Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 661: What do you think of Chenggao?

After coming out, Ye Zhan asked me: "How is it?"

"This is a small warning. You won't be staring at me anymore." I said, "It's not like someone is causing trouble behind my back."

"That's good." Ye Zhan said, "When it comes to this point, we have to be on guard. After all, we have offended many people before."

"Yes. With one more enemy, I can't sleep well at night. I'm always worried that someone will suddenly step in through the window and seek revenge."

After saying that, we looked at each other and smiled bitterly. There was indeed a lot of pain along this road.

The intense half-month military training is finally over, and the freshmen of high school have officially begun to learn new courses. Morning self-study, in a classroom in the first year of high school, students are reciting English words or poems and songs. Students at Cheng High School have never had to be strictly disciplined. They have super high self-discipline and learning ability. Suddenly, a stout student strode towards the podium.

"Quiet, everyone!" He patted the desk heavily. The crowd immediately became quiet, and everyone looked up at Zhao Hongjun.

Zhao Hongjun glanced around and his eyes paused on Lu Rong. Lu Rong showed some disgust and turned his face to the side. Zhao Hongjun cleared his throat and said, "From today on, I am the boss of this class. Do you have any objections?"

The students below were staring with big eyes. What opinions could they have? Zhao Hongjun is very good at fighting, which many people have seen. This man is born with a gangster spirit. Moreover, even the four heavenly kings walked away when they saw him. Which other student dared to touch his brow? Zhao Hongjun is very satisfied with the current situation. He has never had the consciousness of "being a gangster" before, and he has never thought that being the boss is a glorious thing. But now he decided to change this situation, because Lu Rong likes a gangster leader, so Zhao Hongjun will show her as a gangster leader! Zhao Hongjun continued: "Since I am the boss, you have to listen to me in the future, do you understand?"

The classroom is still quiet. Who dares not to listen to Zhao Hongjun? Zhao Hongjun looked at Lu Rong again. He originally wanted to show off his power, but Lu Rong didn't look at him at all, so he had to give up this plan.

"Okay, you have to be good. From now on, all boys stand up!" Zhao Hongjun gave the order.

The boys stood up sparsely, while the girls looked left and right curiously, wondering what Zhao Hongjun was up to.

"Now, pick up the stool under your buttocks." Zhao Hongjun made a "snatching stool" motion. Because the motion was not very elegant, several girls laughed softly. Lu Rong also saw it and snorted from his nose.

The boys didn't know why, but they picked up the stools anyway.

"Very good." Zhao Hongjun said: "Come with me now, let's go fight Wang Hao and dominate the city!"

After saying that, he jumped off the podium and walked towards the door. The boys in the class were stunned, and no one followed.

Do Wang Hao? ! What a joke! He is the boss of three schools, and it is said that he has thousands of juniors under him! And no matter how they fight, they are all good at studying! Zhao Hongjun walked outside the door and found that no one came out with him. He stepped back angrily and pointed at the boy closest to the door: "Why don't you come with me?"

"I, I don't know how to fight." The boy said bravely.

With a "bang" punch, Zhao Hongjun hit him on the nose. The boy said "Ouch" and fell backward, knocking over the table behind him. "Don't know how to fight? You will be able to do it after two beatings!" Zhao Hongjun dragged the boy up again, slapped him hard on both ears, and asked, "Can you fight?" The boy was stunned, but Still shook his head. Zhao Hongjun punched out again, and this time the boy knocked down two tables. The boys in the class were stunned and began to retreat, for fear of offending this evil star.

Some girls quietly ran out to sue their teachers - there is always a shortage of such people in schools, especially in key high schools. Zhao Hongjun ran towards the second boy, slapped him twice in the face without saying a word, and cursed: "Can you fight?" The boy was smarter and said quickly: "Yes, yes!" Zhao Hongjun nodded with satisfaction. , and ran towards the third boy. The third boy followed suit and immediately said: "If you know how to fight, if you know how to fight!" Zhao Hongjun waved his hand and said: "Those who know how to fight should go out, and those who can't fight should stay in the classroom!" The boys went out sparsely. Let's go, there are a few timid students left in the classroom.

Zhao Hongjun was furious and cursed: "You can't even fight, you're just like that thing under the white hair! I'll cut it off for you!" He slapped them several times one by one, but they still didn't dare to come out. Someone said: "My mother asked me to come here to study, and my mother didn't let me fight with others." Zhao Hongjun had no choice but to ignore them, and led other students who dared to fight towards the corridor of the senior year. And go - more than ten people can barely be called a mighty force, right?

Zhao Hongjun encouraged them as he walked: "Kill Wang Hao today, Chenggao will be ours. Have you seen how majestic Wang Hao is in Chenggao? He was surrounded by people before going out, and he has so many girlfriends! How does this jingle go: 'Going to school is hard and tiring, so why not join the underworld; have something to eat, something to drink, and a lady to sleep with!' Do you understand?"

