would be absolutely difficult to block the attack of the alien beast. Because the beast was so fast, it was already in front of Qin Fengming in a flash.

Facing this scene, Long Xing narrowed his eyes. As he swung his huge claws rapidly, two giant red horses that were twice the size of the original shot out and bombarded the huge alien beast.

Although Long Xing didn't know what the names of the young man and the monk who appeared to help were called, he also knew that they must be on the same journey. Although it was difficult for him to save the young monk at this time, he could still do it by interfering with the strange beast.

"Chi!~~~" A light chirp suddenly came out of Qin Fengming's mouth, and a majestic sound wave suddenly swept towards the huge alien beast.

Faced with the attack of the huge alien beast that was more than forty feet high, Qin Fengming, who was like an ant in front of it, did not panic at all. He had already had experience facing such a huge monster.

Seeing the huge mouth of food coming in, the secret technique of frightening shushing was activated without any hesitation.

Under the surge of huge divine soul sound waves, the expression in the tall alien beast's huge beast eyes, which were like city gates, actually showed a very brief moment of sluggishness.

Although this sluggishness is only a momentary moment, in the eyes of others, there is almost no change at all. But it was enough in Qin Fengming's eyes, and he disappeared from the scene in a flash.

The energy fluctuated together and appeared beside the huge monster beast.

As he waved his hands, two huge beast roars sounded simultaneously. Along with the two roars of huge beasts, two huge fist shadows wrapped in blue-gray solid mist were revealed.

In front of the two fist shadows, above the solid gray mist, two huge tigers opened their bloody mouths and bombarded the huge body in front.

When the fist shadow flashed out, two majestic divine soul powers spurted out and were imprinted on the body of the huge alien beast in an instant.

"Bang! Bang!" Following two loud bangs, the towering body like a hill shook several times.

"Stab! Stab!" With a loud bang, two thick red lashes struck the body of the alien beast. Two horrifying stabs sounded immediately.

At the same time, Shi Chang's huge figure also stabilized his body again. With a sway of his body, two huge palms danced, and the thick mist surrounding him rolled sharply.

Suddenly, a huge black current turned into a flood and rushed out, bombarding the huge alien beast.

A louder roar also sounded immediately.

This joint attack by Long Xing, Shi Chang, and Qin Fengming, if it had been any other early-stage aggregation monk, would have killed him instantly and fallen on the spot.

But the huge beast just let out a roar, and as its huge body shook rapidly, a huge wave that stretched to the sky suddenly appeared.

Even if Qin Fengming saw the majestic energy contained in this huge wave, he would not dare to touch its peak head-on.

Shaking rapidly, the figure was already shooting away behind him. In two flashes, he retreated dozens of feet away. At the same time, his hands were swung out quickly, and a series of spiritual power slashes were shot out. It took more than a dozen attacks to disperse the waves.

Long Xing, who had a huge body of twenty to thirty feet, also swung his body and shot back quickly. His huge head tilted up, and an extremely hot dragon's breath spurted out, melting the waves that followed.

Facing that wave, the most relaxed person is with Shi Chang.

I saw his tall body invisible in the thick mist. The dark mist rolled rapidly and swept towards the majestic waves. Without making the slightest sound, the huge wave disappeared without a trace.

With his body flashing, Qin Fengming once again retreated more than a hundred feet away.

Facing the huge alien beast, Qin Fengming was speechless at this time.

The Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique that he relied on most was bombarded on his body, and had almost no effect.

If it had been any other aggregation cultivator, he would have been seriously injured even if he had not died under the attack of his two treasures. Although the body of this huge alien swayed slightly, Qin Fengming knew that the oppression of his huge soul had no impact on this alien beast at all.

What surprised Qin Fengming even more was that Longxing's two sharp claw attacks were actually blocked by a layer of green light on the body of the huge alien beast, and had no effect at all. If Shi Chang's attack were to hit the mountain wall, it would be able to blast a huge cave out of the mountain wall, but it would also not be able to destroy the strange beast in front of him.

Such a wild beast with such amazing defense is almost invincible.

At this time, it was not only Qin Fengming who was shocked. The thick black mist disappeared, and the tall body of Shi Chang was revealed. When he and Qin Fengming looked at each other, their eyes were filled with astonishment. But Longxing was not only shocked by the strange beast, but also by the fact that a late-stage infant-transformation monk could collide with that beast, which also made him greatly surprised.

The huge alien beast withstood this blow, and seemed to have some changes in its heart. It shook its huge head, glanced at the three people present, and did not immediately attack again.

It seemed that the attack by the three people just now caused some changes in his heart.

He knew that the three monks in front of him were not people to be trifled with.

Faced with this scene, Qin Fengming and the others did not dare to attack again. At this moment, Longxing was still hesitant.

This strange beast did not use any magical power this time. It only used its physical body to confront the three of them head-on. If you add the supernatural powers of the alien beasts, the three of them can hardly even touch each other's bodies. Longxing had already discussed this with his clan brother at the beginning.

For a moment, the scene fell silent.

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