"Boom! Boom!" As the statue shot out two black bolts, the figure that quickly dodged also launched two soul attacks. When the two sides touched, a roaring sound suddenly resounded throughout the cave. middle.

With two powerful attacks launched quickly, the slender figure finally quickly entered the passage into the cave. After a few flashes, it disappeared without a trace.

But there were little mottled blood stains left on the ground.

The cave that was full of roaring sounds and raging wind just now suddenly became silent. It was not all silent. Deep in the cave, there was also a rumbling sound coming from the depths of the cave.

From the time Qin Fengming and Shi Chang quickly entered the depths of the cave, to the time when the old woman used her powerful magical power to attack Ling Yi's shield, and when the statue suddenly launched a huge attack, injuring and defeating the old woman, it was only a short time. Just half a cup of tea time.

During this period of time, Qin Fengming and Shi Chang had entered the deepest part of the cave.

Listening to the huge roar coming from the distance, Qin Fengming felt a sense of fear in his heart. Under the distant soul power, it was difficult for his consciousness to detect clearly.

He just knew that the outstanding old woman was using her powerful magical power to attack the light shield that Ling Yi had used.

Although he was not close, Qin Fengming was able to tell how powerful the old woman's attack was. Based on his understanding of Lingyi's treasure, it was absolutely impossible for the light shield to withstand such a powerful attack.

But what puzzled him was that the attack sounded three waves in succession, and each wave was more powerful than the last.

Such a situation made Qin Fengming puzzled. Of course he hoped that Lingyi could hold on for a little longer. She even hoped that Lingyi could give her some special treasure that would make her happy.

But of course Qin Fengming knew that this was impossible.

But there was a constant roar in the distance, which made him extremely nervous. Facing the old woman, he was extremely frightened.

Even if he killed Shi Chang, he still had no chance of winning against the old woman.

The soul power attack he can unleash at this time is at best equivalent to the attack power of a monk at the peak of Chengdan. And he can't cast it continuously.

And Shi Chang, who was fighting against him, thought he could also perform such a powerful soul attack.

In a head-on confrontation with soul power, both sides will inevitably suffer losses. In this way, he will win in the end, and he will be killed at that time.

Although he knew this, Qin Fengming had no intention of just giving up.

The figure moved around in another vast cave, and did not fight head-on with the skinny old man who also had rapid movements.

What both parties performed were top-notch self-lighting skills in the secular world. In the blink of an eye, two figures were seen chasing and dodging like a revolving lantern at high speed in the vast cave with no light at all. For a while, it was difficult for anyone to gain the upper hand.

Just when the old woman launched a majestic soul power attack, the statue underwent a sudden change, and the power that obstructed the spiritual consciousness dispersed in the cave was suddenly greatly reduced. Qin Fengming finally saw that the old woman was seriously injured. Flee away.

Faced with such a situation, he was almost stunned on the spot.

Even Shi Chang, who was chasing after him, paused and immediately stood still.

With Shi Chang's ability, of course he had noticed the fighting scene in the cave outside. He never imagined that the temple saint who he could only look up to would actually be defeated and escape with serious injuries.

Shi Chang had personally experienced the power of the temple saint.

After he was swept into the Land of the Louse Dragon by the Eclipse Wind, it was no coincidence that the place where he appeared turned out to be a super tribe only a few thousand miles away from the temple.

Faced with Shi Chang's powerful methods, although there were several tribal elders in that tribe who had already mastered the first level of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, no one in the group could be Shi Chang's opponent.

As the Supreme Patriarch of Huangquan Palace, Shi Chang was naturally proficient in the art of emperors. He just used a few tricks to smooth over the super tribe. From the treasured books of the tribe,

He also knows a lot about the temple.

Being able to drive soul power in this interface where the energy of the five elements is not visible, such a strange technique, Shi Chang, who is an aggregation monk, was naturally very moved.

When two temple elders came to the super tribe where he was, looking for outsiders who had wandered here due to the opening of the soul path, Shi Chang appeared and had a fight with the two temple elders. After seeing the methods used by the temple elders, Shi Chang no longer had any fear of the temple.

Shi Chang was originally extremely depressed about his involvement in the Land of Louse Dragons, but after knowing the true situation of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, Shi Chang's depression disappeared immediately.

Being able to practice a strange technique that can prolong life based on soul power in this strange place was something he had never heard of before, and he was naturally shocked. He yearned even more for the magic treasure ghost refining technique.

The first level of the treasure secret cultivation can correspond to the cultivation level of the ghost commander, and it can also extend the life for two to three hundred years. Such a strange method of cultivating the soul and soul has never been heard of by the outside world.

At the same time, he also had a slight understanding of the reason why the young monk knew that it was extremely difficult to get out of the Land of Louse Dragons and insisted on entering it.

Shi Chang is not an ordinary person, and his careful thinking is even better than ordinary people. Although the treasure secret was extremely tempting, he was not a reckless person. The omnipotent Anji Palace would certainly not know that there is such a profound and profound technique in the Land of the Louse Dragon.

But they have never touched this place. What's hidden in it has to make Shi Chang hesitate a little.

Although he still had doubts in his heart, the huge temptation of the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique was still difficult for Shi Chang to resist. Under the recommendation of two temple elders, Shi Chang entered the temple very smoothly.

Facing the test of the temple, with Shi Chang's ability, there is no difficulty at all.

The so-called blessings come with misfortunes, but this is absolutely true. It was precisely because Shi Chang sacrificed the soul power of a great abnormal person in the test that he provoked the temple saint in seclusion.

Facing the huge fluctuations in soul power where the temple is located, the old woman as a saint naturally senses it clearly.

At this time, the old woman already knew that her life was not long. In her opinion, in just one year, she would be like the hundreds of saints before, after deducing her successor, she would be like this. Sitting and dying, the soul becomes silent again, and then waits for the next reincarnation.

But suddenly seeing the skinny old man who was able to offer such majestic soul energy without using any soul power cultivation techniques, a compelling light suddenly appeared in the colorless eyes of the temple saint.

An idea suddenly appeared in her mind. If you devour the opponent's soul power, can you prolong your own death?

Once this idea was revealed, the old woman's expectations grew. After transmitting the message, the elders of the temple were asked to lead Shi Chang into a closed place.

With the powerful methods of the Holy Maiden of the Temple comparable to those of the Ghost Lord in the middle stage, Shi Chang, who has no magic power at all, can offer powerful soul power attacks comparable to those of the Ghost Lord's peak monks, but he has no choice but to do so.

As soon as the two sides fought, Shi Chang knew that he had no chance of winning against the old woman in front of him who looked to be in her fifties or sixties but was still slender and agile.

But Shi Chang was also an old man. He could tell at a glance that the old woman in front of him was already on her deathbed, her vitality had begun to emanate, and she would die in less than a year or two. Facing this scene, Shi Chang suddenly said something that moved the old woman's heart.

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