The talent of Twelve Xiaoqiang to take the Zhongnin exam after graduation is not attained by everyone.

Naruto's session was that Sarutobi Slash forced the major ninja clans to send out the 'proton' of the Will of Fire after integrating the entire Konoha.

Basically, it is the next patriarch of the major ninja clans in the future, and it is the ninja clan who shows weakness to show their submission to the ape flying sun.

Because with Fugaku's weakness, Hinata Hinata was forced to die, and everyone understood that the ape flying Hinata, who had reappeared for three generations of Hokage, already had the power and ruthlessness to force a ninja to death at any time.

Therefore, everyone had to compromise and let the Yan family accept the Will of Fire in order not to repeat the mistakes of the Uchiha family.

Therefore, in reality, it is impossible for the vast majority of ninjas to achieve the feat of taking the middle ninja exam after graduation, and most of the lower ninja are like Mater Dai, and they can only be a lower ninja for a lifetime.

After graduation, don't talk about guiding the upper ninja, and even the captain of the middle ninja who led the team

I can only rely on the form of temporary teams, and the three-person team can take the lowest D-level tasks that even ordinary people are too lazy to do, and it is difficult to support themselves.

This is also why Sarutobi has such prestige and power in Konoha

Because he controls the economic resources and promotion channels of the entire Konoha Village.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to continuously select enough geniuses from the grassroots to add to the Dark Department, and eventually became the largest force in Konoha.

And the reason why the Konoha Garrison is expanding more and more is also because in addition to the law enforcement power in Konoha Village, it also has the superiority of its position as a civil servant in Konoha Village's golden rice bowl.


But even the players think that they are the best in the Shinobi

But it is also impossible for them to train for a month to reach middle tolerance.

Their talent is destined to take a lot of time to accumulate experience if they want to go further in this life, and they have even reached the top.

But at this time, Uchiha Shiyu was not worried at all

He pointed to one of them and pointed to the high-level target he had just aimed at and said

"You go and try your hand at shuriken. "

The clansman was stunned, and a embarrassed expression appeared on his face, and he said with an embarrassed look

"Lord Shiyu, my shuriken skills are really a little out of my hands..."

Immediately, he hesitantly took out his shuriken and aimed it at a fixed target in the distance

"Then I'll be ugly. "

Saying that, he jumped into the air and threw several shurikens.

The few clansmen watching below suddenly shrank their pupils

Murata feels good today. "

"Look, 6 shurikens hit the target!"

"I depend, did Murata eat hormones, and he actually used this shuriken technique that only Kami-Shinobu mastered?"

Murata landed in mid-air, looking at the six shurikens inserted into the target with excitement.

I didn't expect that my hand would feel so against the sky today, and this kind of shuriken technique that I usually wouldn't hit with a shot was actually hit by 6!

You know, the difficulty of hitting the bullseye directly at the bullseye and hitting the bullseye by controlling the speed of the shuriken and colliding with each other is not a grade.

The difficulty gap between them was not much different from the difficulty of cultivation between the Three-Body Technique and the Spiral Pill.

But today he actually shot 6 targets, although not bullseye, but enough for him to brag for a long time.

At this time, Uchiha Murata wondered excitedly in his heart

Is he also a genius?

He looked at his companion proudly and put on an expression of 'no pretending, showdown, Lao Tzu is a genius'.

Several teammates gritted their teeth angrily by his villainous appearance.

Murata looked at Shi Yu proudly and bowed:

"Lord Shi Yu, it's ugly. "

And Shi Yu nodded reasonably, and said to another clansman:

"Inoue, you try it too. "

Everyone was stunned

What does Lord Shi Yu mean, even if a person barely succeeds, it is impossible for a person to have such advanced skills.

Inoue scratched his head even more embarrassed and said

"Shiyu-sama, I've never practiced shuriken. "

Shi Yu said indifferently:

"It's okay, haven't you seen it twice just now, just try it." "

Everyone was speechless, and if they looked at it twice, it would be possible to stop the water in an instant, right


But the patriarch has already ordered

Inoue had to open the single-hook jade writing wheel and looked at the target and swallowed his saliva

Imitating Murata, he jumped in the air and threw nine shurikens.


With the sound of shurikens entering the wood, five shurikens fell on the target.

Inoue looked at his hands in disbelief.

The rest of the teammates also looked at Inoue with a shocked expression

This is another genius who appears!?

Shi Yu, on the other hand, showed a clear look

The feeling when I threw my shuriken just now is not an illusion!

Although I knew how to practice shuriken a long time ago, I felt more relaxed than ever when I threw it just now!

The real horror of the system training ground is not 10 times the perception!

Instead, it can share the cultivation talent of the clansmen, so that everyone can use the talents of the clansmen with the highest talent to gain ten times the understanding!

And who is the person with the strongest talent in shuriken art in the Uchiha clan now?

That must be Uchiha Itachi, the biological son of the former Uchiha patriarch!

In other words, when U opened the training ground, all the clansmen who trained in the art of shuriken in the training ground acquired the same talent as Uchiha Itachi!

And their training effect is ten times more efficient than Uchiha Itachi!

A fiery look flashed in Uchiha Shiyu's eyes

Although the innate talents such as chakra, chakra, and physical talent cannot be enhanced by training ground exercises.

But with this training ground, then he can make the entire Uchiha clan have countless instantaneous stops!

Even if their proficiency in combat skills is comparable to that of Itachi or Shuishui, it is enough for them to easily advance to the rank of Shangnin!

Shi Yu looked at the clansman who was excited, slowly opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes and said:

"You don't have to doubt that this is the patriarch's kaleidoscopic chakra eye's ability, which can also improve your training qualifications. "

"Due to the large consumption, it is necessary to give priority to supplying to our own brothers, and this matter should be kept secret in advance, and should not be passed on, once it is known by the people of Konoha, I am afraid that they will find us trouble." "

Several clansmen looked at Shi Yu's kaleidoscope with a shocked expression

"Clan Elder, is this, this is the kaleidoscope of the legendary Uchiha spot?!"

"With these eyes, won't we be able to control the Nine Tails and seize power in Konoha?"

"The day has come for the rise of our Uchiha clan!"

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