"Uchiha Shiyu, how dare you! These are the elite of our Konoha!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun looked angrily at the densely packed floating corpses on the surface of the water, with a hideous face.

After the four shadow doppelgangers released the last Chakra, they turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated.

Shi Yu came out of the shadows, looked at the dozen or so Shangnin and Sleeping Koharu standing on the wall of the earth stream, clapped his hands and smiled:

"Gee, I really didn't expect it, our Konoha's strength is still very strong, so many upper patience is what I didn't expect." "

The three of Bow Two One rode a fire-breathing dragon and landed behind Shi Yu, and a wave of water rippled on the ground.

Bow Eryi retorted with a relentless cold snort:

"Konoha's elite? They also deserve it? It's just a group of ape flying sun's private soldiers, we Uchiha clan are fighting to resist the enemy village outside to defend Konoha's peace, that is Konoha's elite, you are just a group of Konoha's traitors!"

Mito Menyan looked at Gong Eryi with an ugly face and drank coldly:

"If it weren't for your coup d'état, how could Yunyin Village take the initiative to attack Konoha!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke on the side glanced left and right a few times and sneered:

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, right, just when you withdrew the main force of the Uchiha clan to protect you from delivering the documents, Yunyin Village had already launched an attack on you,

Maybe the current Uchiha family has all died on the battlefield, even if you finalize the new political system, what can you do,

Just with the rest of you Uchiha, you will be abandoned by those ninjas in the first place, do you think that by wooing those young people, you can influence those ninjas?

Even the three generations of Hokage-sama have always been afraid of this group of ninjas, once they are given the time to demon core, do you think your Uchiha clan will be better? "

Bow Erichi and several people looked at Sarutobi Shinnosuke with shocked faces,

"You guys actually colluded with Yunyin Village?!"

Even the dozen or so Kami-ninja who were still alive couldn't help but commotion, they were willing to be driven by the ape flying sun for Konoha,

Now Ape Flying Sun Chopper actually colluded with Yunyin Village so openly, which made them a little doubtful of life.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke snorted coldly:

"Who said that we colluded with Yunyin Village, the existence of their own details in the five major villages is originally an open secret, isn't your publicity so fanfare just to let Yunyin Village attack?"

As soon as these words came out, the civilian ninjas over there all quieted down,

That's right, if it weren't for Uchiha Shiyu's fanfare propaganda, how could Yunyin Village seize the opportunity to attack.

However, Shi Yu sneered:

"What happened to the fanfare of the paperwork, shouldn't I be in a big fuss about Konoha for Hokage?"

"The reason why they attacked is because they got the Sarutobi Slash to send people to snipe at me, and then I need to arrange for the people of the Uchiha clan to return to defense, right?"

"But you don't need to tempt, now here is us 4, there is no so-called ambush at all." "

Listening to Shi Yu's words, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's heart fell a little,

The reason why he stimulated Shi Yu was nothing more than to see what hole cards the Uchiha family had,

Now people have just seen that they have been directly destroyed by 9 into 9 subordinates, which is too terrifying.

However, he still didn't believe Shi Yu's words, after all, the power of ninjutsu just now was too great, and it didn't look like four upper ninja could use it at all.

He made a gesture,

Several white-robed dark captains slammed towards Shi Yu.

Gong Eryi and the others sneered,

"Charizard! Use hot air!"

The three fire-breathing dragons roared, and a terrifying hot breath spewed out from their mouths, instantly sweeping the three upper Shinobi.

The terrifying high temperature quickly evaporated the shunfen in the body of Shangnin,

Before they could get close to Shi Yu and the others, they had already turned into dried corpses and fell, and the river water left by the waterfall on the ground was also evaporated in an instant, and the air was filled with scorching steam, making people unbearably hot.

Mito Menyan looked at the fire-breathing dragon with a large mouth with a look of horror.

"Nani!?How is it possible! Blood Succession Boundary?

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun looked at the murderous fire-breathing dragons with an ugly face and reminded loudly:

"Be careful, none of them need to be sealed to perform ninjutsu!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke on the side looked at Koharu with an MMP face,

You're afraid you're a fool, that thing can make a seal? That thing doesn't even have a hand, right?

"Hey, the masked one'~. "

Suddenly, Shi Yu shouted the opposite Sarutobi Shinnosuke a voice,

Sarutobi Shinnosuke subconsciously looked back at Shi Yu,

A pair of kaleidoscopic wheels of scarlet four-cornered windmills met his eyes.

The next second he found himself tied to a cross,

Uchiha Shiyu was standing in front of him, holding a short blade in his hand and grinning at himself:

"You're a shadow level, right?"

Shi Yu's demon-like voice entered Sarutobi Shinnosuke's mind,

"Do you know why your father is so jealous of our Uchiha clan?"

As the words fell, the sharp short blade instantly pierced into the eyes of Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

Konoha Village,

Yuan Fei tribal land,

Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo sat face to face and drink tea.

Ape Fei Ri looked at the MMP who was inseparable from him with a constipated face.

"Is there something wrong with you, Tuan Zang, what are you following me for?"

