Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1243 Three months of seclusion

(.) Looking at the four people kneeling in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes flickered. Although everyone was old, Qin Fengming could see some shadows of his eldest brother and second brother in the faces of the four people. .

Although Qin Meng was also Qin Fengming's junior, because he was over ninety years old, Qin Fengming did not let him kneel down and salute. Instead, he made him sit next to him.

"I have summoned you here. But I have something to tell you about something that concerns the lives of our Qin family and even the entire Liang Kingdom. This matter is extremely confidential. Not even your wives or nephews should tell you anything about it. You should keep this in mind."

Although Qin Fengming didn't want too many people to know about the war at first, but later he saw that there were dozens of men in his family. Plus the women, the whole family would become a huge existence.

Moreover, Qin Fengming also had the intention to protect the entire Qin Family Village. Therefore, after thinking about it, he also kept the three old men who were one generation older than Qin Yuan at this time. He was afraid that things would really come to a head. It was difficult for Qin and Yuan alone to convince the public.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, the four kneeling old men were shocked.

Although Qin Yuan already knew Qin Fengming's identity as an immortal cultivator, he found it difficult to control himself when he suddenly heard about such a huge disaster.

"Haha. You don't need to take this matter too seriously. Although the things I said exist, generally speaking, they will not affect the mortal world. However, in a few decades, many strange things will definitely happen in the Liang Kingdom. Things.

In order to allow my Qin family to survive this disaster safely, I have built a cave in this Buddhist hall to avoid disasters. You get up and come with me to have a look."

Qin Fengming did not let Qin Meng follow him. One reason was that he was too old and it would be inconvenient to enter the cave. The other reason was that thirty years later, Qin Meng was no longer alive.

Seeing the dark cave under the Buddhist niche revealed, Qin and Yuan's four people immediately looked shocked.

This ancestor has only been here for three months and has not seen any craftsmen coming in or out. At this time, such a secret place appeared in the Buddhist hall. Everyone was puzzled.

Qin Fengming didn't explain anything. He followed the stone steps and entered the cave first.

The entrance to this cave is not big, but after going down a few feet, it suddenly becomes clear. A two- to three-foot passage extends smoothly into the distance under the reflection of the luminous stone.

When the four people of Qin and Yuan saw the vast cave, the expressions on their faces were already dull.

Although this huge cave is two or three miles deep underground, Qin Fengming has left many small passages leading to the ground and hidden in the gaps in the huge rocks. Therefore, no one in this cave has any traces. Discomfort exists.

"This place is the place I have reserved for the Qin family. As long as there is a change in the surroundings in twenty or thirty years, you can let my Qin clan members escape here. But before, it was absolutely Don't let anything leak out. At the same time, you must collect food every year to meet various expenses so that you have no need."

After being stunned for a while, the four of them, Qin and Yuan, suddenly woke up. They lay down in front of Qin Fengming and agreed.

"You are all under seventy years old. I have already refined some pills for you to strengthen your muscles and bones to ensure that your life span will be extended to about a hundred years. This is also to ensure that the descendants of my Qin family can survive this one day of calamity safely. There is only so much I can do for the Qin family. As for whether the Qin family can still prosper in the future, I can only let nature take its course."

Looking at the four people kneeling in front of him, Qin Fengming's expression became lonely. He raised his hand and handed a jade bottle into Qin Yuan's hand.

"With the blessing of my grandpa, my Qin family will definitely grow stronger and stronger."

Qin Fengming waved his hand. His expression had returned to its original state. A light flashed in his eyes. He said again: "Okay. This place is only known to the four of you. The Buddhist hall will be classified as a restricted area from now on. No one can step in except the four of you. Halfway there. Okay. Come back with me."

Arriving a few feet away from the entrance of the cave, Qin Fengming pressed his hand lightly on one side of the stone wall. Suddenly a creaking sound was heard. A stone door suddenly moved away, and a cave room was revealed in front of everyone.

"This is a forbidden formation disk. You don't need to know its details. You just need to know that as long as you put these eight crystals in, the cave here will become safe." Pointing to a circle on a stone platform in front of him Shape Dharma Disk. Qin Fengming said with a firm tone.

He casually put eight of the spiritual stones in the pile next to him into the grooves of the Dharma plate. Immediately, several rays of light shot out. Amidst the sound of buzzing, the entrance to the cave they originally entered was completely covered.

"This is a dark room. You must remember that as soon as the Qin people enter the cave, they will immediately place eight crystal stones in the disc. There is such a restriction, but it can ensure that your lives are not in danger. Although the cave here is not It’s small, but we can’t protect everyone. As long as there are people in Qinjiazhuang, we can protect as many as we can.”

After informing the four people around him about everything, Qin Fengming suddenly felt relieved. This time he returned to the Qin family and had completed his mission.

"Now, I have informed the four of you about everything. Tomorrow, you will gather all the descendants of my Qin clan under the age of twenty-five. Regardless of men and women, I will select some with excellent bones among them. I will give you Karma." When Qin and Yuan left, Qin Fengming opened his mouth and gave instructions.

Since we want to cultivate brothers Qin Yun and Qin Xing, we might as well see if there are other clansmen in Qin Family Village who have spiritual roots.

But what disappointed Qin Fengming was that when he checked the qualifications of more than two hundred people with the surname Qin present one by one, he found no one with spiritual roots.

Although slightly disappointed, Qin Fengming was not unhappy at all.

Although most monks come from the mortal world, people with spiritual roots are too rare among mortals. It can be said that there is only one in ten thousand. Just a few can be found in the small Qinjiazhuang. That is too much. Weird.

After sending everyone away, Qin Fengming kept the two younger brothers Qin Yun and Qin Xing. He had clearly told Qin Yuan before that he would personally take over the inheritance for these two juniors.

Qin Yuan was very happy when he heard about it. He knew what kind of person Qin Fengming was. He was a god-like existence. If the Qin family has two more such people, the Qin family will undoubtedly be more prosperous.

Qin Fengming called the two brothers to his side and personally explained the basic exercises of the Five Elements. Little by little, he let the two of them try to practice. Except for eating and sleeping, all the time was spent on practicing.

With Qin Fengming's method, there would be no difficulty in getting the two of them to enter Taoism as soon as possible.

It only took a month for the two of them to enter the realm of self-cultivation. They also entered the third level of the Qi Gathering Stage.

They were able to reach such a state of cultivation so quickly because Qin Fengming spent a lot of time carefully expanding the meridians in their bodies. With Qin Fengming's help, the two of them advanced quickly.

Three months later, the Qin Yun brothers had both advanced to the fifth level.

Seeing the two of them advancing so quickly, Qin Fengming was speechless for a moment. He thought that it took him two or three years to advance to the fifth level. This is indeed evident from the guidance of his master. Yes, but the gap is huge.

During these three months, Qin Fengming was not idle. At this time, there were seven humanoid puppets in the middle stage of becoming an elixir in his storage ring.

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