Uchiha Iron Fire couldn't help but grin when he looked at the confidence on the faces of many ninjas.

A group of critics,

You will not think that the advance teaching mentioned by Patriarch Shi Yu is actually to let those civilian children adapt to the use of scientific ninja tools in advance.

Thinking of the group of civilian children flying around during the competition, Uchiha Tetsuhuo decided that he must go to the scene to watch the game.

The times are progressing,

Shiyu is not as tiger-forced as Naruto in Boruto's legend,

It is clear that there is a way to improve the strength of ninjas more quickly, but it is said that what is not obtained by one's own training cannot be used.

There's something wrong...

The talent of the low-level ninja is already extremely limited,

Not everyone has such a strong talent and can improve to the power of supreme ninja or shadow level by cultivating hard.

Let the bottom ninja adapt to scientific ninja tools,

Not only can they greatly increase their mission success rate and survival rate, but also improve Konoha's grassroots strength.

In addition, they can also control these krypton gold ninja and even krypton gold shinobi by controlling the scientific ninja scroll, so that they cannot give birth to a rebellious heart.

This kind of thing that benefits the country and the people Naruto in the legend of Naruto actually opposes its use,

Sure enough, Boruto Chuan's thing was so stupid that it had no connection with Shippuden.


The biggest determinant of strength among ordinary ninjas is ninjutsu.

One of the criteria for judging Shinobu is that it can develop more than two Chakra attributes,

It is because only after learning ninjutsu with different attributes can you defeat enemies through attribute restraint.

The reason why many special upper ninja could not break through to upper ninja for a long time was precisely because they could not master the second chakra attribute.

The emergence of scientific ninja tools can completely make up for this defect, thereby changing the pattern of the ninja world.

Scientific ninja tools can completely erase the strength level of ninjas below the elite.

Even if it is forbearance,

If you have enough scientific ninja bullets in your hand, you also have a chance to consume ordinary shinobi alive.

Although those elite shinobi who can skillfully use the changes in the nature of Chakra cannot be erased by scientific ninja,

But ordinary ninjas below the elite will definitely feel the nightmare brought about by scientific ninja tools.

The release of scientific ninja tools25 will now mean that the future ninja world war will change from the white-knuckle battle of the cold weapon era to the hot weapon bombardment that consumes scientific ninja tools.

What is most important about this kind of fighting?

Economic, of course!

Whoever has more money, who reserves more bullets, and who reserves a high level of ninjutsu will be able to win.

And the Uchiha clan, which is a ninja arms merchant, will become a real world hegemonic organization like the beautiful country.

And all this needs to bring scientific ninja into the public's field of vision.

In peacetime, the joint Chinese ninja exam is undoubtedly the best channel to promote scientific ninja tools.

Therefore, Shi Yu controlled the ninja school in addition to controlling the rising channel of Konoha's civilian ninja,

It is also necessary to cultivate a group of cannon fodder classes with scientific ninja tools as the center of gravity ... Bah, a ninja of the Ji Sect.

Cannon fodder using scientific ninja ... Bah... Naturally, the stronger the Ji Sect, the better, so he would definitely not let go of those family ninjas.

When I made a bet with many ninjas,

Shi Yu immediately put forward guidelines for both economic and military development.

"I announced the establishment of the Konoha Biological Research Department and appointed Orochimaru as the director, and the main research direction is immortality, as well as health care drugs that increase lifespan. "

"In addition, a Konoha Civil Research Department was established, and the main research direction was science and technology for people's livelihood, similar to electrical appliances, trams, and electronic products, and the selection of ministers was found by the village chief Nara Shikahisa. "

Nara Shikaku was a little confused,

"Wait, the Ministry of Scientific Research, study immortality, study people's livelihood? What are we doing in Ninja Village studying this thing?"

In the past, the Konoha Research Department studied ninjutsu, forbidden arts, ninjutsu and other things, what the hell is health care products?

Shi Yu looked at many ninjas with a look of contempt and said:

"Have you forgotten the original purpose of Konoha Village?"

"Konoha Village came together to keep the children of the family from going to war. "

"But with the cooperation between the ninja village and the country, our ninja village has become a tool for the arms competition of the great powers, and which of the three ninja wars is not fought to the point that all the little fart children who have just graduated from the ninja school go to the battlefield, and the severity is even greater than the Warring States period. "

"If it goes on like this, what's the point of us setting up a ninja village?"

"So we should adapt to the development of the times, why do daimyo, nobles, and rich businessmen have no strength but can get dashing and moisturized, and get drunk with money? "

"And we in Konoha, who have the world's top technology and ninjutsu, blindly invest it all in the arms race, ignoring the development of our own economy. "

"That's why we've always been subject to the Great House of the Fire Nation. "


Shi Yu paused and looked at the many ninja clans seriously and said,

"Of course, military strength needs to be put in the first place, but under the premise of ensuring the military, we must vigorously develop the economy." "

"You can imagine that if we have money, where the clansmen will need to personally play in the ninja world war in the future, and directly hire ninjas from other ninja villages to help us fight. "

Everyone: "..."

