Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1077: helpless commanders


"What exactly does this cleric want to do?"

"Does he really want to kill all the puppet soldiers?"

"Impossible! If we produce at full capacity, we can produce at least 20,000 puppet soldiers in one day. It is impossible for him to kill faster than us!"

"The premise is that we can produce at full capacity. Because of the lack of sufficient core materials, our production speed is rapidly declining. Yesterday, all the bases combined produced less than 4,000, and many of them were of poor quality - if people were not used as the core, The intelligence of the puppet soldiers produced is often very low and cannot be used at all."

"However, the number of people we can find is about to reach the limit. The entire northern part of the Black Earth Continent has a total population of only about 4 million to 4.5 million - the population here is relatively sparse, and this is impossible. "

"This number is actually quite a lot, mainly because we lost too much in the previous war."

"Yeah! Before and after, nearly 3 million puppet soldiers were lost, but less than 500,000 can be recovered... One after another, it makes people want to spit blood."

"Those losses are worth it! Without those losses, without the ability to overthrow the wizarding organizations in the north of the Black Earth Continent, how could we occupy the entire north of the continent and develop freely?"

"Of course I know those losses are worth it, but looking back now, we don't necessarily need to lose so many soldiers..."

"Are you questioning my commanding ability? In your case, the loss may be greater than mine!"

"I don't think it's possible to be bigger than you..."


"Stop arguing! What's the point of arguing now? It's been so long since the battle."

"Yeah, why make everyone unhappy about the past?"

"Yes, such disputes are not helpful at all to solve the problem. What we have to do now is not to argue about who is right and who is wrong, but to solve the problem."

"It's easy to say, but how to solve it?"

"We all know that the crux of the problem is not how many soldiers are lost, but that we have nothing to do with that **** cleric. Every time he attacks, he can destroy a base of ours, no matter how many soldiers are in the base. , can't stop him, this is the crux of the problem!"

"But what should we do with him?"

"If I had known, I would have done it long ago, why should I discuss it with you? How good is it to take the credit alone!"

A group of commanders of a mysterious organization with a mighty and majestic army in their hands, look at me, I look at you, they are speechless, they can only hide their faces and sigh.

Of course, some people also proposed to find a great leader, thinking that as long as the leader is willing to take action, there is absolutely no problem in solving that cleric.

Everyone agrees with this. Although the eccentric cleric is powerful, he may not be able to match the legendary great wizard of the fourth level - the leader had defeated the legendary great wizard at the beginning!

But the problem is that everyone knows the character and temper of the leader. He was indifferent to anything other than research. It can even be said that the reason why he helps everyone to change their forms and prolong their lives is just to reduce some troubles for himself, so that he can concentrate on his research.

If everyone can't help him solve the trouble, so that he can't concentrate on his research, then does he still need to let these useless guys continue to live?

Therefore, the guy who proposed "please the leader to take action" not only did not get everyone's support and approval, but instead received a beating from everyone's concerted efforts.

After blowing up the guy who was talking nonsense, everyone began to discuss again.

However, no matter what they discuss, the problem is always unsolved.

Finally, a senior commander made a somewhat wild suggestion.

"That guy is really good, but how good is he?" he said. "Maybe he can beat a base, two bases, maybe more... but he can beat all three of us. Seventeen bases?"

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, and their faces were full of astonishment.

"You mean..."

"Gather all the puppet soldiers and do your best." The commander who was almost the first group to follow the leader said coldly, "Take him as the Wizarding League and fight!"

"But... what if you lose?"

"If we lose, it means we really have nothing to do."

Everyone was silent for a while, understanding what he meant.

If they lose in this way, it will prove that relying on their ability, there is really no way to deal with that weird priest, and they can only ask the leader to take action.

As for the consequences of asking the leader to take action... If things have reached that stage, the consequences will not matter.

"This matter is no small matter, it's better to consider it in the long run!"

"Yes, yes, assembling all the puppet's not that easy!"

"The opponent is only one person, it's not worth it..."

The commanders talked a lot, all of which were objections.

So, the discussion was over, the crazy plan was shelved, and the commanders decided to wait a little longer and observe - maybe just wait a little longer, and that weird, powerful and terrifying clergyman will reveal his flaws. . At that time, it will be easier to deal with him.

As for how wishful thinking, how taken it for granted, and how unreliable this idea is... They are completely afraid to talk about it now.

The king has no clothes on, but it doesn't prevent everyone from touting how gorgeous his new clothes are, and it doesn't prevent everyone from strangling the child who told the truth...

The discussion within the mysterious organization, the panda is naturally unaware.

There is only one thing he is thinking about now - to find more bases of mysterious organizations and destroy them one by one!

As he searched in the north of the Black Earth Continent for longer and longer, the anger in his heart grew stronger.

In the entire north of the Black Earth Continent, there is almost no trace of human beings.

When he passed by Wallen City before, he heard from the wizards of Wallen City that the situation was bad, and he still had some illusions. For example, the wizards of Wallen City might be trapped in a lonely city and think things were too bad.

But as he walked more and more places and saw traces of villages, market towns and even cities with his own eyes, he gradually understood that the wizards in Wallen City did not deliberately make the situation worse, on the contrary, they were themselves I thought about things too well before.

After walking for so many days, in the northern part of the entire Black Earth Continent, he did not see a fourth human settlement except for the southern cities of Wallen, Hughes, and Anita.

Or to put it more bluntly, apart from these four places, he never saw even a single human being!

These three cities are all located in the north and south of the Black Earth Continent, which is already close to the middle. So, in fact... in the entire northern part of the Black Earth Continent, the species "Human" is almost extinct.

Unless, those puppet soldiers are also considered "people".

After realizing this, Panda's mood became even lower.

He is more and more eager to find Aaron, but also more and more distressed about what to do when he finds Aaron.

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