Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 161 Soul Destruction

Seeing the Soul-Eating Beast swallowing the black ball, Qin Fengming felt extremely nervous. He knew clearly that at this time, the Soul-Eating Beast did not have such strength.

After the soul-eating beast swallowed the black ball that Beidou Master's soul had transformed into, it immediately became violent. His abdomen continued to bulge and his expression looked extremely painful. At the same time, the body kept rolling in the air, as if it was desperately suppressing some violent energy in the body.

With the current strength of the soul-eating beast, it is unable to forcibly absorb the soul energy of the monks in the infant stage.

When the soul-eating beast sucked the soul of the azure beast, its soul strength was greatly reduced. This time is different. It is obvious that the soul energy stored in the round bead is extremely powerful.

Qin Fengming was unsure whether Master Beidou's attack could be absorbed by the Soul-Eating Beast.

At this time, the soul-eating beast is relying on its own soul-eating talent to fight endlessly with the group of spirits in its body. Others can't help at all, and they can only rely on their own magical powers to resolve this crisis.

Qin Fengming turned around and saw the little black man looking at the Soul-Eating Beast in astonishment, his expression equally full of shock, consternation, and disbelief. He could clearly see that the soul-eating beast only had level three or four cultivation levels. He dared to directly devour the energy body condensed by his infant soul.

Seeing the other party in such a situation, knowing that his confidence and vigilance were not concentrated, Qin Fengming snorted coldly in his heart, and immediately waved his hands continuously, and he pulled out a handful of talismans.

In an instant, fire bombs, ice bombs, and wind blades came all around the black villain, and the sound of explosions was heard in succession. In just one cup of tea, he threw out more than a thousand talismans.

Under the attack of so many talismans, Beidou Master's spirit, which was already losing a lot of energy, was even worse. He frantically injected the power of his soul into the protective shield around his body. The power of his soul was lost so quickly that his heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness. The joy of escaping from the trap suddenly fell into a bottomless abyss.

The attacking power of thousands of talismans was beyond description in words. The soul shield around Master Beidou was finally overwhelmed and burst with a 'crack' sound.

Many fire bombs and ice bombs swarmed in and exploded around him. Master Beidou, who was in the realm of infant transformation, was able to escape from the hands of the monks in the convergence stage with his strength in the middle stage of infant transformation, but now he fell to the low level. Under the talisman, not even a trace of soul could escape.

Seeing that Master Beidou's remnant soul had finally died, Qin Fengming suddenly became calm and slumped to the ground. Such a powerful enemy actually fell into his own hands. Although he was exhausted physically and mentally, he was not secretly happy in his heart.

At this time, there was a magnificent hall on a high mountain above a desolate continent without sun, moon and stars. At this time, a person was sitting on a high chair in the middle of the hall.

He was talking about something with a few people standing below.

If Qin Fengming saw this person at this time, he would be shocked, because he was almost exactly the same as the human form transformed by the remnant soul of Master Beidou. Just when Master Beidou's remnant soul died, the man's mind was troubling and his face changed color slightly.

"Sir, is there anything wrong?" A white-faced man standing below asked after seeing this situation.

"It's nothing. It seems that the ray of soul I left behind in the human world has been destroyed by others. It's nothing serious. It's just a residual soul." The man sitting above said calmly.

"In a hundred years, there will be a cross-border battle that occurs once every 150,000 years. By then, my subordinates will definitely find the person who killed the remaining soul of the master and kill him."

"This matter is not urgent. What I have ordered you to do must be prepared very early. We must not fall behind Zi Xiao."

"Don't worry, sir, my subordinates will do their best and prepare as soon as possible..."

Qin Fengming had no idea about all this. He was staring at the Soul-eating Beast with his eyes at the moment. Although the remnant soul of Master Beidou had perished, the energy of the soul that was devoured by the Soul-Eating Beast was still furious and had not weakened at all. .

