(.) At this stage, many Chengdan monks in the cave responded. Since most of the monks invited here by the monks from the five major sects have some urgently needed things that need to be exchanged.

Therefore, following the words of the old man named Yuan, no less than a hundred people immediately stood up and walked towards the high platform in front.

Qin Fengming wanted to stand up, but when he saw this situation, he sat down again.

"I have three scales of the sixth-level red dragon. All Taoist friends must know that the red dragon contains pure fire attributes. The fire energy in its scales is also huge. For example, that fellow Taoist has one piece that is enough for two times. Fire cloud stone for refining. These three red dragon scales belong to fellow Taoist."

As an old man stepped onto the stage, the cave below, which was full of noise, suddenly fell silent.

The scales of the red dragon are a cherished thing. But for Qin Fengming at this time, the level six red dragon seems a bit inadequate.

But this kind of red dragon scales is of great benefit to monks who practice fire-attribute skills. Therefore, as soon as the old man finished speaking, a monk began to communicate with him.

It was just time for tea. The old man flew down from the high platform with joy. Then another middle-aged monk appeared on the high platform...

As time passed slowly, one monk came on stage and then came off the stage. But it was like a revolving door.

The items that everyone took out were all kinds of things. Whether it was the bones and skins of monsters or beasts, or rare materials for refining weapons, as well as spiritual herbs and ancient treasures from four to five thousand years ago, there were also endless ones. What's more, they could enhance the cultivation of elixir cultivators. Some monks also took out the elixirs for cultivation.

Qin Fengming and Lan Xueer stared at the high platform in the distance, but they did not take action once.

Although these materials are extremely precious, if they are not urgently needed, Qin Fengming and his wife will not snatch them away at this time.

Seeing that there were not many monks standing beside the stone platform, Qin Fengming and Lan Xueer signaled and stepped forward to prepare for the transaction.

When he got closer, Qin Fengming discovered that each monk had a number 1 card in his hand to determine the order.

Just when he didn't know where to go to get the number plate, a monk from the Fifth Sect came to him and handed the number one plate into his hand.

"Fellow Taoists, inside the jade box in Duan's hand is a 13,000-year-old phoenix grass. It is the main ingredient for refining the elixir to enhance the cultivation of our monks. It is to take this spirit alive. Grass. It is also of great benefit to our cultivation."

Following Qin Fengming's words, there was an uproar in the vast cave.

Spiritual herbs that are only tens of thousands of years old are already among the most treasured treasures. You know, in the world of immortality at this time, even spiritual herbs that are five or six thousand years old are rare. At this time, some people have taken out the spiritual herbs that are more than ten thousand years old. The spiritual grass made everyone shocked.

The most important thing is that this fern is the main ingredient of the Qi-Nourishing Pill. As long as you can get it and look for some auxiliary herbs, it is very possible to refine it into a Qi-Nourishing Pill.

If there are dozens of Qi-nourishing pills in hand, most of the pill-forming monks present are confident that they can further their cultivation.

"Fellow Taoist on the stage, please tell me quickly what you want to exchange this spiritual grass for."

Everyone present only hesitated for a moment. Immediately, a monk shouted urgently. They seemed to be more urgent about cherishing the spiritual grass.

"Haha. Fellow Taoists, don't worry. This kind of spiritual grass needs to be exchanged for Linglong Stone, Yellow Pan Stone, Yun Lei Stone, Golden Cloud Stone, Fire Saltpeter, Stone Boron Crystal..."

As Qin Fengming narrated, nearly twenty kinds of precious materials came out of his mouth. All of these materials are treasures in the world of immortality.

Listening to the middle-aged monk's narration on the stage, the thousands of monks below the stage couldn't help but gasp.

The things that the middle-aged man mentioned were all things that no one had ever heard of. Such precious things. No wonder he took out a ten thousand-year-old spiritual grass in exchange for them.

Although the items mentioned by Qin Fengming are very precious, there are still many wealthy people among the thousands of monks present. Not long after Qin Fengming finished speaking, several shouts were heard:

"Fellow Taoist, I have a piece of yellow sulfur gold here. I think it will definitely meet your needs."

"Pindao, there is a piece of black molybdenum crystal here. I think it may be of some use to fellow Taoists."

"I have a piece of explosive stone in my hand. This material is exactly what fellow Taoist said."


Seven or eight voices rang out in the cave. They immediately suppressed the mixed voices of the many monks who were whispering. These people's words, because of their urgency, did not use the sound transmission technique, but shouted out directly. .

Listening to the shouts of the people in the audience, Qin Fengming's face suddenly became overjoyed. Just as the seven or eight people were shouting, three more voices came into his ears. Each of them also reported something he said. Required cherished materials.

"Haha. I never thought that there would be so many fellow Taoists who have what I need. Since everyone has what I need, I will definitely meet your requirements." After saying this, Qin Fengming turned around and faced the rear end of his body. The three infant transformation monks sitting there bowed and said:

"Senior Yuan. But I don't know if there is a closed stone chamber here. I'll let this junior do some trading with the fellow Taoists."

"Haha. Of course. Since my little friend asked, my organizer will naturally meet the needs." The old man surnamed Yuan said. With a wave of his hand, a foundation-building monk came forward. After whispering a few words, he motioned to Qin Fengming. Follow and go.

"Fellow Taoists who have what I need, if you are willing to exchange, please just come with me. I guarantee that all of you will be satisfied."

After saying this, Qin Fengming followed the foundation-building monk, stepped down from the stage, and walked towards a cave on one side.

Listening to Qin Fengming's words, all the monks present were puzzled. 'Let everyone be satisfied.' Could it be that this monk actually had several ferns in his body?

With doubts in their hearts, the several monks who called them got up one after another and walked towards the stone room.

This stone room is not big. It is only seven or eight feet in size. There are many coffee tables, tables and chairs inside.

Looking at the dozens of monks with doubtful expressions on their faces, Qin Fengming smiled slightly and said in a very calm tone: "But I don't know which Taoist friend made the first trade. Please sit down on the stone chair opposite."

The Chengdan monks are all mature people. They did not come forward to fight because there were more wolves and less meat. Instead, they looked at each other. No one came forward first. Instead, they all stared at the name in front of them. A middle-aged monk who has already finished his cultivation.

After a while, an old man with silver hair chuckled and stood up and said: "Since fellow Taoist said so and called so many fellow Taoists here, it seems that fellow Taoist must have a means to satisfy us. I will talk to you first. Fellow Taoist, let’s make a deal.”

As he spoke, he raised his feet and sat down on the stone chair opposite Qin Fengming across a coffee table.

Without hesitation, the old man reached out and found a jade box in his hand. With a flick of his fingers, the lid of the box opened, revealing a piece of golden ore material as big as a child's fist inside. It was an extremely precious piece of yellow sulfur gold. undoubtedly.

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