Shi Yu's words instantly opened everyone's train of thought,

Even the ape flying sun who was originally sitting in the corner was full of stunned faces.

Can TM do this?

All he used to think about was how to improve the strength of the family and weaken the strength of other ninja clans to achieve his dream of forever incorporating the position of Hokage into the Sarutobi clan.

He never thought of developing Konoha's economy and letting ninjas from other villages replace Konoha's ninja to die.

Their thinking has long been ossified,

Coupled with the subtle brainwashing of the nobles, celebrities, and rich businessmen behind it, ninjas simply do not think that they can change a way of life, from being enslaved to enslaved others.

In fact, the emergence of the Xiao Organization a few years later made Onoki realize this problem for the first time, and he fought with Iwain Village, and hired members of the Xiao Organization as cannon fodder.

The patriarchs of many ninja clans are not stupid, especially the Nara clan has its own pharmaceutical industry, so they are no strangers to business.

When he heard Shi Yu's train of thought, his eyes suddenly flashed,

Shiyu is completely equivalent to developing Konoha as a country.

And the idea he said is completely feasible.

Compared with technology, those ordinary people can't catch up with Konoha, who has the most elite scientific and technological talents in the ninja world.

Randomly study the equipment used by Konoha at this stage towards the livelihood of the people, and you can earn a lot of money.

Where does Konoha, who has money, still need to see the face of the daimyo of the Fire Nation,

The Ninja World War, a war that makes no sense for Konoha, they can completely refuse.

Isn't the reason why Konoha Village participated in the Ninja World War because of the economic support of the Fire Nation to Konoha Village on weekdays?

If Konoha can be self-sufficient, he will still have a fart fight.

Akimichi Dingza raised his hand with bright eyes and asked:

"Wouldn't it be more appropriate for us to put the economy first, when we could hire other villages to protect us." "

Shi Yu rolled his eyes when he heard this, and complained:

"Dignity is only above the blade, and truth is only within the range of ninjutsu. "

"I'm afraid you haven't forgotten the fate of the country of whirlpools, even if you develop the economy, it is to develop the economy when our Konoha military power is firmly in the first place. "

The ninjas were shocked in their hearts, and seemed to understand Shi Yu's good intentions.

Qiu Dao Ding Za nodded repeatedly, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Shi Yu,

He thinks about where to eat at noon every day, and he can't think of these things that Shi Yu thinks about.

Ape Fei Sun's eyes showed a fine light,

Shi Yu's last words he approved,

If there is no strength, this direction of development is undoubtedly self-defeating.

How could the daimyo of the Fire Nation tolerate the expansion of a country within its own territory?

Konoha intends to cross from the tool man to the noble class, and the nobles above will desperately stop it at the first time.

They will definitely not allow a nobleman with great power to be born.

And the way they stop Konoha from crossing the hierarchy is simple, that is, hire other ninja villages to fight Konoha!

Just like in the Ninja Path theatrical version, the Minister of the Fire Nation unceremoniously said to Tsunade that if he couldn't solve the problem, he would destroy Konoha.

In their eyes, Konoha is nothing more than slag that can be destroyed by capital.

In fact, the super shadow is not out, and the daimyo of the Fire Nation really has this kind of confidence.

If Naruto's ungrown Konoha is really besieged by the four ninja villages hired by the Land of Fire, then the probability of his destruction is almost one hundred percent.

After all, one Payne almost wiped out Konoha, let alone the other four ninja villages.

But at this time, Konoha is a great opportunity to rise,

The organization has not yet been established,

The major ninja villages that have just finished the ninja world war basically have no intention of starting a dispute again,

In particular, the great strength displayed by Konoha made them extremely fearful.

Therefore, even if the Fire Nation gives more, except for the poor Sand Ninja Village that needs the wind shadow to dig gold, the three major ninja villages at this time are basically impossible to move.

And Sand Shinobi Village can't beat Konoha, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

This caused the Fire Nation, even if it knew about Konoha's rebellious heart, it could only knock out its teeth and swallow it in its stomach, and there was no way to sanction Konoha.

Just as Yu seized power for three generations at the same time,

At this time, Konoha is also a very good time to break free from the shackles of the Fire Nation.

This has been calculated since Shi Yu tore his face and signed an equal agreement with the Fire Nation.

Sarutobi has been licking the daimyo for decades, and they have long regarded Konoha as their subordinates,

In the past, even Hokage needed a nod from the daimyo in agreement,

Now Konoha suddenly unilaterally told the daimyo Laozi not to mess with you, and to give money directly in the future.

It's strange if you don't get angry.

If it weren't for the fear of causing the death fox of several other daimyos, they would be bitter with the enemy.

Shi Yudu felt that destroying the daimyo was the most effortless, and when the time came, it would be much more convenient to cross Konoha and become the controller of the Fire Nation than to be the Hokage.

The position of the Hokage, isn't that a matter of words.

