Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2044 The skill is completed

As Qin Fengming fell into a state of selflessness, the strange soul energy entered his body without any hindrance and directly entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

This soul power is not offensive at all. Even if Qin Fengming uses his soul to block it, it will be difficult to hinder it. With the continuous flow, as soon as the energy flow entered Qin Fengming's sea of ​​consciousness, it instantly turned into dots of memory fragments, floating on his sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming felt relieved.

Looking inwards, his mind completely sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, released the power of his huge consciousness, and began to comprehend the memory fragments floating on the sea of ​​consciousness...

Qin Fengming stayed in this cave for half a year.

During this period of time, he had left the cave twice, and those two times, he was just there to receive the soul stone.

Soul stones are indeed extremely rare. For the entire temple, each temple elder can only receive two soul stones every month. But according to Princess Lingyi, he can receive ten yuan.

But ten soul stones are only enough for Qin Fengming to practice for more than half a month.

After consuming more than fifty soul stones, he finally succeeded in practicing the first-level and first-level skills.

There are three levels of skills in the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, and each level of skills is divided into three levels.

From what Qin Fengming understood at this time, the original old woman had only cultivated the second level of the first level. The other temple elders have only successfully cultivated to the first level.

Practicing the treasure ghost refining technique and condensing soul power are only the most basic parts. To practice the first level of skills, you only need to concentrate your soul power. Starting from the second level, condensing soul power can no longer advance the technique. It requires a large number of various treasure materials to be integrated into it.

The required treasure materials need to contain extremely huge soul power, and the soul stone is only the most common thing among them. The kind of soul weapon that Lingyi held was undoubtedly the most suitable thing.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel regretful.

When he killed the old woman, he had seen several Horcruxes in her cave that were of little use to him. The attack power of those Horcruxes was only comparable to a full blow from the temple elders.

Thinking about it at this time, there is no doubt that those soul weapons are used to practice the treasure ghost refining technique.

He had studied the Horcrux carefully at the beginning and knew that the materials used for the Horcrux were some special materials in the Land of the Locust Dragon. Those materials might not be useful to cultivators, but they were the perfect materials for refining souls. Utensil thing.

As for soul weapons, it would be difficult to drive them unless they were practicing soul power techniques. It is completely different from the magic weapon used by monks. Although it has soul attacks, its effectiveness will not be too significant if it is fought against monks of the same level. Therefore, he did not collect it.

Thinking about it now, he felt extremely regretful.

Although he failed to practice the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique to the second level, within the past few months, Qin Fengming had completely imprinted the three levels of the Treasure Technique in his mind. Those strange and mysterious runes may be too difficult for other people.

But for Qin Fengming, although the energy contained in those runes is soul power, their origin is still in the category of spells. With Qin Fengming's current skill in spells, although it is still difficult to understand, it is not difficult to completely imprint it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It took him two months to completely memorize the three-level treasure ghost refining technique correctly.

Qin Fengming finally understood the inheritance of that skill only after his memory was complete. The inheritance of this skill is extremely special. It not only requires monks to understand it on their own, but most importantly, only after the previous level of skill can be fully memorized can the next level be memorized and understood.

It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to accurately remember those ever-changing talismans in the sea of ​​​​knowledge. Even those monks at the top of the Ghost King, if they are not highly knowledgeable in spells and talismans, can't. Difficult to complete.

Therefore, the inheritance in the entire cave has been going on for countless thousands of years.

People who can remember everything completely are extremely rare. But memory is memory, and there has never been anyone who can succeed in cultivation in countless thousands of years.

The final record of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique is that as long as those who can successfully complete the first level can go to the southwest and leave this place through a mysterious altar. If you have not completed the first level of cultivation, even if you get there and enter the space, you will definitely be torn apart by the power of space in the passage.

Only by cultivating this technique to the first level can the body be trained to be as tough as a soul treasure, and this is the origin of the name of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique.

Under the sound transmission, Bing'er appeared in a flash. After sensing the inheritance here, Bing'er woke up after only sinking for a moment. She was not particularly interested in this technique. Qin Fengming just laughed it off. After taking a drop of the mysterious liquid, Bing'er returned to Shenji Mansion.

As for Rong Qing and Kuang Feng, Qin Fengming simply ignored them. Of course, he knew about them. Neither of them knew much about the spells and runes. Even if they understood them, they would not gain anything.

With his soul power fluctuating, Qin Fengming left the Kung Fu Cave.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, Fellow Daoist Dongwen, I didn't expect that Qin would meet these two just after he left seclusion." As soon as he entered the meeting hall, two familiar figures caught Qin Fengming's eyes. It was the two Yang Xiongs who had crossed paths.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Qin. Judging from Fellow Daoist's expression, I guess he has already passed the temple test and became one of our elders. Ah, the fluctuation of soul power in Fellow Daoist's body has reached such an extent. Could it be that Fellow Daoist has already mastered the first-level skills? Have you succeeded in cultivating the Fa?"

As soon as he saw Qin Fengming, Yang Xiong was also overjoyed. As he spoke, his expression couldn't help but change.

From the young man in front of him, he actually felt a wave of soul power that was a little stronger than his own.

"Yes, Qin has only just mastered the first level of skills."

The laws of heaven and earth in this world are extremely special. Qin Fengming cannot use any techniques to cover his body's aura, so anyone can tell the strength of his aura at first sight.

"In a few months, he can practice the first-level treasure-transforming ghost refining technique. This is definitely the first person in our temple for countless thousands of years, except for the saints in the past. Fellow Daoist Qin really admires me. "

Yang Xiong and Yang Xiong had just returned to the temple and were not aware of Qin Fengming's original achievements, so when they heard about it, they immediately expressed admiration. If he knew that the old saint had died at the hands of the young man in front of him, he didn't know what his expression would be.

"The two fellow Taoists are so ridiculous. Qin came here to ask, where can I get the materials used for the soul weapon?" Qin Fengming did not want to get more entangled in this matter, so he immediately changed the topic and asked road.

"Horcrux? Is there any way, fellow Taoist, to use elixir fire to refine a Horcrux?"

After hearing about the Horcrux, Dongwen's expression suddenly changed and he spoke quickly.

Horcruxes are the key to practicing the second level of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique. There is only one place in the land of Louse Dragon that can be refined, and only the saints of each generation can enter that place, and there is absolutely no way for other people to enter it.

Because that place is extremely restricted, only those who are saints will not be attacked. Anyone else who comes close to that place will be killed on the spot by the extremely powerful restricted attack.

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