Hearing Hall Master Zhang's instructions, Qin Fengming looked confused. After looking at each other with Duan Meng, he did not dare to delay and followed Hall Master Zhang towards the main hall.

As another young man walked out, Qin Fengming knew that the man named Yuan Kejian was the first young man to climb Cuizhu Peak.

Looking at the three young men who were following him, Hall Master Zhang showed a smile and said in a much calmer tone:

"In this selection, the three of you are the most outstanding among the disciples. As usual, the three of you will be personally taught by me to practice martial arts from now on. I hope that you three will not disappoint me."

Hearing what the hall master said, Qin Fengming and the other three were immediately stunned, and then they all looked surprised.

With the hall master personally teaching martial arts, it would be much better to compete with nearly thirty people for those six masters. In a surging mood, Qin Fengming and the other three bowed and saluted at the same time: "Please rest assured, Hall Master Zhang, we will practice martial arts hard and not let Hall Master down."

Looking at the three young men in front of him, Hall Master Zhang flashed a smile and nodded slowly. After a while, he spoke again: "Do you three have any martial arts that you like?"

"Master, I learned some marksmanship from my father when I was at home. If possible, I will practice marksmanship." After a while, Duan Meng was the first to speak.

Yuan Kejian thought for a moment, then bowed and said: "I once learned some sword skills from the nursing school at home, and I liked them very much. I hope I can learn to use swords in the future."

At this time, Qin Fengming did not know much about various martial arts weapons. Although Hall Master Zhang nodded, he still had difficulty making a decision. With a blush on his face, he couldn't help but said slightly nervously:

"Reporting to the Hall Master, I have followed my father into the mountains for hunting since I was a child, but I don't know anything about weapons and martial arts. I used a small fork when I was hunting, but I was good at hunting, but I was a little bit weak when fighting with others. A little bulkier."

After listening to the answers of the three people, the head of the hall pondered for a moment and slowly said: "Duan Meng, I will pass on to you a set of Overlord Spears in the future. It is said that this spear technique was created by the Overlords in ancient times. It is very powerful when used. It suits your personality very well.”

"Yuan Kejian, I have a Thunder Sword Technique. If practiced successfully, this sword technique will sound like thunder when it is in operation, but with its momentum, it can give the opponent a bit of chill."

"Qin Fengming, if you don't like weapons, you can think about it first. When you make a decision, it won't be too late to tell me, but don't take too long. So as not to delay the training time."

Qin Fengming also did not expect that the head of the hall, who looked extremely majestic, would speak like this. He was so happy that his fear after leaving home gradually disappeared.

"You go to the side hall on the right every afternoon and evening to follow the master to read and read, and learn about the human skeleton, the eight extraordinary meridians and other basic martial arts knowledge. After half a year, you can start practicing martial arts if you have a foundation."

"In the past six months, you need to practice your arm strength every morning. Lift twenty kilograms of stone locks every day, two hundred times with each hand. You are not allowed to be lazy. If you are caught by me and do not reach the number, you will be severely punished. You go back and sort out your belongings Okay, then go and stay in the easternmost courtyard behind the main hall."

When Qin Fengming and the others bowed and bowed and exited the hall, they realized that the other disciples outside the hall had dispersed.

There are ten rooms in the courtyard to the east behind the main hall, each with four beds. At this time, seven rooms have been filled, and there are exactly three rooms left. Qin Fengming and the three of them found a room to live in without being polite. .

When the other disciples who came with them saw what the three of them had done, they all looked angry, and some even showed dissatisfaction.

In this regard, Qin Fengming and the three of them paid no attention to it.

At noon, a young man wearing a green gown came to the courtyard. After saying hello, he took Qin Fengming and others to the dense forest to the west of the main hall.

There are several houses in the dense forest. It turns out that this place is the place to eat in the future.

After lunch, Qin Fengming and others returned to the residential courtyard alone. Qin Fengming wanted to talk to Yuan Kejian, but saw his expression was cold. So he went to Duan Meng's room. Talking about the fact that several of their colleagues failed to be selected, both of them were very sad.

"This newly selected disciple, come out quickly and take you to get your clothes." While the two were chatting, a shout suddenly came from the courtyard.

A young man of about twenty years old, wearing a green shirt, stood in the courtyard. Seeing that everyone had arrived, he nodded without saying anything and walked straight out of the yard towards the main hall in front.

For these Luoxia Valley disciples, Qin Fengming and other children were very respectful at this time and did not dare to express their anger.

"Wei Ming, these are the newly selected disciples this time. They are here to collect their belongings." They entered the left side hall of the main hall. The young man didn't say much and spoke directly to a young man in the store.

At the same time, he pointed at Duan Meng, Yuan Kejian, and Qin Fengming and said, "These are the three disciples designated by Hall Master Zhang himself. Give them all the things they use."

When the young man named Wei Ming heard this, he immediately jumped up from his seat. When he looked at Qin Fengming and the others, his face showed envy: "The three junior brothers are really lucky. They were appreciated by the hall master when they first came. They will definitely be able to succeed in the future." To succeed."

As he spoke, he took three bulging bundles and handed them to the three of them respectively. At the same time, he handed each of Duan Meng and Yuan Kejian a weapon.

After accepting what was passed to them, Qin Fengming and the others respectfully thanked them: "Thank you, senior brother."

After receiving the items and returning to his residence, Qin Fengming couldn't wait to open the baggage. Inside the package, he saw two sets of gray gowns, three taels of broken silver, and an iron sign with two words written on it. However, Qin Fengming Don't recognize it.

He put on his clothes and hung the tag on his waist, because he saw that everyone in Luoxia Valley had a tag hanging on their waist, and he thought that the tag was proof of identity.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qin Fengming came to the courtyard of his own accord. I randomly selected one of the dozens of stone locks piled up in the courtyard and started my first day of arm strength training in Luoxia Valley.

Although this stone lock only weighs twenty kilograms, it is not light for a ten-year-old child. Qin Fengming had to stop and rest for a moment every time he mentioned it twenty or thirty times.

What surprised him was that as long as he took a short rest, his physical strength would immediately recover. This situation had always puzzled him. But Qin Fengming, who is young, will not pay too much attention to this.

An hour later, Qin Fengming completed the first day's refining times.

After returning to his room and taking out the three taels of silver, Qin Fengming kept thinking: in half a year, he will have nearly twenty taels of silver. Then he will find a way to bring it home to his parents and eat it at home. You don’t have to worry about wearing it anymore.

With this thought in mind, he carefully put the money away.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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