But even if there is no way to use force directly, it doesn't matter,

With Orochimaru's biotechnology and Shiyu's understanding of the electric age, Konoha will soon become one of the top chaebols in the ninja world.

At that time, Konoha will use economic means to squeeze the wealth of the daimyofu dry,

All the businesses under him took over,

Then the daimyofu who could not afford to pay the minister's salary had only the only way to go bankruptcy and liquidation.

And Konoha Village can naturally go with the flow of the dove to occupy the Magpie's Nest and become the ruler of the Fire Nation.

At that time, Shi Yu, as the heir of the new generation of daimyo, it would be very reasonable to marry dozens of more concubines to fill his harem.

Thought of the harem,

Shi Yu looked at Tsunade,

Tsunade, who had experienced moisturization, looked more radiant than the last time he drank.

It seems more reasonable to become a daimyo through the status of Tsunade's husband, who is a daimyo princess.


After painting the big cake for the ninjas,

Shi Yu turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Ape Fei Sun,

"And one more very important thing,

Yunyin Village sent a contact letter, hoping to sign a peace treaty with Konoha. "

"But the other party's attitude is relatively bad, and they are not willing to compensate us for the damage caused by Konoha. "

"Considering the rhetoric of peace in the village, we Uchiha clan are willing to voluntarily give up the spoils of this negotiation and agree to sign an unconditional peace treaty with Yunyin Village. "

"At the same time, the losses caused by the ninjas in this battle will be reimbursed by our Uchiha clan, and the pension will also be given to the fallen heroes in time. "

The ninjas were stunned when they heard this,

Don't be rewarded for winning a battle, but also take the initiative to take out money to make up for the losses of the ninjas and civilians who participated in the battle?

Just for the peace of the village?

Everyone looked at Shi Yu with admiration,

Originally thought that the Uchiha family was arrogant, who would have thought that the other party was so concerned about the overall situation.

This is the true Will of Fire, this is the true Light of Konoha!

The patriarch of the Yueyue family said with some embarrassment:

"550 hours U Patriarch, it is everyone's responsibility to defend Konoha, can't just let the Uchiha clan bear the losses of this war, right? "

The patriarchs of the small clans such as Moonlight and Kato on the side also nodded repeatedly,

Such a good Hokage, bah, where to look for the Minister of Defense.

This time, the clan members he lost can be said to be few, and there is no need to go to the Uchiha clan to ask for compensation.

After all, if it weren't for the Uchiha clan, they might have been forcibly recruited by the ape flying sun to be used as cannon fodder.

Now that they have not only mixed up with battle merits, but also have huge compensation, it is strange that they do not support the Uchiha family.

Shi Yuyi solemnly refused:

"No, you can't chill the hearts of our Konoha heroes, how much should we compensate, our Uchiha clan is all out!"

Then he looked at the ape flying sun and said:

"Patriarch Ape Fei, you can also see that everyone is very eager for peace now, so this diplomatic responsibility is entrusted to you, the old-timer. "

"The three generations of Hokage went out to pick up guests, well, going out to receive them naturally gave them enough face. "

"So this time the task of signing a peace treaty is entrusted to you. "

The ape flying sun was stunned,

Pointing incredulously to himself, he asked, "Me?"

Shi Yu nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course it's you, who can afford this peace task except for the three generations of Hokage, after all, didn't you sign a peace treaty in the first place. "

Ape Fei Ri's eyes showed a trace of disdain,

Want to humiliate yourself with the last peace treaty?

Sure enough, he was still too young, and he had no idea that this kind of good opportunity to show his face in the village could gain a lot of popular support.

This kind of good thing, the other party not only does not care, but even pushes it to himself.

Ape Fei Ri suppressed the joy in his heart, and slowly spoke:

"In that case, my old bone will sell harder, and then I will be able to complete this signing ceremony." "

Shi Yu nodded, and a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes:

"This is naturally the best, then please three generations." "

Everyone looked at the two smiling tigers with a blank face, weren't these two people still like killing their fathers and enemies yesterday, why did they talk and laugh today?

Shi Yu waved his hand and directly announced the dismissal of the meeting, and the specific details were discussed privately by various departments in charge.

After Tsunade's meeting, he found Shi Yu and clamped it in front of (people) and said viciously:

"You run, you run again?"

Shi Yu felt the touch on his cheeks and forgot to ask for mercy for a while.

After another while,

Tsunade looked below that no one responded, and when she looked down, she found that Shi Yuzheng closed his eyes with a look of enjoyment.

Tsunade blushed,

So angry that he smashed it with one punch!

Shi Yu's face darkened, and he turned on the kaleidoscope to stop this fatal blow.

I have been hiding from Tsunade all these years, and I don't know the reason why this guy started without knowing the seriousness.

His previous strength was not strong, and if he was accidentally smashed to death by her, he would lose blood.

Tsunade was stunned when he saw this, and looked at the kaleidoscope in Shi Yu's eyes and frowned:

"You opened your eyes?".

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