Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1009 Overview of Manzhou

-.-(Hey, Xu Zhen is really not good at coding these days. Therefore, he can only guarantee two updates a day. However, starting from today, and for the remaining days of this month, Xu Zhen guarantees to publish three chapters every day. Please wait until then. Taoist friends read.)

Qin Fengming has encountered this kind of low-level monks who make a living by introducing local customs. Although the income from this kind of business is not much, the most important thing is safety. There is no need to enter those dangerous places.

Therefore, when Qin Fengming saw the young monk walking out from among the people under the archway, he had no doubts in his heart. He nodded lightly and said calmly:

"Hmm. That's right. This is the first time for Qin to come to Baishi City. Then I can help you introduce me."

"Reporting to Senior Qin, this White Stone City is one of the fifteen cities in our Manzhou. And as the state city of Manzhou, this city is also the largest one..."

Listening to the narrative of the young monk in front of them, neither Qin Fengming nor Li Ning interrupted.

After listening to the young monk's introduction, Qin Fengming and his two men fully understood. It turned out that this barbarian state was very different from other states and counties.

Although Manzhou is 10 to 20 million miles wide in circumference, 78% of this extremely vast area is covered by dense mountains, rivers, jungles, and high mountains. The rest is Twenty to thirty percent are mostly meadows and swamps.

Such an area is no longer suitable for mortals to live and live. Therefore, in this barbarian land, there are only fifteen cities built around it, and the people living in these cities are mainly monks.

These fifteen cities, because they are too far apart, are also in opposition to each other.

Because there are few places for people to live in the barbarian state, the distance is a natural barrier for mortals from outside the country who want to reach this place. Of course, it does not mean that there are no mortals here. It is just that the number of mortals is very small.

They are a few mortals within the fifteen cities of Manzhou. They are usually family members of the monks here.

After tens of thousands of years of development, although most of the descendants left by the monks can practice cultivation, there are also a few who have all five spiritual roots. Therefore, over time, these mortals have also begun to branch out.

In such a wild land, fifteen cities can be built, but this is inseparable from the numerous monster beasts, precious spiritual herbs and ores in this state and county.

Although Manzhou is not suitable for mortals to live, it is a paradise for monsters. Because the number and grade of spiritual veins in Manzhou are difficult to compare with other states and counties. Because within Manzhou, among all the mountains, .They are all filled with evil spirits. They are extremely suitable for all kinds of evil beasts to live and reproduce.

It can be said that as long as the monsters live in this area, they can directly absorb the monster energy from the outside world and turn it into part of their own monster power without further refining and conversion. Such favorable conditions make this barbarian state become a monster. A paradise for monsters.

It is said that within the high mountains and dense forests, the number of monster beasts of various types and levels has reached astronomical figures. In the deepest part of the mountains, there are transformed monster beasts, which are also common. Counted in thousands or hundreds. Not an exaggeration.

According to rumors in the classics, the demon beasts of the Convergence Period also exist in this barbarian state. But whether it is true or not, no one knows except for a few old Convergence monsters in the Yuanfeng Empire at this time. .

Although there are so many monsters and beasts in this state, for millions of years, there has never been a too fierce war between the human and monster clans. According to legend, the reason for this is the monster clan who stayed in the human world here after the Three Realms War. The mighty man once made an agreement with the human race.

At that time, powerful monks from the human and demon tribes had already signed a permanent agreement. This barbaric state was placed under the jurisdiction of the demon tribe. Although human monks could enter it and fight with each other, they could never attack the demon tribe as a whole. If you violate it, the powerful monsters in the upper realm will forcefully break through the realm and come here to exterminate the human race.

Although this has been rumored for countless thousands of years, the powerful people in the human world here strictly abide by it without any violation.

The Manzhou Monster Clan was able to allow the human race to build ten cities here. But it was also the result of this reason.

Although there are only fifteen cities in such a large prefecture here, each city is extremely prosperous. Because this place can be said to be one of the few places in the Yuanfeng Empire where demon pills and spiritual grasses are extremely prosperous. A collection and distribution place for precious weapon refining materials.

Qin Fengming just wandered around the White Stone City for a moment and saw dozens of shops belonging to various business alliances and major sects. But this clearly shows the prosperity of this place.

Although the description of the young monk in front of him was extremely detailed, Qin Fengming also knew the cultivation level of this monk and the specific situation in the hinterland of Manzhou. However, the young monk did not know the slightest bit.

"Senior Qin, if you want to enter the wild land, it is better to team up with a few other seniors. Because as long as you leave the protection range of Baishi City, it will be a world of monsters. As long as you travel thousands of miles, you will be able to You may encounter monsters of level five or above. Even if you are cultivated by seniors, it is extremely dangerous."

"If the senior wants to find a monk of the same level to accompany him, the junior can introduce him to me."

After the young monk introduced Manzhou, he finally told Qin Fengming.

Looking at the young monk in front of him, Qin Fengming saw a strange look on his smiling face. With his heart straightened, Qin Fengming said:

"Thank you for the reminder, fellow Taoist. Qin is used to walking alone, but he doesn't need to be with others. Here are five spiritual stones. Please keep them, little friend."

With a wave of his hand, Qin Fengming handed the five spiritual stones to the hands of the young monk in front of him. Then he and Li Ning walked towards a very tall shop nearby.

Five spiritual stones were already considered a considerable amount of income for a monk in the Qi Gathering Stage. Qin Fengming was convinced that even other monks would rarely give the young man five spiritual stones.

Looking at the backs of Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming who were walking away, the young monk who had been smiling just now turned gloomy. He was stroking a green bead in his hand. After standing there for a moment, he raised his hand and revealed a transmission note. It appeared in my hand.

"Uncle Fifth Master, there is a monk who is in the early stage of becoming an alchemy. He is bringing a female cultivator who is at the peak of foundation building. He has just been teleported from the teleportation array. He said he is going to enter the wild land. He is currently going to Wanbao Tower... "

After whispering a few words and waving his hand, the transmission note shot out into the distance.

Standing in Wanbao Tower, Qin Fengming discovered that the interior layout of this extremely grand shop was no different from the shops in other places. The only difference was the goods sold in this shop. But it is mainly spiritual weapons and magic weapons. But there is not a single high-quality magic weapon.

Qin Fengming was not very surprised by this. The lowest level of cultivation in the barbarian state that can enter the wild land is a foundation-building monk and a Qi-gathering monk. However, it can only be reached within a few hundred miles around Baishi City. The benefits gained by those low-level monks from activities within the store cannot be compared with those of monks above the foundation level. Therefore, the main customers in each large shop are customers above the foundation level.

"Senior, I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you in Wanbao Tower."

As soon as he stood at the entrance of Wanbao Tower, a clever Qi-gathering monk ran over. When he saw Qin Fengming's cultivation, he immediately said respectfully.

"I don't know where you are. Do you have any jade slips with maps of the Manzhou area?"

"Of course there is a jade slip of the map of Manzhou. Seniors, please wait a moment. I, the junior, will go get it now."

The Qi Gathering Stage monk was extremely agile. Hearing Qin Fengming's words, he didn't hesitate at all and immediately walked behind a counter.

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