Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1766 The Confusion of Lingbao Imitation

Although Qin Fengming knew that it was absolutely impossible to get the Blood Demon Tower in the opponent's hands in Lanyin Valley, the close contact just now still made him feel a lot.

At this time, he had two imitation spiritual treasure books on him. He knew that refining imitation spiritual treasures was completely different from refining magic weapons, so he planned to experience the details of an imitation spiritual treasure up close. form,

After seeing this, Qin Fengming felt like he could see the sun through the clouds.

He actually saw the runes and spells he had just dabbled in on the replica of the Blood Demon Tower in front of him, which made his heart suddenly stir.

At the same time, it also gave him some understanding of the power of Lingbao imitations.

Imitation of Lingbao is not just a matter of talk. Although the Huang family's imitation has some flaws, Qin Fengming is convinced that this treasure is the natal magic weapon of the monks in the aggregation realm, and it will definitely have the power to fight.

The aggregation realm monk can be said to be the most elite existence among the many monks in the lower interface.

The monks at the Peak of Huaying are so powerful that they can almost overturn rivers and seas, move mountains and crack canals. However, in front of the monks at the Convergence Realm, the monks at the Peak of Huaying will never be able to withstand a single blow.

Back in the Hopeless Sea, Qin Fengming once witnessed the fight between three aggregation overhauls. The scene really shocked the world. Although it was tens or hundreds of miles away, Qin Fengming still trembled in fear.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​the Jiaolong clan, he once fought head-on with a Jiaolong who was in the aggregation realm. If it weren't for the special nature of the forbidden area and the Jiaolong Daxiu did not kill him, he would never have left alive that time.

Facing the red small tower magic weapon held by the young man, Qin Fengming was convinced that it had the strength to resist the magic weapon of the aggregation monk without losing.

When the young monk drives the pagoda, he can run rampant in the Ghost Commander realm just by undoing the prohibition seal on the first floor. If all the prohibitions on the fifth floor are fully opened, how terrifying will the power of the Blood Demon Tower be? , even Qin Fengming didn’t dare to imagine,

Of course, if the fifth-level ban is fully activated, whether anyone in the Huang family can control it is a matter of two opinions.

You must know that although the imitation Lingbao can be controlled by lower-level interface monks, the premise is that it can only drive part of the power of the imitation Lingbao.

This Blood Demon Tower magic weapon of the Huang family may have flaws, according to Qin Fengming's judgment, but after all, it is an imitation of the upper realm Blood Demon Tower's spiritual weapon. No matter how weak its power is, it is definitely better than the aggregation. There is no doubt that the monk's natal magic weapon is much more powerful.

With such close-range sensing and seeing the tiny spiritual patterns on the imitation Lingbao, Qin Fengming finally understood in his heart that his master's Manghuang Mountain existed as a holy place for refining. Yan's great master of weapon refining has never heard of anyone refining an imitation of a spiritual treasure.

The only imitation of the sect's treasure, the Lingbao, was obtained by chance from the founder.

The reason for this was that it was not until this moment that he finally understood that when refining the imitation of the spiritual treasure, it was necessary to add runes and spells that were more advanced than spells, and runes and spells could be Not the lower level interface monks can know,

If he had not come to the ghost world and entered the Baji Gate by chance, and received the obsessive guidance left by the great power of the upper world, he would have never been able to learn such mysterious spiritual patterns.

At this moment, when thinking back to the replica of the Moon-Zhancing Sword Lingbao he saw that Ouyang Chen once used, Qin Fengming became even more convinced that the replica was definitely a replica of a very low-ranking Lingbao.

Standing far away, Qin Fengming had no strange expression on his face and remained extremely calm.

"Hmph, am I still afraid of you? I'll see you in the secret realm of Huangquan Palace when the time comes. Then don't even think about escaping." The young man surnamed Huang glared at Qin Fengming, and was secretly shocked that the other party was actually in the Blood Demon Tower. He was still able to escape smoothly despite being locked, which really surprised him.

The young man surnamed Huang knew that this Blood Demon Tower was not comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

Although it only opens a layer of restrictions, its power is only equivalent to the magic weapon power of the early monks of Guijun, but its own attributes are extremely powerful. If it is locked by the blood demon tower, no matter how the opponent dodges, Even if you run away, you can't even hope to escape its attack.

The middle-aged monk opposite looked like he was only in the late stage of Ghost Commander, but he was able to escape so easily. This was the first time this young monk encountered such a thing after entering Lanyin Valley.

However, the young monk suffered from the inability to fully release his cultivation, so he could only hold back his energy secretly, but he was not sure of capturing the middle-aged monk who was two to three hundred feet away.

Because at this time, he already understood that since the other party was able to obtain five tokens placed by the Huang Dao Sect on his own in the dangerous Lanyin Valley, his method was definitely among the best.

He knew that the reason why Qin Fengming was able to escape from those red sword blades was because as soon as he entered the rock, he drove his body skills to the extreme and resisted with the dragon-patterned tortoise shell shield. The opponent missed with one blow,

Although the blood-red sword is very powerful, with its power of only decapitating one level of the Blood Demon Tower, it naturally poses no threat to the dragon-patterned turtle shield.

Since neither of the two sides could shake the other, Qin Fengming certainly would not quarrel with the other party anymore. He once again fisted at the young man, turned around and ignored the monk. He flashed and shot towards the exit of Lanyin Valley.

Although his escape speed has been greatly suppressed, his speed is still faster than most monks in the Ghost Commander realm.

Seeing Qin Fengming walking away, the young monk also calmed down his mind, released his spiritual consciousness, and once again locked onto the two ghostly commander peak monks who were carefully escaping, and shot towards the front of the two people.

At this time, there was not much left before the one month mentioned by Huang Daozong. Qin Fengming no longer needed to fight with others, but wanted to leave this valley as quickly as possible.

Although there are still monks fighting on the road, Qin Fengming will not stop any longer.

But when he arrived at the area where he first entered the valley, there were already two ghost king monks sitting cross-legged on a low mountain peak.

Within ten miles around the two monks, two to three hundred monks gathered.

Most of these monks have gloomy expressions on their faces, and only a few of them have slightly calm expressions. Although they are all in the late or peak stages of being ghost commanders, the blood they saw during this trip to Lanyin Valley is unique.

Many monks and monks died in Lanyin Valley. Those who survived were all lucky.

Qin Fengming glanced briefly, then lowered his figure in a deserted place, stopped in a mountain forest, and sat down cross-legged.

"Fellow Taoists participating in this trial and competition, although there are still several hours until the agreed time, if that fellow Taoist wants to leave this place, he can leave Lanyin Valley now and just go to the high platform to meet him. After finishing the jade tablet, even if all fellow Taoists have completed this competition and arrived near where I am, they are no longer allowed to fight or kill. Otherwise, I and I will immediately kill the offender."

Two hours later, the two Ghost Lord monks opened their eyes at the same time, then glanced around, one of them stood up, and then spoke loudly,

Although its voice is not loud, with the blessing of energy, it can be heard for dozens of miles.

The bloody competition in Lanyin Valley finally came to an end.

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