Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 694, Unjust Injustice

"Okay." The driver jumped into the car again and moved the crooked car to the side. I directed Xiaosong and the others to help fill the car with sand. Seeing that things were on track, I slowly moved back to the concierge. As soon as I opened the concierge door, I was completely shocked.

On the bed of the concierge, there was a naked woman lying. Yes, I read that right. The woman's lower body was naked, and her upper body was wearing very tacky clothes. Her pants were thrown aside, as if someone had just taken them off. These are weird enough, but the biggest problem is that this woman is very ugly, so ugly that she is a monster that jumps out from nowhere.

I have never seen such an ugly woman, so ugly that I almost screamed on the spot. But before I could scream, the woman had already screamed. "Ah..." The voice was loud and clear, like a soprano.

Xiaosong and the others heard the cry and ran over quickly. Seeing the woman on the bed, they were also stunned.

"The security captain raped me!" the woman screamed again, running out of bed and running towards the door.

Komatsu and the others looked at me in shock. I cursed: "What the hell, do I have such bad taste?"

While we were talking, the woman had already pushed aside our bodies and rushed out, and ran towards the construction site.

While running, he shouted: "The security captain raped me! The security captain raped me! The security captain raped me!"

I suspected that she must have eaten very much, otherwise she would never have screamed so loudly.

"Holy crap!" I yelled, "Stop her quickly!"

She just ran into the construction site naked and yelled about messy pictures. Even if I knew that I didn't rape her, there was no guarantee that the workers on the construction site wouldn't misunderstand her. I watched her running further and further away, but her voice did not lower at all. I immediately became anxious and rushed in. It really affected my image too much. In my desperation, I didn't think about where this woman came from, why she appeared in the concierge, and why she screamed that she was being raped by the security captain. I only vaguely thought he was a lunatic.

Xiaosong and the others immediately ran out and followed the woman, shouting as they chased her: "Come back, come back, no shouting!"

I was also a little anxious and ran over quickly. The woman ran very fast and quickly rushed to the construction site. The appearance of a bare-bottomed woman on a construction site full of male livestock caused a sensation no less than the explosion of an atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The workers stopped what they were doing, some stood in the air, some stood on the ground, staring at the woman in shock. This woman was running around, running where there were more people. "Help, the security captain is going to rape me!"

"Don't talk nonsense. If you talk nonsense again, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Xiaosong and the others followed closely, trying to catch the woman. But the distance between the two sides was still quite far, and they didn't catch up for a while. I was so angry and funny in my heart. I don’t know where this woman came from, and she falsely accused me in broad daylight. This kind of thing spread quickly, and workers quickly gathered around to watch this woman with naked lower body. Then a funny scene happened. A crowd of workers watched four or five security guards chasing a sexy woman. No one helped, everyone was laughing, and you could vaguely hear a round of "The security captain can still like this kind of thing". I was speechless and unable to speak, and I was anxious to catch that woman. I found that the situation was getting more and more serious.

I think this is a joke, but others may not think so!

More importantly, the woman actually headed towards the northeast corner of the construction site, where my father was in the work shed in that direction. We hurriedly followed, and the distance naturally got closer and closer. But the woman went straight to my dad's work shed and plunged in with a sudden movement.

Another loud howl sounded: "The security captain raped me!"

Many workers who were watching the excitement also came over and came to the door of the work shed with us. Several security guards and I rushed to the door and saw the woman huddled in the corner of the shed, hugging her knees and looking at me in horror, shouting, "Don't come here, don't come here!"

- Like I really wanted to rape her. Oh shit!

My dad and Yufu were both in the work shed, looking at this woman with the same horrified eyes.

I patted Xiao Song on the shoulder and said, "Quickly, tie up that woman." Xiao Song and the others ran over and tied up the woman in a hurry.

My dad looked at me: "What the hell?"

I said, "I don't know. I went out for a while, and when I came back, I saw her in the concierge. She shouted, 'Captain wants to rape me,' and ran out. Who knows what she was going through. I guess she is a crazy woman." .”

My dad squinted his eyes and saw the crowd of workers outside the work shed coming to watch the excitement, and said, "Call the police."

"No need, right? She's just a crazy woman, just throw her out."

"Call the police," my dad said again.

I had no choice but to take out my mobile phone, call 110, and explain the situation to them. More than ten minutes later, a police car drove into the construction site. Several police officers jumped out of the car, none of whom they recognized. They were probably from the nearby police station. In front of many workers, I explained the situation to the police. Several police officers walked towards the woman, who still pointed at me and said, "He wants to rape me!"

