|.|The two girls who were ready for defense stood at a distance and stared at the other demon corpse for a long time. They did not see anything strange happening.

Lan Xueer's face straightened, and she waved her jade hand. A sharp blade flashing with great power was fired at the demon.

"Crack." With just one blow, a huge gash was created in the demon's abdomen.

The demon body that fell to the ground received this blow, but no signs of any abnormality appeared. Carefully, Lan Xueer drove the giant blade one after another until the demon's body was broken into eight pieces, and then she held the magic weapon.

"There is no soul left in this demon corpse. It seems that only the soul that attacked Brother Qin exists." Seeing that the corpse was so damaged and no soul appeared, the two women immediately felt relieved.

Even if there really is a soul inside, after Lan Xueer slashed it with no less than thirty or forty knives, the soul must have been dispersed.

Withdrawing the giant blade, the two looked at Qin Fengming again. Although they were convinced that there would be no danger, their expressions became extremely solemn due to concern. Even the little girl who had always been laughing couldn't help but clasp her hands.

On the surface, Qin Fengming seemed to have fallen asleep standing up. His eyes were slightly closed, and there was no movement in his body. Except for the occasional squirming of his facial muscles, there was nothing wrong at all.

At this time, Lan Xueer and Bing'er did not dare to transmit messages at will or contact Qin Fengming with their spiritual thoughts. They knew it without thinking. Although they could not see anything wrong with the young monk in front of them at this time, there was something wrong inside him. There is no doubt that a fierce battle is going on.

Standing behind Qin Fengming, the two women also clasped their hands. Their secret magic weapons were not taken back. If the young man in front of the demon general had taken over his body, they had no choice but to use all their strength to avenge him.

The nervous situation actually did not appear in Qin Fengming's body.

At the beginning, he suddenly saw the gray and transparent thing suddenly appeared. When he pounced on Bing'er, Qin Fengming was really shocked. Xuantian moved quickly with slight steps, pulling Bing'er down. The danger was again He narrowly avoided the flying attack of the transparent object.

Of course Qin Fengming knew that the transparent and cold thing that suddenly appeared was the soul of the demon.

At this time, although Bing'er has reached the late stage of becoming a pill, the power of her soul may be even higher. But if she really has to face a demon soul, no one knows whether she can resist it.

Qin Fengming was frightened when he saw the transparent object pounce on his body. But his heart suddenly became calm.

With his current cultivation level and the strength of the soul power in his body, although it cannot be compared with that of a late-stage Infant Transformation monk, it is not far behind. And at this time, even if the soul of a late-stage Infant Transformation monk is really lost, Linti. Qin Fengming is also very capable of fighting him.

No one else. Because at this time, in addition to the power of the soul, there are also several powerful means that can threaten the soul in his body.

The Yin Soul Silk and the Blue Soul Silk are powerful secret techniques that directly attack the souls of monks. Moreover, the soul-devouring ghost fire sacrificed in the body also has a strong attack effect on the soul.

With so many backup plans, Qin Fengming felt very at ease when facing a demon soul whose body was only in the early stage of infant transformation.

That group of souls is indeed the soul that the demon used secret techniques to force himself into the body before his death. His original intention was to seize Bing'er's body. It was probably because he sensed the appearance when he was in the ice mass. Among the three human monks, the first one has reached the stage of transforming into a baby, while the two following are only at the stage of becoming an elixir.

Qin Fengming is of course the first choice of the demon.

But this demon is also a cautious person. He knows that although he can safely devour the opponent's soul based on his original state, his own soul power has been greatly weakened after being imprisoned for countless thousands of years.

In this situation, he had no choice but to do the next best thing. In comparison, he actually felt that although the little girl was not at a high level, there was actually a trace of powerful coercion on her body.

After thinking about it for a moment, I already understood that the body was undoubtedly the body of a monk who transformed into an infant.

Upon seeing it, the demon soul was immediately overjoyed. As long as he could successfully devour Bing'er's soul, he could immediately recover most of his magical powers. Under this, he only tolerated it until Bing'er approached and then suddenly started to attack.

What he didn't expect was that when he was about to get it, he discovered that the person standing in front of him had actually been replaced by the young infant monk.

He had to stop and change direction. It was no longer possible. As a last resort, the demon soul invaded Qin Fengming's body.

As soon as he entered, the demon soul realized how powerful the soul he faced was. Even when he was at his peak, he could never defeat the opponent.

But now it has entered the opponent's body. Even if the demon soul wants to escape, it will be extremely difficult.

Even when the demon soul was still hesitating, it was already being attacked by the opponent's extremely powerful soul and had to dodge and run away. In just an instant, nearly half of its energy was devoured by the opponent's soul.

This demon was originally an existence whose methods, secrets, and thoughts were all top choices. He was in the demon world and was someone who was deliberately cultivated by the clan. Seeing that he was no longer immune, he froze his heart and concentrated into a voice. The message said: "Fellow human Taoist, please stop. I have something to say."

Suddenly, the other party's voice suddenly came from his consciousness. Qin Fengming couldn't help but pause. The soul's light ball immediately stagnated in the empty sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hmph. What do you have to say? Qin can listen to it." With a thought, he also sent a message.

As for the demonic soul, Qin Fengming no longer cares about it at all. No matter how much the other party stirs up trouble, there is no hope of doing anything because the other party's soul power at this time is no longer enough to become a monk in the elixir realm.

"Human fellow Taoist, I know that this time I will inevitably die. If you can agree to my proposal, I will definitely give you a great opportunity."

A bright yellow energy light ball flashed in front of him. A voice came again.

"Do you want to merge with Qin's soul so that you can retain some consciousness and continue to survive?" Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel moved after hearing the voice. He already understood the meaning of the demon soul.

"What. Fellow Taoist actually knows the method of soul fusion. How is this possible? Not to mention the human world. Even in the demon world, there are very few people who know it. How can such a young Taoist know the method of soul symbiosis? .”

After hearing Qin Fengming's words, the thick yellow light suddenly flashed violently. It seemed that he did not expect Qin Fengming to say such words.

"Hmph. No matter how Qin knows it, all you need to know at this time is that you have fallen into Qin's hands. If he wants to completely kill you, it won't take any effort for Qin. If you can't say what you say below, If Qin is tempted, then you will have no choice but to perish completely."

The so-called soul fusion is one of the immortal contracts that Qin Fengming signed with Bing'er. At this time, the demon suddenly stopped. With Qin Fengming's experience, he knew what the demon was thinking.

The demon also knows it. To beg the other party to let him go is tantamount to wishful thinking. Human demons are natural enemies. There is absolutely no possibility of releasing the opponent. The only possibility is to merge with the opponent's soul to retain some fire. Of course, this matter still needs to be done. The other party agreed because the initiative was no longer in his hands.

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