Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1090: Dragon Slayer (middle)

As a glorious "wearing second generation", Sonia Brenney Hailong has been educated by transmigrators since she was a child, and she has learned a lot of all kinds of secret information. If she also has a system panel, there are various kinds of information inside. The knowledge skill level is absolutely astonishingly high.

In this knowledge, it naturally also includes "Instructions for Slaughtering Dragons".

The strategy team has compiled several versions of the "Dragon Bombing Guide" in recent years. As soon as each version came out, she would go to see it as soon as possible, and learned a lot from it.

Moreover, she is definitely not the kind of person who talks on paper. On the contrary, her "dragon slaying" experience is quite rich.

Whether it's fighting against the black dragon who insists on "I am a youthful, beautiful, cute and invincible girl" in reality, or fighting against various ancient dragons in the fantasy created by the teacher, I must say that in the line of "slaughtering dragons" Practical experience, she can definitely be regarded as a proficient. least the adepts who were killed.

After all, her teacher's level is too high and her vision is too high, and even the weakest dragon in the fantasy world is a little too strong, so that the poor student is killed by various dragons at least a hundred times in the fantasy world. .

Fortunately, she has become a good doctor after a long illness. Although she has still not been able to successfully kill even an ancient dragon (no way, it is not easy for a guy with a minimum level of 70 to challenge), but she has at least learned about "how to deal with giants." The subject of "Dragon Fighting" has a deep and clear understanding and in-depth research.

Not only that, but she has other helpers.

The tricks that just started were not developed by her, but were learned by Uncle Panda, who had been pestering her to visit not long ago.

Paladin Panda has the reputation of "Dragon Slayer". Although he often says "I'm just an ordinary paladin", he is indeed very skilled in fighting dragons.

Not only that, but in today's world, whoever has the most experience in killing the Demon Dragon Dorenkars must be him.

According to Sonia's father, His Majesty the great King Unero of the United Kingdom of the South China Sea, when Dorenokals appeared, it was others who killed him the first time and the second time, but from the third time onwards, Until... I don't know how many times. All in all, for a period of time, this paladin has been guarding the edge of the western land all year round. Once he found the resurrection of the dragon, he immediately rushed to kill it, which was quite efficient.

It wasn't until nearly a decade later that he quit the job because of an outcry from fellow traveller Aaron.

In these ten years, God knows how many times he killed the dragon...

When Sonia asked him for advice, he thought about it a little and came up with a simple attacking routine.

"That guy gets confused every time he wakes up, although it's not long, but during this period of time, its behavioral pattern is very clear. As long as this pattern is properly used, even if it can't be killed in one wave, at least it can be destroyed. Lose its two most dangerous abilities - Frost Breath and Flying. If you disable these two abilities as soon as you get started, the next battle will be much easier."

He said so, and then taught Sonia the trick and practiced it with her.

And seeing Sonia seriously practicing this trick, Uncle Aaron, who always traveled with him, asked Sonia about her needs for weapons and armor with great interest, and then locked herself in the secret room for about ten days. He took out the biological equipment that he named "Force Armor".

The equipment is based on slime and has undergone special debugging. Although it is only a one-time use, the effective time is only half an hour, but according to Aaron, "Even if Superman can destroy small monsters in five minutes, Superman can kill in half an hour. A mere one-stop service is simply overkill.”

Facts have proved that the help provided by the two uncles to her is indeed very powerful.

After using a set of "opening remarks" to smash the dragon, Sonia almost turned into a gust of wind with the effect of her "powerful armor". She jumped up and down around the magic dragon, waving the short knife in her hand constantly. The blade was only about a foot long, but every knife made the scales of the magic dragon crack, as if the sturdy scales were just decorations.

Naturally, this knife was not Sonia's, but borrowed from someone.

The owner of the knife is the second generation of the wearer who is nicknamed "Little Lamb" by the uncles and aunts. This young man is highly skilled in martial arts, but he has no interest in making achievements or anything. , took over his master's class and became the chef of "Reckless Wearing the Castle".

If a craftsman wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his utensils. Xiaoyangyang's cooking skills are not perfect, but he has carefully prepared a set of kitchen utensils for himself. precious.

Among these kitchen utensils, there is a kitchen knife, called "Slaying the Dragon".

Yes, this is a wonderful kitchen knife with special effects on dragons.

Although the two concepts of "chopping knife" and "slaying the dragon" are very incompatible, like sitting in a high-end restaurant and eating street food stew, the power of this knife is undeniable.

As evidenced by the wounds that keep appearing on the dragon's body, it is indeed worthy of its name of "slaying the dragon"!

Sonia moved very fast, she couldn't stay in the same position for more than one second, and she couldn't stay on a simple straight line for more than two seconds - this is the limit of the dragon's reaction speed, as long as this time is exceeded, The dragon's attack will fall on her.

With her equipment, she can probably block one or two attacks from the dragon. But this is the limit. After two attacks at most, she must use magic props to escape, otherwise she may not even have a chance to escape.

So, speed and agility are her lifeblood.

She didn't dare to increase her speed to the limit, she could only accelerate as much as possible while maintaining agility and flexibility. Fortunately, the "Fortress Armor" can effectively enhance her physique, allowing her to withstand those sudden turns, forces and twists without warning, so that she can maintain such a battle.

It was like dancing between the tips of knives.

Along with the rapid movement, the dragon-slaying kitchen knife in her hand was also waving rapidly. This magical weapon does not require much force to create wounds everywhere on the dragon's body. If it weren't for Sonia herself being a little weak and not daring to stop exerting her strength, she might have already caused one or two fatal injuries to the dragon.

But even so, she has already occupied a considerable advantage.

As long as she can maintain the current speed, after a while, the magic dragon will definitely be unable to withstand the continuous accumulation of injuries and collapse.

In other words, as long as there are no accidents, the dragon slaying warriors will win this battle without any risk.

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