Standing in front of the stone gate, Qin Fengming drove a puppet beast to the stone gate, pushed hard, and the stone gate opened with a "squeak, squeak" sound. His consciousness glanced inside and found that there was a stone room with an area of ​​five or six square feet.

Ju Ming looked inside and found that the stone room seemed to be a bedroom. There was a stone bed placed on one side of the stone room, a long stone table placed in the corner of the stone room, and a stone bench placed in front of the stone table. There are several items placed on it. There is a long stone platform at the head of the stone bed. There are three boxes on the stone platform. It is unknown what material it is made of. Others are empty.

Qin Fengming did not dare to enter the stone chamber, but instead drove the puppet beast to slowly walk in. He walked around the stone chamber and saw that there was no restriction, so he slowly walked into the stone chamber.

He went straight to the stone platform next to the stone bed and saw at a glance that the most valuable things in the room were the three boxes on the stone platform. He reached out to pick up one of the boxes and opened it. He looked inside and found that it was a roll of animal skin. He didn't care to check the contents on it. He waved the animal skin roll and put it into a jade box and put it into a storage ring.

Then he opened the remaining two boxes and found a bottle of elixir inside one of them. There were five pink pills in the bottle, which were crystal clear and round, very attractive. Another box also contained a roll of animal skin. This is not a research place. He put away the elixirs and animal skins, turned around and came to the stone table.

I saw a metal disk placed in the middle of the stone table. I picked it up and touched it with my hands. It looked like a bronze mirror, without any spiritual energy flowing on it. So put it aside.

There is an octagonal jade box in one corner of the stone table, and an object that looks like a secular candlestick is placed beside it. So I picked up the candlestick and found nothing surprising.

He opened the octagonal jade box and saw eight small compartments inside, containing various kinds of noodles. As soon as he opened the jade box, he smelled a fragrant smell, which made him feel refreshed. Vibrate. Although he didn't know what was in the box, it was certainly not ordinary, so he also included the storage ring.

Looking around, Qin Fengming didn't find any useful items, and felt a little disappointed. He fully expected to get a magic weapon or ancient treasure, but he didn't expect to see even a spiritual weapon.

He released his spiritual consciousness again and searched carefully, but still found nothing. He carefully touched the stone table, stone platform and stone bed and found that although it was made of precious jade, it was of no use to Qin Fengming. So he exited this stone room.

Then he entered the stone room on the left and asked the puppet beast to push the stone door open. After entering, he saw that there was no danger before following him. As soon as he entered the stone room, he smelled the strong smell of medicinal herbs, and an extremely clear spiritual energy hit his face. It made his whole body feel extremely comfortable. If you practice here, you will definitely advance faster than where the spiritual energy is the strongest in the outside world.

He was immediately overjoyed. Such a strong medicinal fragrance must be a spiritual herb garden.

Qin Fengming flew into the stone room and found that this stone room was five or six times larger than the one just now. There were many jade boxes stacked in one corner of the stone room. There are two to three hundred small grids separated on the floor of the stone chamber, and there is a plant or a cluster of medicinal herbs growing in each small grid.

He took a cursory glance and found that there were forty or fifty types of medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs have different shapes, some grow as a single plant; some grow as a group; some have fruits growing on them, and some have fluorescence flowing on them, making the plants look very attractive.

At this time, Qin Fengming's mood could no longer be expressed in words. With so many herbs,

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to see or own it.

He was not very familiar with medicinal herbs. He carefully identified the herbs inside, and he only recognized three of them: sunset flower, dragon spitting pearl, and nightshade. The others could not be named. But these three named herbs have only been introduced in classics, and have long since disappeared from the world of immortality.

As long as one of these herbs is taken out, it may cause a shock in the world of immortality. These herbs have been growing in this ancient cave for countless thousands of years, and they are treasured enough to make the monks in the Transformation Stage and even the Convergence Stage fight.

Come to think of it, the stone chamber here is the medicinal garden where ancient monks cultivated spiritual herbs.

Although he was not familiar with alchemy, he knew that as long as the medicinal herbs were kept in the jade box and their spiritual energy was not lost, they would not wither. He carefully took out the medicinal herbs, packed them one by one in the jade boxes, and then sealed them with a Qi-condensing talisman. The Qi-condensing talisman has the effect of hiding spiritual power and blocking the spread of spiritual power. As long as the Qi Condensing Talisman is not activated, it only blocks the spread of spiritual energy, so it consumes very little of its own spiritual power and can be preserved for a long time.

Qin Fengming put all the herbs into jade boxes and put them away carefully, which took him more than two hours. Looking at the empty stone chamber, I couldn't help but feel excited. If all these medicinal herbs were auctioned off, the number of spiritual stones would be an astronomical figure that would shock the world of immortal cultivation. Even Zhui Fenggu, the largest immortal cultivating sect in the Liang Kingdom, cannot afford these herbs.

After recovering his mood, Qin Fengming turned around and left the stone room. There was also the last stone room, and he didn't know what kind of surprise was waiting for him.

Arriving at the door of the last stone chamber, with excitement, he asked the puppet beast to open the stone door, and looked inside carefully. What he saw was a stone chamber of only two or three square feet. In the middle of the stone chamber, there were five and a half feet high stones. The stone platforms are only three feet square. Each stone platform has a round ball, the size of a teapot. Each ball has a different color, some are dark, some are light, some are red and some are green.

Qin Fengming felt a little disappointed. He thought there would be a bigger surprise, but he didn't want to just have these five balls.

Following the puppet beast into the stone room, he came to the five stone platforms and stared at the balls on the stone platforms, wondering what they were. He released his spiritual consciousness and glanced at the ball for a moment. What surprised him was that his spiritual consciousness actually

However, it bounced back from the surface of the ball.

This made Qin Fengming very interested in the ball. After he determined that the ball was not dangerous, he reached out and touched a ball.

Just when his palm touched the surface of the ball, a strange feeling was transmitted from the ball into his body. This feeling was something he had long forgotten, as if it was a child's attachment to his parents. Such a magical feeling reminded him of his parents and grandparents far away in his hometown.

His spirit was shaken and he fell into a strange state. It felt like I had returned to my childhood, meeting my eldest brother, second brother, parents and grandparents. He plays in the woods outside the village with his friends in the village every day, and sometimes goes hunting in the mountains with his father and grandfather. Everything seems so peaceful and peaceful...

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