Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1359 Goodbye Old Ghost

|.| As soon as he entered the Shenji Mansion, Qin Fengming waved his hand and handed the two jade bottles to Rong Qing. He passed out without saying a single word.

Rong Qing knew what the medicine was in the two jade bottles. He quickly laid Qin Fengming's body on the ground, took off his broken clothes, and applied the medicine in the jade bottle to the wound. Then, with Bing'er's help, wrap it with rags.

Then he got the spiritual spring water, took out one red pill from another jade bottle and put it into Qin Fengming's mouth.

After scanning Qin Fengming's body, Bing'er and Rong Qing knew that although the young monk in front of them had a very deep wound, it did not hurt his internal organs. It was just that the wound was invaded by cold air, making it difficult to expel it for a while.

With Qin Fengming's strong body, he can recover without doubt in just a few days.

It was not until a day later that Qin Fengming opened his eyes, struggled to sit up, and began to mobilize the magic power in his body to repair the injured area.

Four days later, Qin Fengming had recovered as before. Standing on the edge of the cave, Qin Fengming looked into the vast cave. His eyes were gleaming. He stood for a full cup of tea before turning around and entering the dark cave. within.

That magic circle is extremely mysterious. Qin Fengming knows it very well. If he encounters it in other places, Qin Fengming will definitely spend a lot of energy to study it. But in this unknown trial place, he has no interest in staying here for a long time. Already.

After walking several hundred feet again, a larger cave appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

The cold and cold atmosphere in this cave is even stronger.

Looking at the empty cave in front of him, Qin Fengming's consciousness was fully activated, but he could not detect any slight energy fluctuations. He waved his hand and struck out a sword energy. With a bang, a cold blade flashed out again, blocking the sword energy.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown when he saw the cold blade that was revealed. It was a bit bigger than the previous restriction in the cave. There was indeed a magic circle in the cave, and it was more powerful than the previous restriction. To be strengthened.

Qin Fengming only paused for a moment before offering the Wanji Pan without any hesitation.

Amidst the roar, the white light flashed several times, followed by the sound of shattering, and the huge shield broke.

This time Qin Fengming did not hesitate at all. He quickly ran towards the cave passage on the opposite side of the cave.

Feeling the cold aura gathering rapidly behind him, Qin Fengming knew that this magic circle was also a powerful magic circle that could activate and operate on its own.

After breaking through six powerful magic circles in a row, Qin Fengming felt that he had already penetrated thousands of feet into the ground. The last magic circle covered an area of ​​a hundred feet.

Qin Fengming tested it. The cold blade struck by the magic circle was already over ten feet in size.

The attack power of such a huge cold blade and the cold energy it carries are no less than the all-out attack of a monk in the middle stage of Transforming Infants.

But under the attack of the formation-breaking weapon, the Wanji Pan, it only managed to withstand two breaths before being destroyed by the Wanji Pan.

Just when Qin Fengming thought that the magic circle he encountered below would be even more powerful, after entering the cave for several dozen feet, a light suddenly shone brightly in front of him. He looked intently, and a smile appeared on his face.

What he saw in front of him turned out to be an open-air place. It turned out that Qin Fengming had been walking through a tall mountain for several months. It was not an underground place.

The moment Qin Fengming stepped out of the cave, the extremely cold and powerful aura suddenly disappeared.

The Ice Prison was actually broken through by him just like that.

The place where Qin Fengming was standing at this time was at the foot of a high mountain. Although there was still mist all around, it was no different from an ordinary place of ghosts. Even the weird feeling of being withdrawn from the breath of life in Death Valley was no longer there. .

The spiritual consciousness was released, and the area within a hundred miles in front was clearly visible in the mind.

I saw that in this area, six tall peaks were evenly arranged around like six nodes on a huge ring with a radius of a hundred miles. In the center surrounded by these six mountains, there were actually There is an even bigger and taller mountain.

Between the major peaks are undulating low hills.

Except for the obvious place surrounded by seven peaks, the outer area is hazy. It is the area behind Qin Fengming. If the spiritual consciousness is probed into it, it will be bounced back. It seems that there is a huge danger in that dim area.

Since it was a man-made trial place with such an obvious difference, Qin Fengming would certainly not take the risk to explore in that dark place.

After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Qin Fengming also roughly understood the meaning of this area.

The tall mountain peak he left from, and the other five peaks arranged around it, should be where the six teleportation formations in the Infinite Prison originally corresponded. And the independent mountain peak in the center should be this test The ultimate place of refining.

I released my spiritual consciousness and scanned carefully. I didn't see the figure of the old ghost cultivator. I don't know if I am still trapped in some mountain peak. Or I have already entered the ultimate place.

With a movement of his body, he stood up in the air. Even the air restriction no longer existed here.

The magic formula in his body moved. Qin Fengming shot towards the tall mountain peak in the center.

After circling the tall mountain peaks, I could not see any cave entrance. Except for the blue and black hard rocks, there was nothing that made Qin Fengming suspicious.

It's not that there are no discoveries. Several miles away from the tall mountain peak, there are eight extremely flat squares surrounding the mountain peak. But above the square, there are no buildings at all.

After testing the hard rock, Qin Fengming had a gloomy look on his face. Although there was no restriction on the green and black rock, the Five Elements spells could not damage it at all. It seems that the key to entering this huge mountain is those eight There is no doubt that everything is flat.

The figure landed on a square from the air. Qin Fengming glanced around. Apart from the fact that the square was extremely flat, there was no teleportation array. There was nothing unusual about it from the outside.

He carefully walked around the square and found nothing. Standing on the spot, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel regretful. It would have been better if he had used powerful means to capture the withered old ghost cultivator.

Based on the experience of the old ghost cultivator, he thought he could know where the secrets of this tall mountain lay. But it was too late now.

Sitting cross-legged on the square, Qin Fengming stayed there for two days.

The senior who set up this trial place was very scheming. It was unknown that there was a hidden existence in this square. Therefore, he wanted to wait a few days before making a decision.

"Hahaha. Congratulations, little friend, on your successful escape from that oil-cooked hell."

In the open field, a loud laugh suddenly came out. Then a figure shot out from the distance towards where Qin Fengming was meditating.

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