The rest of the half-day trip was the exception of a storm, and no pirates were found.

After all, Saka Laura has three fleets patrolling the vicinity, and many patrol fleets have returned to their headquarters, and Asca’s business has been robbed.

Naval headquarters, port of Marin Fandor.

Askar returned with the people, and when he got off the boat, he saw Kebi, who was ten centimeters taller.

“Colonel Aska, you’re so powerful, God, when can I be half as powerful as you.” Kebi adores Aska and holds a newspaper with Luffy’s bounty in his hand.

“Kebi, you’re all reaching the third class so soon? It’s also very powerful, it’s only been a few days. ”

Kebi wiped the tip of his nose with his fingers: “Compared with Colonel Aska, it’s far from it, you defeated the Nanabukai and saved Alabastan.” ”

Aska shook his head: “Kebi, I just cleaned up Klockdar, who was injured in many battles, but the people who saved Alabastan were all the navies involved, as well as their kings and people. ”

Hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Jiunali and Lieutenant Colonel Hui Yue who were passing by all nodded, as well as other admirals who supported the past.

“This young man, what he said is very comfortable to listen to.”

“Conscious boy, it’s the first time I’ve seen him.”

“No wonder Staff Officer Tsuru thinks so highly of him.”

“You don’t know that kid is a monster, very strong!”

“Sister Peach Rabbit, the young man named Aska is good and promising.”

“Why, Major General Figna took a fancy?”

“Whatever, I have a boyfriend, Sister Peach Rabbit, you are still single, you can consider it.” Much better than that tea dolphin lieutenant general. ”

Looking at Aska who went to the headquarters.

“He’s a little smaller, isn’t he? Let’s wait until he becomes a lieutenant general. ”

At the residence of the headquarters of the Navy, Aska had just changed his clothes and took a shower, and immediately a corporal came to inform him that after dinner there would be a large meeting of the Navy, and all above the rank of colonel would participate.


After dinner, all the colonels and above in the headquarters walked to the main conference room.

Looking over, all white cloaks of justice fluttered in the wind, heads held high, giant generals walking last, they were too large to be at the end of the main conference room, and most of the giant generals were responsible for patrolling during the meeting.

Aska walks behind, and Smog and Tina can be seen in front.

Access to the main meeting room, the giant hall.

Marshal Sengoku stood on the stage.

In the first row are the two generals Red Dog and Yellow Ape, as well as Lieutenant General Karp and Crane, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit sits next to the crane, and the tea dolphin can only sit in the second row, he has proposed to Peach Rabbit 95 times and failed, wearing slippers and looking a little sloppy.

In the second row, Lieutenant General Squirrel crossed his hands on his chest, Lieutenant General Storobery’s long hat was particularly conspicuous, and Burning Mountain smoked a large cigar, Barley Town, Bastyu… All lieutenant generals.

In the third and fourth rows, there were major generals and brigadier generals, and seeing Tina sitting in front, looking at the epaulettes, there were sixty or seventy major generals, and all of them knew a few.

There were three or four hundred colonels in the back, and Aska looked and found a colonel who was a woman on the left and right to sit down.

“Can I sit next to you?”

“Of course.”

“Hello, I’m Asca.”

The brown-haired female colonel was slightly shocked: “You are that Asca?” I am Juris from the Quartermaster Department. ”

Another female colonel with bronzed skin with a little freckles on her face also looked over: “Hello, I’m Tavel.” ”

After getting to know each other, everyone quieted down.

The meeting will begin immediately.

Once or twice a quarter, the Navy has one or two such large meetings to report questions and ask questions. Investigation of smuggled goods, capture of pirates … In a series of recent debriefings.

The three words Aska appear frequently, and the result of each event will be recognized for merit. For some news in the New World, Aska also listened, and finally came to the Alabastan incident.

All supporting navies have meritorious service, and the summary of this operation is used as a positive teaching material.


“In!” Smog stood up.

“Disobeyed orders many times, demoted to lieutenant colonel, demoted to a second-class rank, and stayed behind to promote patrols in the sea area of the city.”

“Smogg understands.”

Many people see Smogg, it is not sympathetic, they are all their own strength.

If he could make a difference in the Alabastan incident, he could make up for it, but unfortunately when he came back, he just caught some small pirates, Fire Fist Ace did not catch it, and the warship was still beaten sparsely, which can be described as a bamboo basket empty.

This incident hit Smog a lot, demoted, dismissed, and the patrol area belongs to the sea area, so what is there to patrol near the Gate of Justice?



“Tina’s patrol mission meritorious three times, this time the commander-in-chief Alabastan supported the navy and was promoted to brigadier general, which is doubtful.”

No one speaks, naturally there is no opinion.

Finally, there’s Asca.



He stood up, and now all officers above colonel level in the headquarters saw him, remembering the young man.

“Askar found arms smuggled and caught a large number of pirates. And to block the war in Albana, the capital of Alabastan … He also defeated the former Qiwu Hai Klockdar who wanted to overthrow the country, protected the safety of the king and the people, and seized a large number of dancing fans. ”

Half of his eyes were on Asca.

Defeated Nanabu Haik Lockdar? This kid is really strong.

I saw his strength last time.

A very polite young man, he also looks good and has a great future.

There are voices of discussion everywhere.

“Aska is hereby given the promotion of brigadier general, and the world government proposes to expand the ranking, so it is doubtful to set a fifth-class establishment.”

For such merit, it is reasonable to appreciate the brigadier general, but Asca’s deployment establishment is second-class, directly upgraded to fifth?

“I have an opinion.”

A discordant voice suddenly appeared.

It was Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, Fighting Dog, Dauberman.

He looked at Aska coldly and said:

“He is young and has only been in the navy for a short time, even if it is meant by the world government, he does not have much strength to command the navy now. Most of the general level of this department is patrolling the new world, can he? And the second-class establishment was directly promoted to the fifth rank, too fast, I don’t recognize his strength. ”

“I think so too.”

“The merit is great, but the promotion is too much, marshal.”

Sengoku looked at Daoberman’s side, and basically spoke to his circle of generals.

Sengoku and Tsuru looked at the others, there were not many opinions, and if the general …

The red dog took a cigar and said: “There is no problem with the fifth-class formation, it is better to be such a marshal, let the Aska people go exactly to Gabon Island, there are two groups of pirates, just when we still send people to go, let him go.” ”

He was the first to disagree: “No, the matter of Gabon Island is implicated with the people on the side of the Four Emperors, and a brigadier general of Aska leads the troops, it is too dangerous.” ”

Dauberman sneered: “Indeed, Ben will go almost the same, and it is difficult for young people to survive.” ”

Aska knew that Lieutenant General Berman was intentional: “Yes, leave it to me on the Gabonese side.” ”

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