Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1571 Forced Invitation

Facing the treasure identification conference held by Xiangyun Pavilion, Qin Fengming actually made up his mind not to participate in person, but he had no choice but to do so.

During the Jiaolong clan's trip to the forbidden area, almost all the powerful talismans on their body had been consumed. Even the powerful magic circle with thirty-six flags obtained from the ghost cultivator was destroyed by the powerful power of the aggregator. under attack,

Qin Fengming felt heartbroken when he recalled that the powerful magic circle was destroyed.

That extremely huge magic circle was able to withstand the ordinary secret attack of an aggregation monk. This was beyond his expectation. If he had a magic circle of the same level with him, he would be able to withstand it in the ghost world. will increase steadily,

He never thought that just after entering the ghost world, he would encounter the Qing Yun Crystal that he had been searching for for a long time but could not find in the human world. After getting the Qing Yun Crystal, the Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation could be successfully refined.

The Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation is a magical formation that arouses the power of the mysterious spirit in the upper world. What Qin Fengming holds in his hand is just a simplified version of the ancient power.

But it was this simplified thing that made Uncle Tianquan, who had been raping the magic circle for hundreds of years, very jealous. This already shows how precious it is.

Later, Qin Fengming made great progress in cultivation. After studying the magic circle carefully, he was finally shocked by the spells in the magic circle. If he hadn't started studying those spells after he reached the peak of Chengdan, Qin Fengming was convinced that Even in the early stages of becoming a pill, the powerful power contained in the spell may backfire.

With his attainments in the magic circle, he is convinced that if he successfully refines the Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation, and the great monk at the peak of the Transformation Infant falls into it, there is absolutely no chance of survival. Whether he can resist those in the aggregation realm can only be achieved through actual combat. Only then can we draw conclusions,

At this time, seeing that the long-awaited Qing Yun Crystal was finally in hand, Qin Fengming was still in the mood to attend some kind of treasure conference. He just wanted to refine the Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation as soon as possible.

The scale of the Xiangyunge Treasures Conference is indeed astonishing.

Xiangyun Pavilion is located very close to a passage that connects to the human world. Therefore, many monks who have received the news and are in the Feifeng Mountain Range, including many late-stage great monks.

The old man surnamed Li held the jade slip handed over by Qin Fengming and directly participated in the most high-end treasure conference. However, the monk surnamed Yan went to the remaining two places.

Since the conference really started, the old man surnamed Li was finally shocked.

When the old man surnamed Li followed Qin Fengming's words and entered the venue where the highest-end conference was held, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him. His body was shaking and he was almost unsteady.

There were not many monks in front of me. After careful calculation, there were only a few dozen people. However, among these dozens of people, there were nearly 20 incarnation ghost kings in the late stage, and there were many of them. The people at the top, as well as the rest, are all mid-level monks without exception.

As for the people in the early stage of Ghost Lord, apart from him, there was no one.

If he hadn't been assigned by Qin Fengming to attend this big meeting, the old man named Li would have turned around and left.

Bite the bullet, the old man surnamed Li found a wooden table near the edge and sat down.

With the appearance of the middle-stage monk surnamed Min who was responsible for identifying treasures that he had met in Bainiao Valley, the treasure conference finally officially began.

This treasure conference is indeed different from other exchange meetings. For this conference, Xiangyun Pavilion actually brought out many extremely precious objects in the world of immortality. The sudden appearance of these items made people who have been cultivating immortals for seven or eight hundred years... The old man surnamed Li was stunned on the spot.

The old man surnamed Li has never seen these items, not to mention hearing about them in various classics.

The rules used by Xiangyun Pavilion this time are extremely special. Each item is only marked with attributes and functions. If a monk is interested in that item, he must pay 100,000 Yin stones before he can see the forbidden As long as you can name the treasure inside, you can get it at half the price.

Since Xiangyun Pavilion dared to use such a method to test the many mid-term powerful and more than 20 great monks present, the thing they took out was undoubtedly something extremely difficult to see.

As the five treasures placed on the table were identified by many powerful people present, and it lasted for an hour, only one item was taken into the arms of a great monk who practiced ghost skills. middle,

No less than thirty monks came forward to identify the other four items, but no one could recognize them.

Although the old man surnamed Li had the intention to step forward to take a look, he also understood in his heart that he was extremely incompetent in the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures required for weapon refining. Even if he stepped forward, it would only be a waste of one hundred thousand Yin stones. Just for Xiangyun Pavilion,

An hour later, with the laughter of the old man surnamed Min, everyone who had not stepped forward to check the treasures finally saw the true appearance of the remaining four treasures.

Looking at the four treasures that he had never seen before, the old man surnamed Li was stunned on the spot. He stared at them for a long time without being able to take them back.

The things in front of him were not all weapon refining materials. Among them, there were actually two ancient treasures that flashed powerful power. The huge pressure revealed by the ancient treasures actually gave the old man surnamed Li a chill in his heart.

"For these four treasures, the senior fellow Taoists have not been able to guess their names, so Min has no choice but to take them back. If that fellow Taoist is interested, he can still come and participate in our Xiangyun Pavilion event thirty years later. At the treasure conference, maybe one of the treasures will be able to be taken back into the arms of Taoist friends.

Next, will be the auction session of this treasure conference. Some of the treasures are items entrusted to me by the Taoist friends present to be auctioned by Xiangyung Pavilion. Interested Taoist friends can bid at that time."

As treasures were taken out one by one, they were patted away one by one by the monks present. The old man surnamed Li did not see any of the treasures listed in the jade slip handed over by Qin Fengming.

Although the treasures in this jade slip are not his business, the old man surnamed Li is not only a little anxious at this time, but the senior is assured that he will bring so many treasures to the treasure conference. If he comes back with nothing, he is heartbroken. It must be difficult,

What made the old man surnamed Li speechless was that not only did the things listed in the jade slips not appear in the conference he attended, but there was no news at all in the other two conferences.

As the old man surnamed Min said, "This treasure conference is over," the old man surnamed Li finally got up with great disappointment, turned around and fled towards the attic where Qin Fengming was.

But just as it flew into the air and before it could shoot away, two figures appeared in front of it.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Li has invited me, old man Min Gang. You and I have met once before. I guess Fellow Daoist has not forgotten Min yet." The first person was the middle-stage Huaying monk surnamed Min who had just presided over the treasure transaction.

"It turns out to be fellow Daoist Min, but I don't know where he ended up. But what's the matter with looking for Mr. Li?"

The old man surnamed Li's face was slightly gloomy. He couldn't help but feel shocked, but he calmed down in an instant.

This place is the place where Xiangyun Pavilion holds the treasure conference. Since Xiangyun Pavilion has always claimed to be a righteous sect, it will not do anything dirty.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, please don't have any other ideas. I came here to look for you because I was ordered by an elder from Xiangyun Pavilion. If you don't mind, fellow Taoist, can you accompany us to meet with me who is here at this time?" That Supreme Elder,"

Being within the sphere of influence of Xiangyun Pavilion, two monks in the middle stage of transforming into infants were dispatched to invite them. Let alone the old man surnamed Li, who was in the early stage of ghost king, even an ordinary great monk would definitely not directly recommend them. but,

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