Tuan Zang snorted coldly:

"I'm for Konoha's good! Hinata, this time I will never make the same mistake as Iwahide Village. "

Ape Fei Ri opened his mouth, always feeling as uncomfortable as eating, and he knew that he would kill this product.

Could it be that he brainwashed him too ruthlessly, making him really think that he was the heir of the Will of Fire?

Ape Fei Ri chopped two puffs of tobacco in frustration,

This time, the plan was devoid of Tuan Zang, which was a huge failure for him as a politician.

But opportunities are always fleeting,

Just like Uchiha Shiyu stabbed himself when he was at his weakest, if he missed this opportunity, I am afraid it would be difficult to turn over again.

The other party is more familiar with the control of public opinion than himself, and the other party's political means are even more ruthless than his own.

I can't imagine that this is just a guy in his 20s.

He is much more sophisticated than the guy who has lived around him for more than 40 years, and many methods are not even expected by himself, as if he is an unknown prophet.

It is impossible for Ape Flying Sun to guess that if Shi Yu's memories of his previous life are added together, Shi Yu's age is even much older than him,

Coupled with the thick cultural heritage and information explosion in the past life, even if Shi Yu does not know the future plot, he can kill the ape flying sun,

Not to mention that Shi Yu also has a plot advantage, it can be said that Shi Yu almost holds the unknown little secrets of all the well-known ninjas in the entire ninja world, and it is naturally very simple to calculate the possibility of the future.

Ape Flying Sun constantly calculated the gains and losses of this plan in his heart,

On the one hand, he asked Shinnosuke to intercept Uchiha Shiyu,

On the other hand, it revealed the news to the insufficient combat strength of the front line of Yunyin Village,

Just with those miscellaneous soldiers who were newly pulled, it was absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Yunyin Village, who stood on the field with human pillar power.

To put it ugly, now all the ninjas and civilians among the upper ninja are watching, the real high battle let alone the upper ninja, even the special upper ninja are all counting on the Uchiha clan.

And when he intercepted Uchiha himself, the people sent out by Yu were elite, and the lowest ones were all at the level of middle ninja.

If Shi Yu dispatched Yu Zhibo from the front line to return to defense, then the front line would inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Whether it is the foundation of Uchiha or the image established among civilian ninjas, it will completely collapse.

At that time, even if Uchiha Shiyu is not dead, then he can't turn over any waves.

If he hadn't drawn the elite of the Uchiha clan to defend against it, then Uchiha Shiyu would definitely die!

His own son's has already reached the shadow-level strength!

If it weren't for the outrage caused by the peace treaty, then the position of the fourth generation of Hokage would not have been the turn of the wave feng shui gate.

At the beginning, Bo Feng Shuimen himself did not expect to be the fourth generation of Hokage, and when he learned the news, he shared his joy with Jiu Xinnai with a blinded face.

Now add two elite Shinobi, Koharu and Mito Menyan, as well as a dozen Kami Shinobi and nearly a thousand Naka Shinobi.

This can be said to be the strongest combat power that Konoha can take out at this stage.

After all, now that the three battles have just ended, the ninjas of the major ninja villages have been killed and injured heavily.

At this time, in the eyes of the ape flying sun,

Such a luxurious lineup can almost wipe out the Uchiha family head-on.

After all, in his opinion, the Uchiha clan did not have a shadow level, and the only elite Shang Shinobi was killed by Tuan Zang.

What about being proficient in calculation?

This time, let's also have a Yang Scheme,

Let's kill the monkeys,

Like that group of evil ninjas, Konoha is now the world of civilian ninjas and ape flying clans!

If the Uchiha clan were still nested in the clan land, the ape flying sun slash really couldn't be ruthless to do this, but since they were separated...

The corner of Ape Fei Suncho's mouth revealed a wistful smile.

The most difficult Thousand Hands family is gone, and the Vortex family is gone,

A Uchiha family who has been suppressed since the second generation also wants to turn over? It's a dream!

Soon he will be able to regain control of Konoha.

As for the civilian ninjas who sacrificed, it can be regarded as a punishment for their own distrust, and when the time comes, those who are still alive must be appeased, and they must be let know that only by following them can they have meat to eat.

Ape Fei Ri narrowed his eyes, and his mood became comfortable,

Soon your life will be back on track again,

The Nara family? Pig deer butterfly?

It seems that the lessons of the oil women did not make them remember that even if they wanted to simply quit after this time, it was so simple.

It's time for their own dark clan members to be replenished, and it's time for those ninjas to hand over some elite.

Wait until the Nine-Tails Pillar Force grows up, and then cultivate a Uchiha clan with Hokage thinking as the key to controlling the Nine-Tails.

At that time, the Sarutobi clan will be able to completely control Konoha in their own hands!

The corners of Ape Feisun's mouth rose slightly,

After this time, Shinnosuke withdrew from the dark part to brush his reputation and show his face,

With Shinnosuke's credit, the position of Hokage will definitely come to work, and he will be able to retire with confidence.

