"Gaga, my junior's skills are extraordinary. You can actually take this blow from me. This is the first time in decades that you don't care about anything else. How many times do you want to fight with me? If you can escape unscathed, I will be the winner. I will stop, otherwise you will keep the ghost baby in your body,"

Seeing Qin Fengming's Qing Yan sword light intercepting his attack, the ape-like demon cultivator's eyes flashed with strange color, he smiled and said this, without showing any intention of stopping,

Following his words, his hands were swinging rapidly. As his hands were swinging, masses of black light flashed out from between his hands. In just an instant, there were ten more bullets than the previous blow. A huge wave of energy emerged,

As this huge coercion containing incomparable fire energy was revealed, Qin Fengming knew that the opponent's attack would be extremely shocking.

Seeing that the other party was so ignorant and determined to fight after he opened his mouth, Qin Fengming's anger also surged.

Of course, Qin Fengming would not be afraid of a demon cultivator in the middle stage of transformation. As soon as the magic formula in his body moved, a huge palm with a flash of black light appeared in front of him, and a pressure that had the power to imprison the soul spread out. ,

"Huh, let's fight. Isn't Qin still afraid of you?"

As he spoke, the giant black hand came out, and in a flash he was in front of the tall demon cultivator.

"Hey, the attack was very quick," Qin Fengming said as soon as he said it, the demon cultivator across from him also looked slightly stunned.

But in the face of Qin Fengming's powerful soul-eating grab, the demon cultivator did not show any fear. He turned his hands rapidly and did not stop. Instead, he swung his body and a long golden stick appeared quickly. Below, a thick ray of light shot out,

"Boom," the golden light instantly came into contact with the black giant palm,

A huge explosion shook the mountains and fields immediately, and a powerful shock wave spread out in all directions amidst the loud noise as the two touched.

Looking at the scene revealed in front of him, Qin Fengming couldn't help being shocked.

The secret attack, which was comparable to a strike from a great monk in the late stage of transforming into an infant, was split into two in the air under the attack of the opponent's golden stick. Huge energy flashed past the demonic cultivator's body, and was easily resolved. With this powerful blow,

Seeing the demon cultivator in front of him blocking his attack so easily, Qin Fengming was stunned for a moment before his figure flashed out and hurriedly retreated behind him.

Being able to block the soul-devouring attack so effortlessly, Qin Fengming was convinced that even an ordinary late-stage Ghost Lord cultivator would never be able to do it as easily as the demon cultivator in front of him.

Looking at the demon cultivator opposite, Qin Fengming thought that he was facing a late-stage transformation being.

But recalling that the opponent's attack speed just now was slightly different from the demon cultivator in the late stage of transformation, it is not difficult to judge from this that the opponent is indeed just a demon cultivator in the mid-transformation stage.

Although Qin Fengming's soul-eating grab was successfully broken, the tall golden ape's eyes were also condensed, and he seemed to be surprised by the opponent's attack just now.

Just when Qin Fengming's attack was successfully intercepted, the ten black energy spheres formed in the hands of the tall golden ape had completely solidified, hovering rapidly above his hands, and seemed to be ready to fly out at any time. ,

"Gaga, junior, if you can take this blow from me, I will stop."

As the giant black palm disappeared from the sky, a loud shout was heard immediately. Just as the words rang out, huge fire-attributed energy attacks were shot out from in front of the tall figure.

Before the attack even came, a terrifying rolling pressure swept towards Qin Fengming.

Facing the huge pressure coming from him, Qin Fengming immediately felt like facing a great monk in the late stage of transformation.

With the sharp light in his eyes, Qin Fengming couldn't help but raise his vigilance to the extreme. The demon cultivator on the opposite side actually said what he just said, which is enough to show that he is confident in the power of his attack.

With Qin Fengming's usual style, he would not just wait for the opponent to attack.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, the dragon-patterned tortoise shell shield flashed out, and instantly turned into a thick wall to protect his body. At the same time, with a movement of his whole body, the Qing Yan Sword and Shield was also activated,

Regardless of what happened to the opponent's attack, Qin Fengming was cautious and naturally protected himself tightly first.

Feeling the coercion approaching, the extremely viscous huge energy immediately imprisoned his body. Qin Fengming did not show the slightest flash of color, but quickly waved his hands, and swung out one after another soul-eating grasps. There seemed to be no pause in the middle,

At this time, the soul-eating claw is no longer the black color just now, but has become colorful.

The huge energy fluctuations revealed on it were many times more powerful than before.

As the ten soul-eating claws were launched, Qin Fengming's hands did not pause at all, and the clear spirit sword light was quickly swung out with the sword moves of Piao Liu Thirteen Styles.

Looking from a distance, I saw that Qin Fengming's figure had disappeared. What flashed out was a ball of energy flashing with colorful sword rays, which was shooting out huge five-color sword rays in all directions.

"Boom, boom, boom,~~~"

The huge, deafening roar immediately resounded throughout the empty valley.

It was so hot that the scorching energy that could almost melt steel easily spread out in all directions with a huge roar. Within a radius of one to two hundred feet, as the energy shock wave raged, there were no trees or gravel at all.

With the sound of the huge explosion, Qin Fengming finally relaxed, and the pressure that made it difficult for him to move suddenly disappeared. He swayed sharply, and with a slight thunder, he retreated three to four hundred feet away. ,

When the remaining energy in the air dissipated and the situation in front of him was revealed, Qin Fengming was extremely speechless.

The few deep grasses at the edge of the dark cave just now are of course gone now, and even the original gravel has disappeared.

"Quack, quack, it's so enjoyable. In the past few decades, this has been the most enjoyable fight for Xuan. Since you, my boy, have taken this blow from Xuan, according to the previous agreement, Xuan will stop on your own. What do you say, kid? "Say, you came so far into the territory of Huan, what do you mean?"

As the tall figure flashed, the ape-shaped demon cultivator who looked like a Zhu Yan beast suddenly appeared. Under the flash of golden light all over his body, the remaining energy from the previous explosion that had been retained on his body quickly disappeared.

Golden eyes flashed, looking at Qin Fengming who had retreated hundreds of feet away, and said with a change of tone,

"Hmph, you fight when you say you want to fight, and stop when you say stop. Qin has been cultivating immortality for so many years, but he has never obeyed the mercy of others. You have beaten Qin to your heart's content and you haven't had the pleasure of it yet. If you can take over Qin Let’s talk to Qin when we attack later,”

At this time, Qin Fengming was already furious. He finally discovered that several secluded grasses had been destroyed so easily. Even Qin Fengming, who had always had a calm mind, could not help but feel angry.

Before he finished speaking, there was a slight sound of thunder, and with a flash of colorful light, Qin Fengming's figure disappeared on the spot.

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