Shimura Tuan led Shi Yu to wander around the root base without smiling,

Fortunately, Lao Tzu had already transferred Uchiha to the Great Snake Pill.

You search, search casually, find something useful I and your last name!

And Shi Yu stared at Tuan Zang with his writing wheel eyes while shaking~,

During this time, Hikaru was busy fighting, and he had never met this Konoha-no-dark,

As a result, how come the other party's body is now full of Uchiha's pupil power remnants?

What residue after the base?

The only explanation is that the Danzo in front of him is likely to have fallen for Uchiha's other god like Mifune in the Land of Iron.

In the anime, Shisui is like a fool, exposing the pupil technique that can change people's will to the ape flying sun who plays politics.

As a result, Ape Fei Ri turned his head and sold him to Tuanzo, and also kindly told Tuanzang about the terrifying effect of the other heavenly gods.

This is an intolerable skill for any top who plays politics.

Who is the emperor who can tolerate a courtier under him who controls his will at any time?

Not even faithful,

The devil knows when his will has been changed.

What's more, when Shisui chatted with Danzo, he also clearly used silence to indicate that whoever TM broke the peace between Konoha and Uchiha, he would use another god against whom.

Therefore, the other heavenly gods who stopped the water did not have time to play a role and were dug up.

According to the introduction in the official game Extreme Storm, the other heavenly god who really controls the will of people is the left eye that was not poached by Tuan Zang,

And his right eye is the offensive pupil technique Celestial God Light, which represents his deepest desire - in case it is useless to modify the will of the Left Eye Celestial God, then use the right eye Celestial God to destroy the other party.

In the original work, Tuan Zang knew the ability to stop the eyes in advance, and naturally he would consciously guard against his skill.

However, Tuan Zang in this world where Shi Yu is located does not know that the pupil technique of the water-stopping eye is another heavenly god.

If Shuishui suddenly opened his eyes after being attacked, it seemed very reasonable to use the skills of other gods against Tuanzo.

And with the character of Our Lady of Shisui, the will to change is most likely the shit wish that Uchiha gave Sasuke to protect Konoha.

This is also why Shi Yu gave up the idea of shooting the dead group to hide and kill the chickens and monkeys, and instead followed him to wander around the root base.

And Yamato behind him followed the two step by step,

Whether it is the ape flying sun chop or Tuan Zang has an indescribable worship of Mu Duan,

In the anime, Danzo once sent ten-year-old Yamato to assassinate Sarutobi Hinata,

Shi Yu didn't know how he could think that a woody dun who was engaged in greenery would be better than a peak Hokage,

But he was honey and confidently sat on the office chair of Hokage's office, and was severely taunted by Ape Flying Sun, and he was scared into a cold sweat.

Shi Yu wondered if Tuanzo had the idea of relying on Yamato to do his own thing,

If there really is, should you resist and destroy the root?

However, he was very curious about what kind of state the current Tuan Zang was.

Shi Yu touched his chin and thought:

"Sure enough, you still have to find the water stop to know what happened, this guy's eyes are not water stopping, did the water stop run?"

Tuan Zang looked at Shi Yu, who was no one next to him, and asked with a dark face:

"How long are you going to shop?"

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled:

"Shop until you send congratulatory gifts to our Uchiha family. "

Tuan Zang's face was dark, and he almost didn't hold back and kicked over,

But when he remembered the information sent by his subordinates, he could only grit his teeth and say:

"These two days are busy, and our congratulatory gifts from the roots will be sent immediately!"

Shi Yu nodded and said:

"By the way, let you Shimura clan also send a copy, and I will run away from the province." "

Tuan Zang almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood,

Your uncle's, are you a gift? Aren't you pure blackmail!

Tuan Zang thought of the content of the intelligence again, and he said in an astringent voice:

"Give! Two copies!"

At this time, Shi Yu gave him exactly the same feeling as when Ape Flying Sun was the Hokage,

It was subconscious fear.

Danzo has put Uchiha Shiyu as a character with a higher status than himself.

Shi Yu smiled and patted Tuan Zang's shoulder twice,

"That's good, don't disturb the work of the Danzo-sama at the root, but you still have to pay more attention to the security of Konoha, it's a peaceful time, how inappropriate it is to always have people missing."

The severe pain made his face shake twice,

However, in the blink of an eye, Shi Yu had disappeared in front of his eyes.

Shimura Danzo's face changed,

"Is it really the Flying Thunder God, the idiot Richop even gave him this thing?"

He turned his head to look at Yamato behind him and asked in a low voice:

"If you made a move just now, how sure are you to keep him?"

Yamato under the mask looked MMP, but still bowed his head respectfully and reported:

"Probably, zero percent?"

Tuan Zang: "..."

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

In an indoor training ground,

A giant python popped out of Hongdou's wrist, biting a piece of wood in half in an instant.

Seeing this, she exclaimed excitedly:

"Great! Teacher, I succeeded!"

At this time, beside her stood a long-haired snake man with a feminine temperament, who was the only big snake pill who was still one of the three ninja in the village.