Thinking of my son,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper suddenly thought of a certain unfilial son who was caught,

If he wasn't worried about him competing with his eldest brother for the position of Hokage, how could he be cultivated into this bear-like, what a waste!


It's just a face.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly covered his eyes and fell to his knees in pain.

And Shi Yu's right eye closed, and a scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his eye,

The consumption of pupil power caused his vision in his right eye to decrease slightly.

Shi Yu's brows frowned,

The consumption of this thing is greater than expected, no wonder Uchiha Weasel bleeds every time he reads his eyes with the moon,

And Obito used divine power only when he forcibly opened the Heavenly Imperial Middle School of Datuki Kaguya.

The consumption of co-authoring Sasuke's training acceleration turned out to be so great.

It is worthy of being the ultimate brother control of Sasuke to kill the entire clan.

What is for Konoha, what is for peace, is.

Uchiha's motive was purely the fear that Sasuke would not be able to live in peace.

Uchiha Itachi, who was born without feelings, directly regarded Sasuke as the meaning of his own life, under the wrong guidance of his father.

Xiaochun and Mizuto Menyan, who was on the side, looked at the strongest ace on his side who suddenly fell to the ground in shock and exclaimed:


Shinnosuke looked at Shi Yu with a look of horror, and spit out a few words with difficulty:

"Little, watch out for his illusions!"

Turning to look at Shi Yu, Koharu finally found the irregular chakra eye pattern in his right eye.

She screamed like an old chicken:

"It's a kaleidoscope chakra eye! Don't look into his eyes!"

Shi Yu grinned:

"Do it!"

"Fire Escape Hao Dragon Fire Art!"

"Charizard uses flamethrow!"

The three men and three dragons used the ninjutsu attack with the greatest strength except to rush towards the enemy on the opposite side.

The civilian upper ninja and the upper ninja of the ape flying clan gasped,

What a powerful fire!

This power is definitely not only the level of special forbearance mentioned in the newspaper!

Today's Uchiha people are practicing fire ninjutsu with the talent of Uchiha Itachi on the training ground, even if Chakra's control cannot reach Shangnin,

But after training over and over again on the training ground, their bodies have long instinctively remembered the flow of Chakra!

Coupled with the fire-breathing dragon's flamethrow, the fire cast by the second bow team at this time was not inferior to the dozen or so dark Shinobi on the opposite side.

The faces of the upper ninja on the opposite side changed suddenly, and they hurriedly made a quick seal with their hands.

"Water Escape Water Array!"

"Earth Escape Earth Flow Wall!"

A boom came out,

The explosion of fire and water directly filled the air with water vapor.

And Shi Yu also rushed out at the same time,

In this situation of unclear vision, the Uchiha family who writes the wheel eye obviously has more advantages.

The Bow Two squad knows this at the same time,

They immediately let Charizard attack freely in the sky, and then he and Shi Yu instantly entered the water mist.

Ninja battles can always distinguish between victory and defeat in close combat,

In the end, only the attributes of the remote ninjutsu spray are restrained, and the side with less chakra will lose.

The people on the opposite side are obviously redundant on their side, and it is obviously their own side that has been using fire to attack and defend, so it is still necessary to create a favorable environment to fight close combat.

Because the Uchiha family, who have the Sharingan eye that can instantly perform magic, are invincible in 1vslsolo.

Shi Yu instantly came to the side of an upper ninja,

Shangnin's face changed, and he subconsciously had to dodge,

As a result, as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Shi Yu's scarlet kaleidoscope and fell into sluggishness.

Short knife slash,

Shang Shinobu snorted and covered his neck and fell to the ground.

The rest of the upper Shinobi's pupils shrank, just about to throw his shuriken over,

More than a dozen Shi Yu's figures appeared around him.

"Damn, it's the Phantom Instantaneous Technique that stops the water instantaneously!"

"How can he do it, doesn't it mean that he is just an ordinary shinobi?"

Shi Yu sneered, and his hands instantly froze and suddenly spewed out more than a dozen fireballs.

An upper ninja stepped forward and hurriedly used the Wind Escape Technique to blow the fireball away,

As a result, countless spinning shurikens appeared inside the fireball.

Fire Phoenix Flower Claw Red!

The sound of a few sharp weapons entering the flesh,

The Shangnin fell directly to the ground like a hedgehog.

At the same time, countless shurikens and kunai flew towards a dozen Kami-ninja from all directions.

It was the three members of the bow team that had already filled the shuriken technique!

The seemingly inaccurate shuriken collided in the sky, making a sound of gold and iron.

As the trajectory of the shuriken was changed, they all changed direction in mid-air and shot towards the upper ninja from all directions.

For a while, it was as if countless ninjas surrounded them, and more than a dozen of them were throwing shurikens.

"Damn, how many people are they here, and is there really an ambush for the Uchiha family?"

Kami-Shinobu desperately shot down the shuriken that flew out of the mist, and this range of shuriken attacks didn't look like they were thrown by just 4 people.

"Be careful!"

A companion exclaimed, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared above the sky.

Charizard fell into the sky and instantly smashed it into meat puree!。

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