At this time, the little yellow beast's hair was exploding, and it looked very scary. Its eyes were wide open, its belly was constantly bulging, and it was rolling in the air.

Time passed little by little. The soul-eating beast is originally transformed from the soul of the Yin-eating beast. The Yin-eating beast is born with the magical power of sucking the souls. The soul-eating beast transformed by the secret method is even better at this magical power. It is the nemesis of souls by nature. Although Qin Fengming knew this very well, he was still worried.

Finally, half an hour later, the little yellow beast finally stopped rolling, its body no longer bulged, and returned to its original state, but it looked very weak and listless.

It seems that the soul-eating beast finally successfully suppressed the mass of soul energy. But it also paid a heavy price. But these costs are incomparable to the benefits gained from refining the soul energy in the future.

Qin Fengming was overjoyed when he saw that the little beast finally saved the day. He took the little yellow beast back to the Soul-Eating Banner and let it practice well inside. When the soul-eating beast completely refines the ball of spirit, its strength will definitely increase to a higher level. You must know that the ball is transformed by the spirit of the infant monk.

At this time, Qin Fengming was filled with joy. Although he tried his best, he finally killed Master Beidou's soul, although he lost more than a thousand talismans and self-destructed four spiritual weapons. But my own gains are not small.

Not only did he get all the inheritance from Master Beidou, but he also knew that his cave contained his cultivation experience and many treasure materials. This is what any monk dreams of. It's just that my current cultivation level is too low, and there is a treasure in front of me, but I still can't get it.

He made up his mind to return to the Luoxia Sect this time and use the shortest possible time to break through the bottleneck of the foundation building period and strive to succeed in building the foundation as soon as possible. At that time, you can practice more advanced techniques and your strength will be further improved.

The matter of the 'Ancient Battlefield' is also something that has always been on his mind. Although he knows a little bit, it is not very detailed. He only knows that the 'Ancient Battlefield' is opened every two to three hundred years. At that time, several countries around him will Many monks will be sent into it, but they still have little idea of ​​what it is like.

After resting in the cave for two hours, Qin Fengming stood up, put away the Four Symbols Hunyuan Formation, took up the Huntian Halberd, and headed towards the Luoxia Sect.

The journey was uneventful. After nearly a month of traveling, Qin Fengming finally returned to the Luoxia Sect.

On the way back, every time he passed through a market, he would go there to look for some classics on rumors about the world of immortality. Along the way, he had several classics with him. On the way, there was no time to check. We can only return to the sect, settle down, and study hard.

Returning to the Luoxia Sect, after arriving at the Foreign Affairs Pavilion, they went straight to Yunque Peak. He needs to inform the sect’s senior officials about the upcoming opening of the ancient battlefield.

Arriving in front of the main hall of Deyun Que Peak, he saw two disciples standing on either side. Qin Fengming did not dare to cross them. He bowed and said, "Two junior brothers, I have something important to do and need to meet with the sect leader. Please let me know."

The two gatekeeper disciples actually knew Qin Fengming, probably because Qin Fengming had been in the limelight for a long time. Although he had disappeared in recent years, he did not often appear in the Luoxia Sect. But at the beginning, its reputation was so great that it was still familiar to many low-level disciples. Now seeing him arriving, everyone seemed very enthusiastic:

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Qin. I don't know if there is something urgent that needs to be met with the Sect Master. Can you tell us so that we can send a message to the Sect Master."

"This matter is of great importance. Forgive me for not being able to say it clearly. What I am talking about is a major matter of concern to our sect. Only when I meet the sect leader can I explain it clearly. I hope that the two junior brothers will also understand it." Qin Fengming looked serious. He would never tell the truth without the approval of the sect.

The two disciples looked at each other and then at Qin Fengming. Seeing his serious look, they nodded to each other. One stretched out his hand and took out a transmission note. With the help of his spiritual power, the light of the transmission note shone brightly. He whispered a few words to the transmission note. With a wave of his hand, a ray of light flew towards the main hall.

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