"What's going on?" a policeman asked, "Can you put on your pants first?"

Someone brought her pants and the woman put them on.

The police said: "The person involved should go back with us, and everyone else should disperse."

It's inexplicable that he got into such trouble. I had no choice but to get in the car and sit face to face with the woman. The woman was ugly. I didn’t want to see her at all, so I turned my head and looked out the car window. As witnesses, Xiaosong and others also got into the police car with me.

This was completely untrue, so after an investigation by the police station, I was finally released. The woman couldn't even speak clearly. She was a lunatic who appeared from nowhere. The police said they would send her to a mental hospital. Xiaosong and others returned to the construction site, chatting about this inexplicable thing on the way. As soon as we pushed the door of the concierge, we were all stunned.

The concierge was empty, as if it had been looted. The bed, table, sofa, water dispenser, and fan were all missing!

"Damn it, what's going on?!"

We just chased the woman, and then we went to the police station for almost an hour. Now when I come back, I have lost all my belongings! This was so weird that I had to call the police again. When the police came, I explained the matter and pointed to the concierge who was surrounded by a wall of houses and said, "We've been robbed. I suspect that the thief and the woman are working together. You'd better interrogate that woman."

The police took photos and intercepted footprints, and they looked very professional. After completing a set of procedures, he said to me: "Let's leave it like this for now. We will contact you after we find out."

After the police left, I reported the situation to the security company. Captain Chang came over quickly. Seeing the situation of the concierge, he criticized me sternly and said that I shouldn't have run away without leaving anyone behind. I also knew that I had done something wrong, so I didn’t say a word. The things lost this time are very serious, not only the items I just mentioned, but also the status of normally registered vehicles, confidential documents of the security team, etc. Once these things are lost, it will inevitably have a big impact on the security company, and Hongxia Construction Company cannot explain it. Captain Chang said: "This problem is very serious. I'm afraid the headquarters will deal with you."

I said, "Just deal with it. It was my fault in the first place."

I was confused, what kind of thief is this? Are the things you stole worth a thousand yuan? The bed has been moved, so why not tear down the wall? It wasn't worth much, but it did shame me into being the victim of a crazy woman's trick.

When I feel depressed, I naturally go to my dad to complain. I told the whole process again, and my dad frowned and said, "It's not like an ordinary theft. Haohao, have you offended anyone recently?" I tilted my head and thought for a while and said, "No one. Ah, it’s Captain Qian. But I think he doesn’t dare to trouble me anymore.”

"Don't take it for granted. You'd better go and have a look. Your enemy must have done this to make you lose face."

I took people to Captain Qian's residence and found that his building had long been deserted. When I asked, I found out that he had been gone for several days, so it couldn't have been him. This makes me even more puzzled. Which of my enemies could have done it? I have offended a lot of people in my travels in the world. If they are hiding in the dark, I really have nothing to do.

Two days later, the notice from the headquarters came down and was posted at the gate of the construction site where everyone coming and going could see it. It reads, "Wang Hao, an employee of Jinxing Security Company, was suspected of attempting to rape a woman and neglecting his duties during work, resulting in the theft of the door post, causing irreparable losses to Hongxia Construction Company, and causing humiliation to Jinxing Security Company. Therefore, The following punishments are imposed: Wang Hao is dismissed from his position as acting captain and demoted to an ordinary security employee. We hope he will learn a lesson and not make such mistakes again."

When I saw this notice, many workers had gathered under the gate. I yelled, "Fuck!" Then I tore the notice off and tore it into powder. I was so angry that I couldn't describe it in words. When all the workers saw that I was angry, they quickly dispersed. My dad and Yu’s father were the only ones left at the scene, two middle-aged men looking at the notice with squinted eyes.

"Dad, uncle!" I was so angry that I could hardly speak. "Is this company crazy? Are you just talking nonsense after an investigation?"

My dad crossed his arms, turned to look at Father Yu, and asked, "What do you think about this?"

Father Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "The person your son offended has a lot of background. He can even buy into the security company."

After listening to Father Yu's words, I suddenly fell silent, and the impulsive emotions I had just calmed down slowly. Compared with Captain Qian's handling, the headquarters' handling of me was too high-profile, so high-profile that people had to guess that they were deliberately messing with me!

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