Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2086 Killing Monsters

Qin Fengming naturally has a lot of offensive magic weapons, but the only ones that can defeat the Heaven-turning Seal are the temple and the Purple Light Dragon Soul Shang Chaos Spirit Treasure. ↑, even the Chaos Purple Qi Cup is hard to say to be more powerful than the Heaven-shaking Seal.

As for his natal magic weapon, the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword, he even dared not sacrifice it.

Although there are two secret soul attack techniques, Jade Soul Silk and Yin Hun Silk, facing the huge monster python that is forty or fifty feet in size, it will definitely not have much effect.

Although the Purple Light Dragon Soul Shang can definitely kill the monster python in front of him, Qin Fengming cannot activate it in a short time. Just injecting mana into it will take dozens of breaths.

Within such a time, he had already been swallowed by the huge monster python.

Facing the huge monster python flying in front of him, even though Qin Fengming believed that he had many methods and was extremely powerful, he could not think of any method to deal with it.

As the body swayed rapidly, the phantom of the wind was already displayed, and in a flash, it escaped more than twenty feet away.

"Hoo!" Under a gust of fishy wind, the huge body shot past the place where Qin Fengming originally stood.

Just when Qin Fengming thought he could easily dodge the huge monster, a giant shadow like a city wall suddenly flashed in front of him and swept towards his body.

The tall and giant shadow appeared so quickly that even Qin Fengming, who was always alert, was not able to know it in advance.

Seeing the giant shadow flashing before his eyes, Qin Fengming was startled, and the magic formula surged in his body. The powerful secret technique of body refining was fully activated, and at the same time, a huge monster beast appeared on his chest. , it was the beast armor that was completely inspired by it. Both fists were wrapped in solid mist and rushed out in front of them.

With a huge bang, a figure was immediately thrown out.

As the huge shadow bombarded them, the two fist shadows hardly resisted at all, and were shaken away by the giant shadow, and then a huge and thick energy surged directly onto his body.

Although the sound of the beast's roar, the powerful beast armor that had saved Qin Fengming several times, only withstood it for a moment, and then shattered with a wail.

A huge surge of power was imprinted on his body.

With the double obstruction of the fist shadow and the beast armor, and the blessing of the two secret body refining techniques, Qin Fengming finally withstood the attack of the giant shadow. However, his body rolled several tens of feet away before stabilizing in a sway.

He opened his mouth and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out. His complexion suddenly turned pale.

Although he did not die under the tail-swing attack of the huge monster python, at this time, the meridians in his body were damaged, and his arms were extremely sore, as if they had been broken. If it weren't for the unknown beast armor blocking him, he would definitely be in trouble this time.

The huge power contained in the huge body of the huge monster python is difficult to describe in quantification. If he hadn't used his escape skills to dodge the blow quickly, if he had stood still and been hit by the huge monster python, Qin Fengming was sure that he would have broken bones and tendons and died on the spot.

His body just stopped for a moment before he swayed again, his afterimage flashed, and he shot off into the distance again.

Facing that huge monster, he no longer knew how to face it.

Suddenly, within a radius of dozens of miles, a slender figure kept dodging in the air, while a huge monster python that was tens of feet in size shot through the air, shaking its head and tail, trying its best to bite the figure.

Although the Wind Wind Phantom Movement was fast and could not be blocked by the restraining aura exhaled by the giant python, Qin Fengming still suffered two fatal situations in just a few dozen breaths.

If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and predicted accurately, his death in the mouth of the giant python would have become a fact.

At this time, Qin Fengming knew very well that if things went on like this for a long time, there would be no accident for him to be injured in the mouth of the giant python with just a cup of tea.

Under the swoop of the giant python, even if he wanted to fly close to Rong Qing and others and rely on the magic circle to fight, he could no longer do so. The giant python was extremely fast, and its straight-line distance was two minutes faster than his escape technique.

The reason why he was able to be safe at this time was because of the strangeness of Fu Feng's phantom body technique.

