At this time, only half of the children still standing on the top of the mountain were left, and worries appeared on everyone's faces. The first level is so difficult, and it will undoubtedly be even more difficult to pass the next two levels.

"The next level is an endurance test. Each person carries a ten-pound weight and climbs up the steps to the square at the top of Cuizhu Peak. The time limit is two hours. It will start in half an hour. Get ready."

Elder Wang looked at these tired children with no pity on his face.

Qin Fengming and other children were brought here early in the morning. Breakfast had not yet been eaten. At this time, they were already hungry. When they heard Elder Wang's words, everyone couldn't stop sobbing.

Cuizhu Peak is more than 200 feet high. The steps climb up the mountain wall, sometimes steep and sometimes gentle. It is said that there are 100,000 steps in the entire mountain peak.

In normal times, it would take a while for these children to go up.

Now they were asked to climb to the top of the peak in two hours while carrying ten kilograms of weight with little energy left in them. This was really difficult.

"The time has come, let's start the second test now."

Half an hour later, Elder Wang stood up, looked at the children, and said with no expression on his face.

Although the children were very frightened, they still got up one after another, picked up the heavy objects, and started climbing.

At the beginning, the children were doing well. In just half an hour, they had climbed to a height of sixty or seventy feet. But after that, the speed dropped sharply.

On the mountain road, children can be seen slumped on the stone steps everywhere, sweating and breathing heavily.

Although Qin Fengming did not stop to rest at this time, he was already feeling a little tired. Fortunately, this level of difficulty was not very difficult for him who was used to walking on mountain roads.

On the way, they met Duan Meng and others. They did not talk to each other, but only encouraged each other with their eyes.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that whenever he felt extremely tired, as long as he stopped, he would feel a stream of heat spurting out from his abdomen and quickly flowing to his limbs, making his whole body immediately feel very comfortable.

This feeling is amazing. But no matter how much Qin Fengming wanted to control that warm current, he couldn't control it at all. It was strange to come and go to be extremely strange.

In this way, Qin Fengming walked around, looking extremely relaxed among the children.

After Qin Fengming rested three times on the stone steps, he turned a corner and the summit of Cuizhu Peak was already revealed in front of him.

At this time, there was only a lean but tough-looking child sitting at the entrance of the peak. At this time, the child was looking at Qin Fengming with a strange look. There was a trace of surprise and a trace of disdain in that gaze.

Seeing the child's expression, Qin Fengming was just a little startled, then raised his feet and walked past the child. I found a rock and sat down.

The child looked at Qin Fengming coldly, then turned to look at the steps up the mountain.

After a while, another child walked up the steps. After reaching the top, he found a rock and collapsed to the ground. With his eyes closed, his chest kept rising and falling, but he was breathing heavily.

Time passed little by little, and when the time was about to arrive, among the children who came in the same car with Qin Fengming, only Duan Meng and Wei Boqiang reached the top of the mountain. The other few people didn't even see their shadows.

At this time, there were already more than forty people on the peak. Everyone is exhausted. It seemed that he had exhausted his last strength before climbing up.

Just two hours later, Hall Master Zhang and Elder Wang appeared silently in front of Qin Fengming and others again.

"The time has come. Only forty-three people have passed the test this time. The other children have lost the qualification to be selected again. Even if you fail to pass the third test, you can still become my Luoxia Valley foreign affairs disciple."

Hearing what Elder Wang said, everyone in Qin Fengming showed surprise. The foreign affairs disciples had never heard of it and didn't know what it was.

At this time, Qin Fengming only had one idea, which was to pass the third round of selection and become a disciple of Luoxia Valley.

"Now, you guys have a short rest. After a meal, the third level of assessment will take place."

Elder Wang had no expression on his face, and he showed no sign of intolerance towards the overtired child. There was no hint of joy in his voice.

Regarding the third level, Qin Fengming and the children only knew that it was a test of courage. In what way, it is not clear at all.

However, after seeing how difficult the first two levels were, everyone knew that the third level must be extremely difficult to pass. Qin Fengming turned to look at Duan Meng and Duan Meng, both of whom also looked confused.

Elder Wang saw that the forty children were almost resting, then he stood up and said:

"The third level tests your courage. This test is relatively easy. You only need to pass through a mountain road full of poisonous snakes. Pick a ripe vermilion fruit from the small fruit tree beside the mountain road and return. You will pass the level. .”

"However, I want to remind you that those poisonous snakes may attack you, and injuries are certain, but whether there is a risk of life depends on your luck. If anyone is afraid, you can choose to stay."

After saying this, he glanced at the children, Elder Wang turned around and walked towards the depths of the Green Bamboo Peak.

Hearing Elder Wang's words, the more than forty children suddenly turned pale. Children are naturally afraid of snakes. Now that they have to walk through a mountain road full of snakes and insects, and they are poisonous snakes, the fear in their hearts is even more difficult to express.

After a long pause, all the children stood up one after another and followed Elder Wang, who was slowly walking forward.

Elder Wang did not look back, but he was well aware of the children's actions. After everyone caught up, he speeded up and walked towards a path next to the square.

After traveling for enough tea time, a long path appeared in front of everyone.

"You all go into the woods in front one by one and pick a vermilion fruit. If you come back here, you will pass the test."

Pointing in front of his finger, Elder Wang spoke without any hesitation in his tone.

Following the direction of his finger, Qin Fengming looked forward attentively and saw a path extending into the woods ahead. In the woods, long snakes of various colors could be seen everywhere on the trees and on the road, holding their heads high and mouthing words. Make a 'hissing' sound.

Facing so many venomous snakes, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

When the other children saw so many venomous snakes exposed, they couldn't help but tremble, and some even cried. What's more, they were already lying on the ground, not daring to move at all. Everyone looked very helpless.

Elder Wang's face was expressionless, he just looked at everyone sternly, his voice was lifeless:

"There is a time limit for one stick of incense. Those who pick the vermilion fruits are considered to have passed the test and can start now." After saying that, he took out a stick of incense from his arms and lit it with paper media. Inserted in the crevices of the rocks.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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