Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1550 Huangquan Palace

"Ah, senior, are a person who cultivates both good and ghost,"

The two ghost cultivators were also well-informed people, and they made accurate judgments on the situation that suddenly unfolded in front of them at a glance.

The aura of the young monk in front of him is now filled with Yin Qi. He no longer has the slightest aura of righteousness, but his own pressure is still strong. He is obviously in the realm of transforming infants.

There are monks who practice two types of techniques in the world of immortality, but those who can practice both types of techniques to the realm of infant transformation are extremely rare.

"Well, yes, Qin is a person who cultivates both good and ghost. If he enters the ghost world with this breath, will his safety be greatly improved?" The mist faded, revealing Qin Fengming's young face.

"Senior, if you use this aura to show others, you can certainly be a little safer, but although your senior has ghost cultivation skills, he is still slightly different from us and other ghost realm monks. Otherwise, when Brother Yan and I saw senior, we were three When people show up, they immediately run away."

The ghost cultivator surnamed Li paused for a moment and spoke again, but what he said also puzzled Qin Fengming.

The Xuangui Technique he practiced is definitely the top technique in the ghost realm. Kung Fu books that can directly cultivate the Mahayana realm are extremely rare in the human world here. Even if you count them on ten fingers, you may not be able to find them. will exceed,

Qin Fengming was convinced that the aura of ghosts cultivated through such techniques would not be much different from that of ghost monks with ghost bodies.

But at this time, the ghost cultivator surnamed Li actually said that he could see through his hiding place, which really puzzled him.

"Senior, I don't know. As a person from the ghost world, especially a person who has passed through the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation into an Infant, there will be a hint of aura unique to the ghost world in his aura. This kind of aura is not found in ghost cultivators in other interfaces. Those who practice Taoism can have this breath. We monks from the ghost world call this kind of breath the breath of true ghosts.

When we first met these two Taoist friends, although we saw that they were practicing ghost methods, we did not see a trace of real ghost energy in them, so we recognized the three of them at a glance. The position is a person from the human world,"

Seeing the young man in front of him showing doubts, knowing that he must be extremely unfamiliar with things in the ghost world, the old man surnamed Li immediately explained,

"I see. It's no wonder that Qin looked at the two Taoist friends as being cultivators of the Yin Soul Body. It turns out that's the reason. But I don't know if there is any other way to allow human monks like me to carry this kind of body besides transcending tribulations. What a ghost spirit,”

Qin Fengming did not have the slightest doubt about the words of the old man surnamed Li, but this was something he had to solve. Entering the ghost world would last only a year or two. If there was no solution, he would definitely not be able to act calmly.

"Senior wants to become a person in my ghost world. This... this... this is not impossible, but the method is too difficult and dangerous, and the distance is extremely far. Even when we get there, we rely on senior's ability. Whether you can enter it or not is a matter of two opinions.”

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, the expressions of the two ghost cultivators changed at the same time. As the two looked at each other, the cultivator surnamed Yan pondered for a moment, and then said with an extremely serious expression,

"Ah, Brother Yan is saying that it is absolutely wrong for seniors to go to the Underworld Palace. The dangerous danger of the Underworld Palace aside, it is the pure and huge Yin Qi contained in the Underworld. It is not for us. The monks can resist,

Although the secret water of the underworld can change the marrow of the Book of Changes and is of great benefit to monks like us in the ghost world, the senior is a monk in the human world and it is absolutely difficult to withstand the majestic pure yin energy filling the body. Even if the senior really enters the underworld Palace, even after finding the location of Huangquan, it will definitely be difficult to resist the majestic Yin Qi filling the body. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Before Qin Fengming could speak, the old man surnamed Li suddenly understood after listening to what his companion said, but he stopped him without hesitation. It seemed that the dangers of Huangquan Palace mentioned by the monk surnamed Yan were very ordinary.

"Haha, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Li. Qin is slightly interested in the Huangquan Palace that Fellow Daoist Yan mentioned. You two might as well explain it to Qin in detail,"

Huangquan Palace, when Qin Fengming suddenly heard this name, his heart moved.

Qin Fengming is certainly familiar with the theory of the underworld. It is the place where the ghosts live forever in the legend of the underworld. When a living person dies, the soul will enter the underworld. The yin energy there is pure and non-human beings can enter.

Of course, that is just a legend. The real place where the soul returns is the ghost world.

But after entering, its original consciousness will disappear and be reincarnated as a baby. Of course, there are exceptions. Those major cultivators with special magical powers can seal the soul consciousness in their souls using special techniques. When the cultivation level reaches a certain level, the previous The memory will be unsealed and absorbed by it again,

Although this situation is extremely rare, it definitely exists.

Since that place is called Huangquan Palace, regardless of the danger inside, it must be filled with majestic Yin energy. However, Qin Fengming longs for the huge and pure Yin energy.

"Senior, I don't know. Although Yan was born as a casual cultivator, he still had some contact with Huangquan Palace. At that time, Yan's ancestor was a disciple of Huangquan Palace. However, the family's talents later withered and he eventually became a person without any clan or family. , However, Yan still has some classics left by the family, so he also has some understanding of Huangquan Palace. If the senior is interested, then the junior can explain it in detail, "

The monk surnamed Yan in front of him showed no signs of dodge under the gaze of Qin Fengming, and appeared extremely calm. Seeing this, Qin Fengming knew that what he said was true.

"Well, Qin is somewhat interested in the Huangquan Palace, so Taoist Lao Yan will explain it."

The monk surnamed Yan nodded, took a moment to collect his thoughts, and then began to speak slowly,

Although he spoke extremely slowly, his logic was extremely clear and rigorous. It took him enough time to talk over a cup of tea before he stopped talking.

Listening to the monk surnamed Yan in front of him, Qin Fengming's expression changed suddenly.

From what the monk surnamed Yan said, Qin Fengming finally gained a very profound understanding of the ghost world.

The ghost world adjacent to the human world here is also extremely vast. However, unlike the human world, the land area of ​​the ghost world is much larger than the ocean. Although the water between the land and the land is also extremely vast. , but it is only a part of the land area,

The entire ghost world is roughly divided into five domains. In each domain, there are two or several super huge sects standing. These super sects are not only giants in the world of immortality, but also dominate the entire world. The Supreme Emperor of the regional mortal world,

In the world of immortality, the weak prey on the strong, and the strong are respected. In the ghost world, this is even more vividly expressed.

Although there are many sects in each domain, in name, no matter which sect they are, they must obey the instructions of those super sects.

Although there are super sects as leaders, they usually do not manage smaller sects. Even those first-class sects will not intervene. Only when regional competition is involved, super sects will use them. That invisible power of command,

In this way, these sects with similar strength will continue to fight and kill each other in order to obtain more resources. It can be said that the ghost world monks have grown up from constant fighting and killing since they entered the world of immortality.

Qin Fengming doesn't care about these. The battles he has experienced since his growth up to now are absolutely incomparable to those of monks in the ghost world.

However, the Huangquan Palace mentioned by the monk surnamed Yan shocked him greatly.

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