The increasingly unfavorable situation made Qin Fengming angry, and a fierce aura flashed out of his young face. Under the rapid surge of spells in the body, a majestic black mist spurted out.

As the mist poured out, his figure did not stop for a moment, and continued to swim around the huge demon python.

Ghost Devouring Mist is a secret technique of the ghost path that Qin Fengming has practiced rarely.

Although this secret technique is only an auxiliary method, it is extremely powerful. As the majestic mist rolled in, the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth also surged in.

At this time, although his mastery of the vitality of heaven and earth was still far inferior to that of the aggregation monks, the power of the secret techniques he used had suddenly increased a bit.

Although the ghost-eating mist instantly filled an area of ​​hundreds of feet, it had almost no impact on it under the wanton rolling of the huge demon python. The huge body could dispel most of the ghost mist with just one pass through the mist. .

But even so, Qin Fengming has already achieved his goal.

The mist has the effect of blocking the detection of spiritual consciousness. Although the huge demon python can quickly disperse the mist, it is difficult to discern where Qin Fengming is due to Qin Fengming's rapid avoidance.

After a few moves, a talisman appeared in his hand. There is a layer of faint blue light on this talisman, which makes it look extremely cherished.

With a flash of figure, he squeezed the talisman with his hand, and the talisman broke into pieces with a snap. A flash of blue light enveloped his body. Under the wild flash of blue light, two identical Qin Fengming appeared beside him at the same time.

He raised his hand again, and a ball of colorful light appeared in his hand. It was wrapped by another figure and then taken away.

As the majestic mist spewed out, Qin Fengming flashed and shot out the mist package.

Suddenly seeing the difficult human monk appear, the huge monster python turned around and its huge head flew towards Qin Fengming who was shooting forward.

Although Qin Fengming flew away before the demon python, his speed was obviously slightly inferior to that of the demon python. The two parties only flew a few hundred feet away before the huge demon python approached behind him.

"Quack, quack, don't leave, junior!" With a dull roar, a cloud of yellow mist suddenly shot out from the demonic python's mouth, and as soon as it was wrapped, the figure who was escaping quickly was involved in it. As soon as a length of more than ten feet appeared, the figure was drawn into its huge mouth.

Being able to capture and kill that difficult creature, the giant demon python was naturally very excited.

"Boom!~~~" Just when the giant python was getting excited, a huge and extremely violent explosion energy suddenly appeared in its huge mouth. Under the rapid surge, a loud bang suddenly resounded throughout the sky. Within the huge mouth of the giant python.

The extremely violent and huge explosion energy flashed out of the huge python's mouth with almost no pause.

A bloody aura suddenly filled the air, and the giant monster python almost didn't even let out a scream, and its huge body was involved in the huge explosion power energy.

Looking at the dazzling light clusters rising in the distance, the two Qin Fengmings revealed themselves under the thick fog.

"Hmph, even if you were a mutated demon python, you would never be able to withstand the explosion under the bombardment of Qin's blazing sun bead." Seeing the huge demon python being involved in the power of the explosion, one of them, Qin Fengming, snorted coldly. With a sound, he said bitterly.

Qin Fengming has already seen the explosive power of the Burning Sun Pearl. Even the mountain-like Panli beast lost one of its eyes due to the explosion of the blazing sun bead.

The huge monster python wrapped in the explosion had no physical function at all under the raging power of the huge explosion.

Qin Fengming has already learned how difficult it is to deal with the huge monster python. With his current strength and means, trying to defeat the opponent is tantamount to wishful thinking. Even escaping is almost impossible.

Although the demonic python only showed the level of cultivation at the peak of Ghost Lord, after transforming into its true form, its strength far exceeded that of the peak cultivator of Ghost Lord. Even compared with a gathering monk, it is no worse than that, and it even surpasses it.

When facing the Venerable Poison Saint, Qin Fengming never offered the Burning Sun Bead, but this time, he even consumed his only shadow talisman and a cherished Burning Sun Bead here at the same time.

This is enough to illustrate the danger at this time.

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