Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 107: The truth of the behemoth

After getting key information from Panda, everyone in the strategy group discussed it.

First of all, they determined a most basic principle - this huge terrestrial dragon will definitely not appear out of thin air, and it will not be something "outside the game". It must have appeared in a certain plot or a certain setting of the original game, but it may not appear in the tasks that the players actually contacted for some reason.

This principle must be preset first, otherwise, their discussions will be meaningless.

Because what they discussed was not **** this huge herbivore, but what kind of responsibility did this guy bear in the game plot? What role did it play?

Such a big beast should never have no role in it!

But... where will this guy's role be?

"Definitely not during the imperial invasion!" Wu Mian said firmly, "This guy is huge and definitely not a small role. Even if he is a parallel importer, such a big size is not a decoration. Whether it is given by a dragon slayer hero Whether it is killed or sacrificed by some evil mages, it is an earth-shattering event. Most of the people who killed it were legendary powerhouses, or simply a stepping stone for a powerhouse to step into the legendary advanced stage. ."

This idea was recognized by everyone. They tried their best to recall whether there was any famous young master who became famous by slaying dragons in the middle of the game or even later.

But after thinking about it, I still can't think of it.

Of course, there are strong dragon slayers, and it is not impossible for young heroes to slay dragons to become famous. However, the dragon they killed has a name and a surname, and its identity is clear. It is definitely not this herbivorous animal who doesn't even know its name.

For example, Marius' son Finn, once had the deeds of slaughtering dragons. Together with several companions, he killed a fire dragon that woke up from hibernation in an underground lava lake accompanied by a volcanic eruption, thus becoming a famous hero of the Southern Commercial Federation.

But... no one has ever heard of someone who made a name for themselves by killing this herbivorous dragon.

So, its death, will it be an opportunity for a large-scale evil magic to be completed?

Everyone first thought of the Great Plague in Tarakhan City.

According to the plot, the great plague swept the entire city of Tarakhan, and even the clerics who could cure the disease were unable to escape. If it wasn't for a group of unsung heroes (that is, players) who found the altar of the fraudster Erica, killed her, and destroyed the altar, I'm afraid that in the entire city of Tarakhan, not even a single person would want to live. come down!

Not only that, but the plague also spread to all parts of the Earl of Tarakhan, causing a large number of casualties. There were several noble lords who died in the plague alone, so that the defenses of the entire border area became empty, allowing the empire to take advantage of it.

It would make sense to say that Erica managed to capture this beast and offered it as a sacrifice to the demons of **** in exchange for the plague altar.

But there is a big problem with this assumption - Erica is really not a high-level character. The man behind the Tarakhan Rebellion is not very powerful. In the game, as long as she can destroy her and transform into a team With this move, it is almost effortless to hit her, even better than Hamer, the final boss of the novice village, the necromancer.

So the question is, how can such a boss who can only transform into a medium-sized humanoid creature catch that huge beast?

"Didn't she have a group of subordinates, just go up with the subordinates." Someone said.

"Impossible!" Panda directly denied the guess, "It's not that I look down on her subordinates, but their combat effectiveness is not very good. I'm not bragging, as long as we randomly find five or six teams out of the twenty or so people, You can level the manor at the beginning. With such fighting power, you can fight the land dragon? It will be wiped out all at once, okay..."

"Does she use poison? I remember her poison attack is also very powerful. If there is no anti-poison equipment, or no antidote is prepared, it is not surprising that the group is destroyed."

"Poison that works for humans is probably not very useful to such a giant beast."

"Yeah, dragons themselves have high resistance to poison, and such a big man must have an anti-poison bonus... In general, if you want to bring it down, the poison you need is probably a bucket. doesn't feel reasonable at all."

"And it's not easy to poison herbivores." Feng Huang said, "Herbivores are far more picky about their food than carnivores. If the taste is not right, most of them don't eat it. In contrast, , Many carnivores eat carrion and don't care about taste at all."

If this guy isn't going to be killed by Erica, who is it?

Everyone pondered hard, desperately digging the information in their minds, and finally, a necromancer came up with a possible explanation.

I remember that when the game developed to the emergence of undead forces, there was a very powerful necromancer in the undead army. This undead knight is powerful, and has three terrifying treasures, namely, the black magic sword that can directly absorb the opponent's life as long as it hits the opponent; no matter how many times it is hit, it can transfer the damage to the nearby altar On top, the blood bone armor borne by the substitute; and the ghost king warhorse that can devour the souls of the newly deceased and then control their corpses.

These three treasures are infinitely powerful, and when combined, the Necro Knight has no weakness in single-handed or group fights. So in the later plot, he played a splendid name, and the famous general of the kingdom Cincinnati died under his hands, and even if it wasn't for a legendary powerhouse who lived in seclusion in the capital, even the capital would be broken by him. .

This super boss is naturally extremely powerful, but after examining his origins, he found that he is not a particularly powerful character.

Ordinarily, the powerhouses of the necromancy cannot appear out of thin air, and they must have a clear origin. A boss like this must have a very strong origin - for example, he is like the head of the "Three Horsemen" of the Necromancy, that is, the Great Marshal of Protecting the Kingdom of the Northern Kingdom (the predecessor of the empire), because of his skills. Gao Zhen was poisoned by the king, his body was stolen by necromancers after his death, and he awakened to become a necromancer.

For another example, the end of the three knights of the Necromancer was once a famous general, and Panda also dealt with him - yes, he was the knight of Galil, or in other words, after he died in battle, his body was stolen and he was killed. A knight of Galil who was resurrected as a necromancer.

However, the second one among the three knights of the undead has no origin at all, just an ordinary knight devoted to the dark.

Such a character is really not commensurate with his illustrious name.

In the game, there is no detailed explanation of how this guy became so strong - some people joked that it was because of nepotism or something, for example, his sister might be the favorite concubine of the Necromancer.

But the necromancer knight who traveled through came up with another explanation.

The second rank of the three knights of the undead may have absorbed the vitality of this herbivorous dragon with the black magic sword, and became so powerful.

This guess is very false and uncertain, but after everyone's discussion, it is listed as one of the biggest possibilities.

Because... other guesses are even more unreliable.

Until a reliable conclusion is found, everyone will take this guess as the standard for the time being.

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