Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1142: Attack on Skull Island

The Thracian navy was wiped out!

The news quickly spread among the coalition forces.

The traversers did not intend to hide the news. On the contrary, they would rather spread the news and make all parties involved in the war be more cautious.

Although everyone thinks that, except for the soft persimmon Thrace, other families should be fine...

Among the seven navies participating in this crusade, not to mention the United Kingdom fleet with a large number of passers-by, Liu Daoqing in the Elanz Army; Molai Army rushed to the direction of the Elanz Army from the very beginning, and followed them in advance. Rendezvous; The Terrera Army has also reunited with the United Kingdom Army and has been protected; the Mermaid Kingdom Fleet and the Chamber of Commerce Combined Fleet have also reunited, and there are a total of three legendary powerhouses in the army.

No matter which one the Pirate King is going to fight, he won't even think about taking advantage of his personal force.

Without the advantage of force, with the few ships under the pirate king's command, do you still want to fight against the huge navies of various parties?

Simply a daydream!

Therefore, the demise of the Thracian navy only shocked everyone and made them more cautious, but did not dampen everyone's confidence in victory.

In particular, after careful investigations by Tiangong and Wuying Thief, they determined that in addition to the wreckage of the Thracian Navy warship, there were also the wreckage of two pirate battleships, and they were more confident.

The Thracians had previously summoned to report the situation on the battlefield, and they learned from this that there were only three ships under the pirate king. Now the third is gone, and only the last remains. Even if this ship is the famous Redbeard, known as the "strongest magic ship", there is nothing to fear.

What is there to say? There is only one enemy, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Wait... this seems a little unlucky... blah blah blah! Childish words without restraint!

Everyone held their hearts in the air while advancing towards Skull Island. Soon, a huge fleet surrounded the entire Skull Island waters, and then according to the previous agreement, the United Kingdom's fleet took the lead and rushed into this dangerous sea area with dense reefs.

In front of them, in addition to the danger from underwater, there are quite a large number of pirate ships.

"Surprised! It turns out that there are so many pirate ships in the South China Sea?!" Seeing at least hundreds of ships in front of him, Loma shouted, "Could it be that pirates from all over the world have gathered here?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's what you said." The golden-white light flickered in the panda's eyes. He saw an uncomfortable large area of ​​red in front of him, and couldn't find even a single blue light spot. Go away, shake your head.

"That's fine. When we fight later, we can kill more happily!" said Atlas the griffin who also used the effect of the magic pendant to change the appearance of a human. "The number of enemies is a little more, and it will save everyone from fighting. I take it."

At this time, Yuneruo spoke: "Everyone! We are here to escort, not to steal the limelight! Unless Sonia can't stand it, we are just a group of ordinary sailors. Don't rush out early!"

"Do not worry!"


"I won't rob your little princess."

Everyone replied with a smile, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

Although the number of enemies is huge, they are not nervous at all - if you want to make them nervous, let alone a group of pirates, the army of heaven and **** will not work.

Even if you can't beat it, can you still escape? Even if he can't escape, the big deal is that he blows himself up and returns to the city.

Unless an army of angels or demons surrounds the castle, what is there to fear and worry about?


The fleets of the two sides soon came into contact. Although the United Kingdom's navy was unable to deploy a large-scale army due to terrain constraints, they were able to hold down the "Iron Dragon Lice" rushing ahead steadily. The offensive of the pirates made the pirates feel embarrassed.

The attack power of multi-body warships with huge decks is far beyond the imagination of pirates. Those pirate ships that want to rush up to start a battle are often tattered by a salvo of crossbows and catapults, and they are basically lost. The ability to move is transformed into large garbage floating on the sea. The distance is so far that the pirates can't even throw the hook.

The only thing the pirates could do was fight back with crossbows. But their bows and crossbows were not much of a threat to the heavily armed navy warriors guarding the huge warships. The vast majority of the British navy was unscathed, save for one or two hapless beings shot through the gaps in their armor.

With a relaxed attitude, like hunting, they turned the winch again and again, pulled the huge crossbow away, and turned the catapult back to the position where it was ready to launch. Then, a giant crossbow, a piece of burning stone coated with asphalt, roared through the sea breeze and fell on the pirate ship.

Under their attack, one pirate ship after another either sank or burned. The pirates on the ship could only jump into the sea in desperation, relying on the technique of swimming to save their lives.

They may be able to swim in the water for days and nights, but after the battle is over, merfolk warriors will be in charge of capturing them.

It is completely impossible to fight against the mermaid in the water.

The three "Tielongshi" class warships only dispatched the first two, and the pirates were defeated. Seeing this scene, Sonia, who was the commander-in-chief of this war, finally showed a smile.

"Sure enough, our navy in the United Kingdom is the strongest!" she said confidently, "even the Pirate King is no match for us!"

"Of course!" Next to her, Jimmy Lake, the adjutant of the new generation of Nanhai, nodded again and again, "The Pirate King is also a smart man, so he ran away early. If he didn't run away, he would stay here, and the result would only be Will end up with those other pirate ships."

"In the end, pirates are just thieves after all." In the command cabin of another "Iron Dragon" class warship, Admiral Jack Spike, the deputy admiral of the Navy, said to his son, "In the face of merchant ships, they are extremely vicious and vicious. gangsters and killers. But in the face of our soldiers, they are nothing but a vulnerable mob!"

If he knew that in the original history, he would become the king of these rabble as an adventurer and ascend the throne of the pirate king. I wonder how he would feel?

Norton nodded again and again, and was about to answer when his face suddenly changed and he looked out of the cabin.

A messenger rushed over quickly and shouted, "Urgent news! The Pirate King appeared outside the Skull Island waters and launched an attack on the combined fleet of the Chamber of Commerce!"

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