Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 127 Mysterious Scroll

Time passed and a person walked into the hall holding a simple wooden box in his hand.

The patriarch took the wooden box with both hands and put it respectfully on the table. The villagers followed behind the clan leader and bowed to the wooden box.

The patriarch muttered something, as if to say: "In order to repay the life-saving grace of the whole village, old and young, I want to offer this thing to the savior. Please don't blame the ancestors."

After the ceremony, the patriarch gently opened the wooden box and saw a crimson scroll inside. It looked like gold but not gold, like wood but not wood. It was about a foot long and as thick as a baby's arm. Its appearance looks very much like a scroll.

Qin Fengming looked at the object and was greatly confused. He couldn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations on it. So I gently picked it up with my hand and pulled hard, but it didn't move at all.

"No matter how hard we try, we can't open this thing. We have chopped it with knives and axes, but we can't cause any damage to it. It's incredible." The patriarch explained next to him.

Upon hearing this, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, his face changed unconsciously, and he returned to normal in an instant. He thought about it secretly and said: "This thing seems to be very novel. I don't know if it is of any use to me, but I like it very much. If the clan leader doesn't mind, I will accept it."

"Of course I don't mind. It's useless if we keep it here. If Mr. Liu thinks it's useful, please accept it." The patriarch said happily.

Qin Fengming smiled, put the roll of items in his arms, thought to himself again, took out the silver from the corpses outside the cave, and placed it in front of the clan leader. said:

"This may be the silver of the person you invited earlier. I found it not far from the mountain wolf's cave. Please return it to its original owner now."

The clan leaders refused one after another, but Qin Fengming resolutely put down the silver coins. Then he stood up and walked out of the hall.

Everyone followed him out of the hall and into the courtyard. Qin Fengming walked up to the wolf demon corpse, pointed at the wolf corpse and said: "Clan leader, this mountain wolf corpse is of some use to me. If you don't mind, I hope to take it with you." take away."

Everyone said they didn't mind. Qin Fengming raised the corpse of the wolf demon and said goodbye to everyone. He turned around and left Cuijiazhuang and disappeared deep into the mountains and forests.

After leaving Cuijiazhuang and climbing over a small hill, I saw that no one in Cuijiazhuang could be seen anymore. Qin Fengming immediately took up the Huntian Halberd and galloped towards the east.

Now that we know that this place belongs to Moxiang County, we can no longer fly north. Due north is where Zhui Feng Valley is located, so it would be troublesome to meet one of his disciples. After Qin Fengming thought about it again and again, he turned and flew eastward.

The Wanqiong Mountains run east-west. Flying eastward can bypass the Windchasing Valley as quickly as possible.

After Qin Fengming flew more than a thousand miles eastward, he felt that he was far away from Zhui Feng Valley, so he found a hidden valley and descended. He took out the 'Four Elephant Hunyuan Formation' and arranged it, then sat in the formation and took out the roll-shaped object given by the clan leader, wanting to study it carefully.

Back in Cuijiazhuang, when he held this object with his hand, he felt a trace of spiritual power fluctuations coming from it, but when he used his spiritual sense to explore it, he found nothing. Such a strange object must be something from the world of immortality.

Because there were many people there at that time, it was not convenient to show spiritual power. Now that there was no one, it was just a good time to see what this thing was.

Holding it with both hands, injecting a little spiritual energy, and with a little force, the roll of items actually opened. It was full of aura, with fluorescent lights flashing around it, making it look extremely cherished.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming was immediately overjoyed. As expected, this was definitely something used by monks.

Looking carefully with your eyes, you can see that the appearance of this object is very similar to that of the jade slips used in daily life. It's just that the materials used are very different, and I don't know what kind of material this thing is made of. Like this jade slip, after such a long time, the spiritual power on it has long disappeared, and there will no longer be any information.

But looking at this scroll, it is full of spiritual energy, which shows that it is extremely extraordinary.

I slowly penetrated it with my spiritual consciousness and found that it was densely covered with handwriting, as many as tens of thousands of words.

After carefully examining it, Qin Fengming couldn't help but look helpless. He saw that the text on it was very different from the current font.

But he still judged that it seemed to be some kind of skill or secret book.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown as he gently closed the scroll. He was convinced that this item must be extremely precious, otherwise it would be impossible to refine it from such precious materials.

If you want to figure out what is written above, you can only go to various places, look for some classics, find out when the above words came from, and then try to figure out the meaning of the above words.

After making up his mind, he took out the map of Daliang Kingdom and looked at it carefully. He found that there was a city called Zhuifeng Gufang about seven or eight hundred miles away. Qin Fengming rested one night, and early the next morning, he decided on the direction and flew straight towards Zhuifeng Gufang City.

Out of caution, Qin Fengming changed his appearance into a middle-aged man during the flight, and at the same time used a Qi Condensing Talisman to cover up his cultivation.

More than two hours later, he appeared in front of a towering mountain peak. I saw that this peak reached straight into the sky, with steep sides. There was no road to be found on the peak, as if it had been deliberately cut down. Even for apes, it would definitely be difficult for them to climb to the top of this peak.

"Well, it must be this mountain. With such a mountain, no mortal can even think of going up the mountain without any magic formation. Chai Feng Valley is really extraordinary." Qin Fengming stood in front of the mountain, secretly admiring it.

He stopped for a moment in front of the mountain peak and then flew straight to the peak.

When we arrived at the top of the peak, we saw an open space covering thousands of feet in the middle of the mountain, which seemed to have been specially pruned. There are dozens of houses built in the center of the open space, just like secular shops, with several streets crisscrossing them.

When I came to the street, I found that although the buildings here were more exquisite than those in Luoxia Zongfang City, the names of the shops were not novel at all.

Standing on the street, Qin Fengming looked around carefully, feeling that if he were to look for the books introduced in the previous text, or the specialized shops selling magic weapons, talismans, and elixirs, he would definitely not find them. You can only go to more sophisticated stores to check it out. Such as Jubao Tower, Baibaozhai and so on.

After making up my mind, I started looking for stores one by one.

What made him extremely disappointed was that after visiting more than a dozen shops, none of them sold such books comparing ancient and modern texts.

But it was not without some gains. In one of the stores, he bought a book about formations. He cherished the several formations introduced above and could study them in the future.

At the same time, he learned from a store clerk that the kind of books he was looking for might exist in stores specializing in selling books in the secular world.

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