Everyone said sparsely: "I know." But they all thought about it in their hearts. When they saw Wang Hao, they had to throw away their stools and run away.

Zhao Hongjun was arrogant and did not care about the opinions of other students. Before they walked out of the corridor of the first year of high school, the news had spread throughout the city. Everyone knew that Zhao Hongjun was going to challenge Wang Hao, and many students poked their heads out to take a look. The Four Heavenly Kings, Ye Jianxiong and others led the brothers out and stood in the corridor of the senior year waiting for Zhao Hongjun. Brick didn't come out. His news was always very slow. Someone had to tell him. Otherwise, he would just stare at the book and do the math, regardless of the chaos outside.

Zhao Hongjun quickly led people to the senior high school corridor. The corridor was already full of people, it was dark and dark, and everyone had cold and malicious eyes. The people behind Zhao Hongjun were all frightened. They looked like frightened rabbits and looked at the people around them timidly. They couldn't help but tremble all over. But Zhao Hongjun was not afraid at all and walked with a straight step, which felt quite heroic.

A few meters away from the Four Heavenly Kings, Zhao Hongjun stopped and said harshly: "I'm here to see Wang Hao, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Let him come out quickly and say that Grandpa Zhao is here."

Gong Ning clasped his fingers and said, "Brother Hao is still sleeping in the dormitory. Let's go find him after we pass this level."

"Okay, the master is not here, let's take it out on his dog first!" Zhao Hongjun waved his hand proudly: "Brothers, get on here!"

Gong Ning and the others were all prepared. They knew that this kid was good at kung fu, and they had to work together to deal with him.

Unfortunately, when Zhao Hongjun rushed over, none of the students behind him moved. They all stayed in place stupidly.

So soon, Zhao Hongjun was knocked to the ground. However, Gong Ning and the others also suffered some losses. Every time they beat this kid, they had to cooperate very well. Moreover, this kid's fists and kicks are very hard, and the blows on his body are extremely painful.


In the middle of punching and kicking, there was a sudden shout and everyone stopped. Zhao Hongjun got up, pointed at the unmoving students and said: "Damn you bunch of bastards, let's see how I deal with you next!"

While they were talking, someone grabbed Zhao Hongjun by the collar. "Damn it, who?" Zhao Hongjun turned around and saw a tall man. As soon as this person appeared, everyone stopped moving, and some students quietly retreated and hurriedly hid in the classroom to continue talking.

With a big "slap", the man slapped Zhao Hongjun on the face. Zhao Hongjun only felt his head buzzing, and then the man's voice rang out: "If you don't go to morning self-study, what are you fighting here? What place do you think of Chenggao?"

As soon as this sentence was said, there were fewer students in the corridor. If you don't leave now, when will you wait? No one wants to get in trouble with the Slap King.

Zhao Hongjun also recognized Slap King. He panted and said, "Wang Hao fights every day, why don't you care?"

There were no students in the corridor, and it was as quiet as before. There were only the angry-looking Slap King and the equally angry Zhao Hongjun.

"Haha, are you comparing yourself with others?" The Slap King grabbed his ears and slapped him again, "What hair on your body can you compare with others? Does he know how much he has paid to get to this point?"

The slaps of the Slap King are naturally extraordinary. Even though Zhao Hongjun had been practicing martial arts since he was young, he still felt like his head was buzzing, as if he had a concussion. Zhao Hong's weapon was extremely powerful, and he punched King Slap in the chest with one punch. The Slap King kicked out Zhao Hongjun, knocking him back several steps. Zhao Hongjun's showmanship is completely insignificant in front of the Slap King. The gap between minors and adults is really too big, and the Slap King is still an experienced veteran.

"What do you think of Chenggao?!" The Slap King grabbed Zhao Hongjun's collar and slapped him from left to right.

When new students come in, not only the Four Heavenly Kings want to establish their authority, but the Slap King also wants to establish their authority. Poor Zhao Hongjun became a target. No wonder, who put him in the crosshairs of a gun, this student who originally behaved in a low-key manner ended up in big trouble because of a girl.

Of course, if the slap king knew that the student he was slapping now was Zhao Tiequan's son, he probably wouldn't have slapped him so harshly. In the corridor of the senior year of high school, the slap king slapped me one after another. Zhao Hongjun had no power to fight back and was beaten back step by step. Students were lying on the classroom windows, looking at the scene in the corridor in horror. In their impression, the Slap King had not been so angry for a long time. After more than a dozen slaps, the Slap King felt his hands were numb. Just when he was about to stop, Zhao Hongjun, who had a nosebleed and swollen cheeks, shouted: "Keep on fucking. If you don't beat me to death today, you will be a bastard!"

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