Orochimaru smiled and clapped his hands:

"Worthy of being my disciple, you have performed greatly, and you are indeed qualified to practice that forbidden art now. "

Hongdou's eyes lit up when he heard this,

"Really, teacher, can I practice now, so I can go to Red and show off. "

The big snake pill glanced at the red bean and shook his head:

"Not now, because I need to go out. "

"Get out?"

"Lord Orochimaru, the third generation of Hokage-sama is looking for you. "

A dark part appeared and landed beside Orochimaru.

Red Dou glanced at the dark part with an unhappy expression, if it weren't for himself, he would have been able to learn the powerful forbidden technique again.

Orochimaru patted Little Red Bean's head, and then followed the dark part and left instantly.

The red bean probe looked out the door,

After confirming that Orochimaru had left, she slipped out of training.

Red was busy training the little fire dragon sent by the licking dog at this time, and he said that he would go to see anything.


Orochimaru followed the dark part to the clan land of the Ape Fei clan.

As soon as he walked to the backyard, he saw the incomparably old figure in front of the coffee table.

The appearance of the ape flying sun chop turned out to be the same as that of Koharu and Mito Menyan, and it was not much different from the old man 12 years later.

Because Uchiha Shiyu's strength was exposed, he completely felt what is called despair.

Unlike Onoki and Master when they first came to sign the peace treaty,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper experienced the battle of the century in which the sky was shattered, and the battle of the valley ended.

He clearly knows how terrifying a Uchiha's strength is,

It is an abyssal-like gap in strength that cannot be filled with tricks and numbers.

The reason why the second generation suppressed Uchiha was to worry about the emergence of a member of the same clan who was Uchiha.

Now my teacher's worries have finally happened.

A terrifying Uchiha clan who can easily hang his son reappears in Konoha.

Uchiha Shiyu's guy actually destroyed the Konoha elite led by Shinnosuke with only one person, which is another Uchiha spot.

The spirit of the ape flying sun slash disappeared overnight,

As if heaven was playing a big joke on himself,

I have endured humiliation and burden for so many years,

I was about to get out of the way, but now I am back to before liberation.

Three points of complexity and one point of ridicule flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill,

To say which of the three Shinobi has the most complete will of fire, it is not the granddaughter Tsunade of the first generation, nor the heroic Jiraiya, but the big snake pill in front of him, which many people think is a madman.

Orochimaru, who lost his parents since childhood, regards the ape who raised him as his own relative. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And Sarutobi Sun Chopper is even more in love with this civilian ninja with explosive talent, and cultivates it as the most proud disciple.

In the midst of the Ninja War,

Ape Fei Sun cut all kinds of dissidents, developed Mu Duan, and finally paid attention to his disciple Rope Tree.

Tsunade left discouraged,

Zilai also left the village under the pretext of looking for a savior.

Only Orochimaru stayed in Konoha without abandoning it, not caring whether it was moral or not, studying various forbidden techniques according to the requirements of Konoha F4, and licking bricks and tiles to improve the strength of Konoha Village.

Even if the matter was exposed, Ape Flying Sun Chopper let the big snake pill back the pot, the big snake pill still left without saying a word, and also told the ape flying sun chop that this was the last chance.

Even if he later established his own ninja village, he still cared about Konoha, never gave up, and single-handedly planned the Konoha revival plan that shocked the ninja world.

On the one hand, it will make the Sand Hidden Village, which is preparing to sneak up on Konoha and fight for military expenses, suffer heavy losses, and by the way, isolate the opponent's people in Konoha to deliver vegetables.

On the other hand, he took away the time bomb of Uchiha Sasuke and pulled Uchiha Itachi's hatred down on himself.

By the way, he also let his teacher die gloriously as a hero, and let Tsunade, one of the three Shinobi, and the retired older generation of Inuga Butterfly, Oil Woman and others return to the front line, so that Konoha can directly change his new life, and his combat power has skyrocketed unprecedentedly, and there are more tasks to take over.

It can be said that Orochimaru single-handedly revived Konoha, which had been in a state of decay.

Sasuke had asked Orochimaru why he had once wanted to destroy Konoha before summoning the Four Kages,

Orochimaru was talking about it on a whim at first, but after Sasuke saw Itachi, he understood that it wasn't like that.

Orochimaru just fell silent and didn't speak, and then Sasuke asked what a ninja was and what a village was.

This is not appropriate for Konoha, for the sake of the village, Konoha Laomo who is willing to carry all the black pots.

Otherwise, Naruto would not have resisted the pressure of other villages to save him from death.

At this time, the big snake pill looked at the old ape flying sun with a complicated face,

He was both happy that Shiyu had changed Konoha and brought Konoha back to life.

And for the appearance of ape flying sun chopping white hair overnight, some heartache plus schadenfreude.

Orochimaru looked at the ape flying sun and asked:

"Is the teacher looking for me?"

