"Li Changshan (Yan Ming) pays homage to the senior," without any delay, the two old men surnamed Li bowed and bowed deeply.

"Hahaha, you two Taoist friends don't need to be polite. Martial Nephew Min and Martial Nephew Liang, please bring Taoist Fellow Li here. Tomorrow is the beginning of the weapon refining competition. I think there are many things that need to be arranged by you. Now you go and get busy,"

The old man's smile never diminished, and he spoke in a very comfortable tone,

After the two old men surnamed Min bowed, they turned around and left. The old man was enthusiastic and let the two old men surnamed Li into the attic behind them.

"I don't know if the senior has called the junior to come here, but what is the order? As long as the two of me can do it, I will definitely not shirk it." As soon as they entered the attic, before sitting down, the old man surnamed Li said to himself,

"Don't be impatient, fellow Taoists. Please sit down and talk." The old man from Huaying Summit did not show the slightest sign of urgency. He was very polite and allowed the two old men surnamed Li to sit down.

"We are all cultivators of immortality, so I won't say more to Guo because I am polite. I was out on business a few days ago and just returned to the sect three days ago. I heard from my disciples that two fellow Taoists once put three grains into the sect. I used spiritual herbs that were tens of thousands of years old and used the ancient unilaterally refined Peiying Dan to trade with Xiangyungefang City.

To be honest, it has been two hundred years since I entered the Peak of Transforming Infants. In recent years, there has been a strong surge of energy in my body. It seems that I can try to break through the aggregation bottleneck.

Although my junior brother has already given me a Baby Training Pill exchanged by two Taoist friends, the breakthrough in the realm of aggregation was not something we could have expected. Although the Baby Training Pill is powerful and full of energy, whether it can succeed The apocalyptic disaster is coming, and I have no confidence in my heart.

Therefore, I am shameless and would like to implore you two Taoist friends. If you two still have the Infant Training Pill, please give me another one.

No matter what conditions the two Taoist friends put forward, as long as I, Xiangyun Pavilion, can meet them, I will definitely not shirk them, and I guarantee with my position as the Grand Ancestor of Xiangyun Pavilion that I, Xiangyun Pavilion, can promise these two Taoist friends , I have to do two things for my fellow Taoist, as long as it is not harmful to the laws of heaven or harmful to the way of heaven, I, Xiangyunge, will definitely complete it for my fellow Taoist,"

Seeing that the two people named Li were not seated, the old man named Huaying Peak also stood and looked at the two old men named Li for a moment. On his peaceful face, a look of great expectation was revealed.

At the same time, his eyes flashed, and a sense of absolute certainty slowly appeared on his face as he spoke.

Listening to the voice of the old man in front of them, the two old men surnamed Li already knew.

The old man in front of him, who looked so kind and so friendly that people would be very fond of him, was undoubtedly the Supreme Patriarch of Xiangyun Pavilion at this time.

How important it would be to have the Supreme Patriarch of a first-class sect with several late-stage Infant Transformation monks, hundreds of Transformation Infant monks, and tens of thousands of disciples say such a guarantee.

After what the old man in front of him said, Qin Fengming, who was in the Shenji Mansion, was also greatly moved in his heart.

With this old man's status, being able to say such words to two monks in the early stage of Ghost Lord is enough to show the Zheng Ran spirit of the old man in front of him.

If it is a demonic or ghost sect, if you want to get something from two casual cultivators, the first thing that comes to mind is to seek money and harm lives. Even if you negotiate, it must be a threat of force.

"Senior, I must be serious. I will tell you the truth. Back then, my junior and Brother Yan once went deep into the Wasteland of Lost Souls. They were pursued by a ghost ghost king and accidentally fell into an abyss. In that abyss, I accidentally broke into a forbidden area and was trapped for decades before I broke out. By chance, I got this Infant Training Pill.

There were six Infant Training Pills in total at that time. The two juniors knew that they had not yet reached the level of cultivation, so they never took them. This time, the two juniors wanted to enter the human world, so they needed to prepare some necessary items. They had no choice but to take out three The transaction between Ke and Guizong,

We both know that our cultivation qualifications are lacking, so we plan to each take one pill and keep one as a spare, hoping that we can successfully enter the middle stage of the Ghost Lord with this Infant Training Pill.

Since...now that the senior has said this, if the junior wants to shirk it again, it would be too ignorant. Senior, please put this Baby-Building Pill away, even if it is a gift from the junior to the senior,"

The old man surnamed Li heard the words of the cultivator at the Transformation Peak Peak in front of him. After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and said in a loud voice. As he spoke, he moved his hands and a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then there was something more. Without a trace of hesitation, he handed it to the great monk in front of him.

Seeing the pill in the jade bottle handed to him by the monk Guijun in front of him, the old man surnamed Guo suddenly had a bright light in his eyes. After just a brief glance, he recognized that this pill was incomparable to the one he had originally obtained. Second, it is undoubtedly a Baby-Building Pill,

He took out a Baby-Building Pill so readily, which made the old man in front of him look stunned.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Yan, although this pill is very important to Guo, I can never accept what two fellow Taoists risked their lives to obtain. My previous words were definitely from the bottom of my heart. If you two need something urgently, I will definitely use all the power of my Xiangyun Pavilion to help you."

Although the old man at the top of Huaying had an eager look on his face, he did not take the jade bottle from the old man surnamed Li. Instead, he held it in his hand and said,

The two sides stood in a stalemate for a while. The old man surnamed Li showed a sincere look on his face when he saw the great monk in front of him. He thought about it for a moment and held up his hands. The jade slip marked with the materials Qin Fengming needed appeared in his hand.

"Since the senior insists on this, the junior will no longer shirk it. The junior really needs some tools for refining. If the senior can give the junior a piece and a half, the junior will be grateful."

From the beginning to the end, it was the old man surnamed Li who was talking. The monk surnamed Yan had a calm expression, as if the old man surnamed Li was the only one who was following his lead.

Taking the jade slip, the old man surnamed Guo Huaying Dingfeng only glanced at it for a moment, and his expression couldn't help but change.

"Well, the things that fellow Taoists need are really precious. Even I have never seen two of them. Although I saw gold and sulfur crystals hundreds of years ago in an auction, I have never seen them before. I didn’t get it, but... I have a precious material in my hand that has the same properties as the gold sulfur crystal and contains the same amount of energy. I wonder if you have ever taken a fancy to it."

As the great monk surnamed Guo spoke, he opened his hand, and a jade box that he had already held in his hand was handed to the old man surnamed Li. He raised his finger, and a piece of precious weapon refining material flashing with red light appeared in front of the old man surnamed Li. before,

"Ah, this is a piece of red gilt gold, hahaha, I never thought that I could come across such a treasure of heaven and earth,"

The moment the old man stretched out his hand and opened the lid of the box, Qin Fengming, who was in the Shenji Mansion, jumped up from his cross-legged position and stood on the spot in great surprise. At the same time, a cry of surprise came out of his mouth. ,

"Fellow Daoist Li, please promise the people in front of you that although this piece of red gilt gold is not gold sulfur crystal, it can still be used." Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Qin Fengming immediately sent a message to the old man surnamed Li and said,

After hearing Qin Fengming's message, the expression on the old man's face did not change at all. He paused for a moment and said, "Senior, this piece of red gilt gold is not the gold sulfur crystal that this junior needs, but its properties are the same. Maybe it can be used again. Since the senior loves me so much, the junior will not refuse and accept this piece of red gold."

The old man surnamed Li spoke extremely calmly, with no strange expression on his face, as if he was describing an extremely ordinary thing.

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