(.Purple You Pavilion) As soon as the humanoid puppet was taken into the array, Qin Fengming drove the Yin-Yang Bagua array to its extreme.

Amidst the rumbling thunder, streaks of silver arcs shot out. Various other five-element attacks also appeared immediately. There were no gaps left within the magic circle. Huge attacks flashed out everywhere.

Qin Fengming had no such unrealistic thoughts about using this kind of attack to kill a late-stage infant transformation puppet with astonishing defensive power.

His move was just to consume the energy in this puppet's body.

Although the materials used by the puppet itself have extremely huge energy, that energy must be controlled by the ghost placed in the puppet's body.

But the ghost needs energy support. Therefore, as long as the energy of the crystals in the puppet's body can be exhausted, the puppet will be captured without a doubt. With Qin Fengming's puppet skills, it is very clear.

Therefore, Qin Fengming had no choice but to use this extremely clumsy method to deal with this puppet.

The defensive power of the Yin-Yang Bagua Array is also astonishing. When faced with the mature form of the Silver Sheath Insect, it was still able to forcefully imprison it in the array. Now it faces this unique infant. Later puppet. Qin Fengming felt very relieved.

When driving the Yin-Yang Bagua Array at full speed, Qin Fengming quickly replaced the spiritual stones on the Six-Yang Array in his hand, and then started to drive it himself.

Under the attack of two powerful magic circles, the puppet in the late stage of infant transformation was constantly being passively beaten as soon as it entered the magic circle.

Although under the strong urging of the beautiful female cultivator, he also moved quickly and tried to escape from the attack of the magic circle. However, under the powerful restraint of the Yin Yang Bagua array, he was forced to teleport back to the central place again and again.

As time passed slowly, the beautiful female cultivator now understood what Qin Fengming was thinking.

The figure moved quickly. With both hands raised, ten finger shadows shot out from the hands of the beautiful female cultivator. They shot toward the huge wall.

"Boom.~~~" The sound of a huge explosion sounded out of thin air before the ten finger shadows touched the huge wall. The ten finger shadows were extremely powerful. Along with this wave of huge explosions, It dissipated into the air.

"Junior, I want to see how many of these powerful talismans you have." With a shout, ten more finger shadows flashed out and shot towards the wall again.

Qin Fengming faced such a powerful attack from Holy Lord Yin Luo's split soul. Naturally, he would not let it attack at will.

Qin Fengming also knew the power of the opponent's finger shadow attack. Therefore, when he saw the opponent coming to attack with all his strength, he waved his hands quickly. Immediately, thirty mountain-breaking talismans shot out, killing the beautiful female cultivator. This wave of attacks was intercepted in front of the barrier.

"Haha. To be honest with you, senior. This junior's talisman is so swaying, but it can persist until this time tomorrow. If senior doesn't believe it, you can give it a try."

Qin Fengming said calmly while waving thirty mountain-breaking talismans again, intercepting the female cultivator's ten finger shadows again.

"Junior, don't try to use your words. But I don't believe it. It is not easy to refine such a powerful talisman. You are just a monk who can never have many. When the talisman is used up, rely on it. If I attack myself, I will definitely be able to break this small magic circle."

The beautiful female cultivator said, but her hands did not stop for a moment. She used all her strength to activate the magic formula in her body. A series of finger shadows flashed out, and she continued to attack the huge wall in front of her.

Faced with such an attack from the beautiful female cultivator, Qin Fengming was speechless for a moment.

He knew that the opponent was powerful, so he couldn't let the opponent's attack reach the wall of the magic circle. At this time, the Liuyang Formation was attacking the humanoid puppet with all its strength. Its own defense was already less than half of its original strength.

It is extremely possible for the female cultivator to break through the Liuyang Formation with one full blow.

As a last resort, Qin Fengming also took out the mountain-breaking talisman in his arms again and again, forcing himself to intercept the powerful attacks launched by the female cultivators.

In just one meal, Qin Fengming had already sacrificed no less than 500 mountain-breaking talismans.

At this time, Qin Fengming knew very well that although the opponent continued to use powerful secret techniques, such powerful attacks were based on his own powerful magic power. He did not believe that the beautiful female cultivator could continue to use such powerful techniques endlessly. Mystic attack.

Sensing the powerful talismans that the young monks on the other side were pouring out one after another, the beautiful female cultivator also showed her eyes wide open. So many talismans were sacrificed by a Chengdan monk. Even though she was well-informed, she still had a look of doubt on her face.

"Hahaha. This puppet was finally captured by Qin. Senior, your biggest support no longer exists. Is it possible that with senior's ability at this time, what can you do to Qin?"

Just when the divided soul of Holy Lord Yin Luo was greatly shocked, the soul in the puppet in the late stage of infant transformation that was connected to its spiritual thought sent a divine thought. This divine thought was just received by the divided soul of Holy Lord Yin Luo. Qin Fengming's words immediately rang out.

Suddenly hearing this sound, Holy Lord Yinluo's body moved. His hands also stopped attacking with secret techniques.

Looking at Qin Fengming, who had reappeared, a trace of gloom was revealed on the beautiful face of Holy Lord Yinluo. His eyes flashed with a fierce look, but he finally forced himself to surrender.

"Giggle. Qin Xiaoyou's methods are really beyond my expectation. He actually used two magic circles to capture one of my master's puppets in the late stage of infant transformation. If he said that he was about to escape, no one would believe it."

The divided soul of Yin Luo Holy Master had no trace of embarrassment at this time. He chuckled, but seemed to have started chatting with Qin Fengming.

With the methods of this female cultivator, she will not give up so easily. Although she is only in the early stage of transforming into an infant, her body is too powerful. The secret skills she knows are not what the human world here can do. Unexpected.

In order to break Qin Fengming's magic circle at this time, all he needs is a beautiful female cultivator who is willing to take the risk of a sudden drop in her realm and use some powerful secret technique. But she is 70-80% sure that she can destroy the young monk in front of her and the magic circle he arranged with him in one fell swoop. Eliminate one piece.

But this idea only flashed in the mind of Saint Master Yinluo, and he forced himself to accept it.

She has been trapped for hundreds of thousands of years. Now she has just escaped. There are many more important things waiting for her to do. At this time, her realm has plummeted, which is extremely detrimental to her future actions.

Although the young monk in front of her repeatedly provoked her, she would not delay important matters by being happy for a while.

"Haha. The senior is ridiculous. The junior's mere methods cannot be judged by the senior. Since the senior does not plan to test the magic circle set up by the junior again, then the junior can have a good discussion with the senior."

Facing the beautiful female cultivator who showed anger just now but returned to normal in an instant, Qin Fengming also knew in his heart that the Holy Lord Yinluo had separated his soul and definitely no longer planned to force himself to fight with him.

"Keke. What Qin Xiaoyou said is absolutely true. The owner and the little friend can be said to be friends. Of course, we can't use any tricks. You can ask for whatever you want. The owner will definitely meet the little friend's request. But... that It is a puppet in the late stage of infant transformation. You must return it to its owner."

Looking at the very calm young monk in front of her, the beautiful female cultivator, although her heart was filled with hatred, she still spoke with joy on her face.

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