Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 107 Preliminary explanation of Qingyuan Continent

Qin Fengming has only been cultivating immortality for a few years and is not very familiar with the immortal world.

Of course, such a large sect would not only have low-grade cultivation techniques.

As long as a monk from the Luoxia Sect successfully builds the foundation, he will receive a middle-grade cultivation technique given by the sect. If you have excellent cultivation qualifications, it is possible to obtain a top-grade immortal cultivation technique.

It's just that those skills are not placed here.

Qin Fengming exited the room and came to the 'Item Refining' room, and found that this room had many more secrets than the previous room. There are dozens of books.

I picked up a book and flipped through it, and it turned out that it was written by a senior about his experience in refining weapons. He wrote very little about the techniques of refining weapons. I picked up a few more books, and the contents are basically the same.

Although some of them are the experience of refining spiritual weapons and are of great use to them, at this time, he will not waste them on them. Because refining spiritual weapons requires cultivation in the foundation-building period, he needs to be able to control dozens of materials with concentration, which is not something he can achieve at this time.

The 'talisman making' room is also about the experience of some seniors making talismans. There is no book about talismans. Although there are several intermediate and advanced talisman introductions, they are limited to their names and powers.

It seems that to the master of talisman making, talismans are extremely important and are generally not spread among the public. Each advanced spell is a secret that is not taught. Unless someone is particularly close, no one else can expect to be taught it.

Afterwards, I came to the 'alchemy' room and saw that the huge room was empty, with only a few books on the bookshelves.

Qin Fengming smiled unconsciously. When he got closer and took a closer look, he found that there was only one Huang Jing Dan recipe available, and the others were based on the experience of his seniors in alchemy. He studied the Polygonatum odorifera prescription over and over again and kept it in his mind. Although there were more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials introduced in it, most people in the market could get it together. He wanted to go back and test it.

Finally, he entered the 'Formation' room. The main purpose of his trip was to find books on formation. He walked in with high hopes and took a closer look. He felt disappointed. Although it was not as shabby as the 'Alchemy' room, it was not much different. .

There are only a dozen books on the bookshelf. He read them one by one, and after a meal, he had finished reading the last one. Although he was not disappointed, he was not happy at all.

Among them, there is only one book that introduces formations, and it is the most basic formation. The others were all some insights. Qin Fengming was a little happy about these. After thinking about them for a while, he decided to take them back and study them carefully.

Picking up the book introducing basic formations and one of the experience books, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Just when he was about to turn around and go back,

Suddenly, he saw the word "Anecdotes" written on the innermost room, and he was shocked. For Qin Fengming, who was new to the world of immortality, studying the anecdotes of the world of immortality was very helpful to him. Turn and quickly enter this room.

I saw that the three bookshelves in the room were filled with books, with as many as hundreds of volumes.

Walking forward, he picked up a book and found that it was what a senior saw and heard when he traveled in the mountains. Looking at the book in his hand, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel happy. This kind of book was exactly what he needed.

He quickly checked the books on the bookshelf one by one. Most of them were about the seniors' own personal experiences, and some were about various rumors.

After repeated comparisons, he finally selected a classic called "Qingyuan Continental Travels".

The author of this book is a senior who is in the Alchemy Stage. When he had no hope of transforming into an infant, he resolutely gave up cultivation and traveled alone in Qingyuan Continent for more than ten years. He recorded everything he saw and heard along the way and finally compiled it into a book. , stay in Luoxia Sect.

Qin Fengming picked it up, excitedly came to the old man, bowed and saluted: "Uncle Master, I would like to borrow these three books, is it possible?"

The old man opened his eyes, looked at the book in Qin Fengming's hand, and said calmly: "Each book costs five spiritual stones and is limited to half a month."

Qin Fengming quickly took out fifteen spiritual stones and handed them to the old man respectfully.

Returning to his cave, he spent three days studying the "Preliminary Interpretation of Formation" and his insights, and finally made rubbings on the jade slips.

Then, he used another five days to read through "Qingyuan Continental Travel Notes", and printed the parts of interest on the jade slips, and then returned the three books to Jishu Pavilion.

Through "Qingyuan Continental Travels", Qin Fengming finally had a basic understanding of the continent where Daliang Kingdom was located. After reading the entire book, he was stunned for a long time.

Qingyuan Continent is the continent where Daliang Kingdom is located, and its territory is extremely vast.

It is said that if a monk at the peak of the Qi Gathering Stage were to control a magical weapon and fly at full speed without stopping, it would take thousands of years to penetrate the entire continent.

Such a large territory was something Qin Fengming had never thought of.

The book even mentions that Qingyuan Continent is only a small part of the entire world. How big this world is is not specified in the travel notes.

Although no other information was introduced, it was still explained a little bit about Qingyuan Continent.

Qingyuan Continent has two superpowers, namely: Deqing Empire and Yuanfeng Empire; they are located in the north and south of Qingyuan Continent respectively, Deqing Empire is in the north of Qingyuan Continent, and Yuanfeng Empire is in the south of Qingyuan Continent.

Between these two big countries are thirteen small countries, each dependent on the two superpowers. Although several small countries have wars from time to time, these two superpowers rarely participate in them. This is because the royal families of these two superpowers are inextricably linked to the world of immortality.

Both of these two superpowers have several super sects with many internalized infant monks. According to the book, there may be legendary old monsters in the convergence period among them.

For immortal cultivators, the most important thing is to improve their own cultivation, and they have no interest in wars between countries.

Those small countries sometimes have conflicts for some reasons, but they rarely worry about annihilation because they are supported by superpowers.

The travel notes also briefly introduced the super sects in the two superpowers, which opened Qin Fengming's eyes and shocked him. At the same time, it also made him feel extremely insignificant. Not to mention the Transformation of Infants, Fusion Realm monks, and Foundation Establishment monks, they were all powerful monks that he admired very much.

After that, he carefully studied the "Preliminary Interpretation of Formation" printed on the jade slip. Although it did not introduce any advanced formations, for Qin Fengming, it felt like it was clearing the clouds and seeing the sun. He also had a preliminary understanding of why a formation disk with a few formation flags could form a formation with huge power.

"Preliminary Explanation of Formations" only introduces several elementary formations, and they are the most useless formations. But Qin Fengming was still eager to study and refine it.

After careful comparison, a set of magic array called Spirit Gathering Array fell into his eyes.

This formation can concentrate the spiritual power in the air at one point for the monk to absorb, which reminded him of his mysterious gourd. That gourd can absorb his own spiritual power. If the gourd can directly absorb the spiritual power gathered by the spirit gathering array, that would be an excellent thing.

As for the mysterious gourd, until now, Qin Fengming had not been able to figure out the purpose of the liquid in the gourd. Even so, he was already certain in his heart that this liquid was absolutely magical.

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