Ape Fei Ri tiredly took out a seal scroll and put it on the coffee table,

"I hope you can send this thing to the Uchiha clan as a gift for me. "

Shi Yu's relationship with Tsunade is very iron, and the relationship with Jiraiya and the Great Snake Pill is naturally not bad.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper asked the big snake pill to help send the gift, but he couldn't just want to save his face, and by the way, let the big snake pill beg for intercession.

Orochimaru glanced at the scroll,

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I think it's better to give the gift myself, and I really should prepare something for him." "

After saying that, the big snake pill turned around and left,

Although he has not betrayed Konoha yet, his defection to Danzo as a disciple of Sarutobi Hinata already speaks for itself.

Whether it was after the end of the three battles, Sarutobi Sun gave the position of Hokage to Bofeng Shuimen, or the death of his own disciple Rope Tree.

Ape Fei Ri Chop has long ceased to regard himself as a disciple, and naturally there is no need to treat him as a teacher.

Orochimaru's will of fire is loyal to Konoha, not Sarutobi himself, so he will not hesitate to kill Sarutobi in Konoha's collapse plan.

Rationally, he analyzed,

The Sarutobi Hinata has become a stumbling block to Konoha's development, just as it was when Jiraiya was seriously injured and they were surrounded by Iwahide Village.

His judgment was to abandon Jiraiya and flee with Tsunade, which he did, but Tsunade stopped him and his teammates arrived in time at the last minute.

Now that the Uchiha family is rising, Ape Flying Sun Chopper still wants to use himself to pull relationships?

Looking at the big snake pill who resolutely walked out,

The ape flying sun was completely declining,

Sarutobi Shinnosuke walked out of the house and said angrily:

"It's just a white-eyed wolf, thanks to his father for nurturing him like this! It's just a Uchiha clan, even if he wins!"

"We Sarutobi clan control the operation of most of the grassroots ninja work in the entire Konoha, and Yu Yu does not dare to turn his face with us!"

Ape Flying Sun shouted angrily:

"You shut up for me!"

Shinnosuke was stunned, and an indignant expression appeared on his face.

But the ape flying sun chop knows very well,

If he loses this time, the ninja will all fall to the Uchiha clan, and for the sake of this time plan, he will give all the power to Nara Shikahisa.

Now what he controls is a Konoha garrison who offends people all day and can't get oil.

Next, Uchiha Shiyu will definitely adjust these grassroots, defense, education and a series of other positions in Konoha Village.

If they were still Hokage, they would naturally listen to themselves.

But he doesn't have any official position now, how can those serving public servants who enjoy convenience go to the retired fire shadow for a person and offend a popular political power icon.

Sarutobi picked up the congratulatory scroll on the coffee table and slowly walked towards the gate,

His handsome body became completely out of proportion to his previous spirit.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke gritted his teeth and looked at the back of Sarutobi with a sad and indignant face,

If he is stronger, he will not have to let him be humiliated.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not care what his son thought,

He closed his eyes, quickly adjusted his mentality, and took a few dark people to the Uchiha clan.

When they saw the ape flying sun, the clansmen of the Uchiha clan all showed a playful expression.

Ape Fei Ri's heart flashed with anger, and then said with a kind smile:

"The patriarch of the ape flying clan Ape flying the sun slashed, and the old man came to send a good gift to the Uchiha clan. "

The guards of the second squad of guns guarding the door are completely hip-hopping when apes flying into the sun and slashing words are farting.

Ape Flying Sun gritted his teeth and said to the spearman again:

"The patriarch of the Ape Flying Clan Ape Flying Sun Slash, the old man has come to send a good gift to the Uchiha clan!"

Gun Twenty-One waved his face impatiently, pointed to a thatched hut that was even more rudimentary than before, and sneered:

"Heard, heard, you say so much nonsense has a fart use, things are sent there, people hurry up." "

The dark part of the ape flying sun behind the slash was livid,

With a swoosh, they appeared in front of the ape flying sun, wanting to angrily rebuke the rude watchdog.

However, Ape Fei Ri shouted angrily:

"Get down!"

Then he smiled at the gunman guarding the door:

"Okay, I'll put the things there, I don't know where the gift is, I'll sign it quickly." "

The lancer glanced at the ape flying sun and said with a smile:

"The gift is full, and we are hurrying to make it, you put the gift first, and come back another day." "

The dark part's face changed, and he was ready to speak, but he was still stopped by the ape flying sun.

Sarutobi turned to leave after sending the sealing scroll to the thatched house with a gloomy face.

The onlookers looked at the ape flying sun and exclaimed excitedly:

"It's really the same as the patriarch said, this guy can really endure it!"

Ape Fei Ri's fist clenched and quickened the pace of leaving.

Over the next few days, Sarutobi repeated the same action, each time simply dropping the gift money without being allowed to sign.

Until three days later,

Shi Yu stood at the entrance with a smile and smiled at the ape flying sun:

"Oh, I'm really sorry, in the past two days in reply to the signing of the peace treaty proposed by Yunyin Village, I didn't care about the ape flying patriarch, it was rude. "

"Peace treaty?

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