The proposal to separate powers was passed more easily than Shi Yu had imagined.

This is all due to the fact that the time, place, people and people are all properly calculated by the time.

Now that the three battles in the ninja world have just been fought, many ninja are tired of war

In the original work, even Yunyin Village rode to the face and framed the Hyuga patriarch to kill the messenger, but did not let the ninja clans resist together, let alone now fight a civil war against their own people.

No matter how hated the Yuzhibo family is, there is no Yunyin Village that attracts more hatred.

Originally, Sarutobi Hinata wanted to use the hand of controlling the Wave Feng Shui Gate to secretly collect the various ninja clans of Konoha, and gradually controlled the power in the Hokage family.

Then wait until Asma grows up, mix some seniority, and then naturally take over the position of Hokage, which is why Sarutobi said that the junior has not grown up.

If it weren't for Sarutobi Shinnosuke not knowing who killed him, Sarutobi himself wouldn't have needed to make a comeback.

Unfortunately, Bo Feng Shuimen was angry and martyred Vortex Jiu Xinnai completely disrupted his plan.

If it's just that, it's okay, the Ape Flying Sun Chopper can also control the overall situation with the dark part and the well-preserved Ape Flying Clan, taking advantage of the scattered sand of the various ninja clans and not daring to confront themselves to regain the position of Hokage.

But now the Uchiha clan doesn't know which string is wrong, and they stand on the platform and fight with the ape flying clan on the bright side of self-sacrificing

This caused the Dark Division, which was used to threaten the Ninjas, to lose their effectiveness.

Now the Uchiha clan has proposed a thankless separation of powers.

This can make the elders of the various ninja clans very happy.

Doesn't this mean that they can directly change from cannon fodder to the ruler behind Konoha?

After the Shinobi of the various ninja clans went back to report, they all applauded, so that the upper Shinobi of the clan agreed to Uchiha Shiyu's proposal.

This led to the fact that Konoha F4 and the existing civilian Shinobu alone could not oppose the new policy proposed by Shiyu.

The eyes of those ninjas who were miserable by themselves in the three battles were about to glow green, waiting for them to speak out against them, and using the Uchiha clan to cripple themselves.

So Ape Flying Sun Chopper had to choose to compromise

The original Konoha Elder Group was directly abolished

Sarutobi Hinata and Uchiha Tokiyu represent their respective families as members of the village committee, each holding 10 votes and one veto.

The remaining 20 or so ninjas each have 1 vote, but the revaluation requires the unanimous consent of all ninjas.

The Dark Department was announced to be temporarily disbanded, and the members of the Dark Department looked for a way out on their own.

After all, the Hokage has become a mascot, and the dark part responsible for protecting the Hokage naturally has no meaning of existence.

However, almost all the dark departments chose to continue to follow the ape flying sun and become the private soldiers of the ape flying family.

Only this part of the root follows the tuanzo,

There are a few like Kiki Kakashi's who directly quit the dark part as an idle upper Shinobi.

The next few days were when the newly formed village committee began to discuss the legislation

It is a little too much to say that the legislation is somewhat too lifting Konoha, after all, there are only fart villages, at most it is a village rule.

But before that,

The whole of Konoha doesn't even have a village rule

Even Hokage resolves conflicts according to conventional customs.

Now that statutory law is in place, it can greatly improve the negative impact of law enforcement.

In the past, most of the ninjas who committed crimes were brought back by the ninja clans to punish.

When a ninja makes too serious a mistake, the root will be secretly poked and killed, and the name is for the peace of the village.

Uchiha's first mission when he joins the root is to kill a member of the Oil Lady clan.

It can be said that the former Konoha could not be called a political system at all, but could only be regarded as a gathering place for clusters.

Now, in order to prevent the Uchiha clan and the Sarutobi clan from infringing on their rights, various ninja clans are desperately racking their brains to convert various original moral habits into village rules and submit them to the village committee for legislation.

Since the establishment of a piece of legislation requires a two-thirds majority

Therefore, every rule must have a nod from the Uchiha clan or the ape flying clan.

Therefore, the ninja clans naturally will not formulate some rules that are too outrageous.

The strength of the two races of Uchiha and Sarutobi is there, and they don't dare to go too far.

So at this time, Konoha strangely fell into a bipolar pattern similar to Shi Yu's previous life.

And the Uchiha family directly handed over the reformed cake of the Konoha Garrison under Shiyu's hint, and chose to temporarily take over the external defense work of the Ministry of Defense.

It stands to reason that after the legislation is completed, the discrimination against the Konoha Garrison will be greatly reduced, but Shi Yu still let people hand it over.

Because he needs to downplay the contradictions between the villagers and the Uchiha clan.

In addition, this group of brain-rigid Uchiha people do not know how to be flexible

It is clear that it is a position with great oil, and as a result, they have to rigidly carry out orders

Instead of spending here to attract hatred, it is better to simply throw this chicken rib out.

If you hold on to it again, the old guys in Konoha F4 will definitely jump off the wall.

As Shi Yu expected, Sarutobi took over the power of the Konoha Garrison unceremoniously after Shi Yu announced that he would give up the position of the Konoha Garrison.

Their original plan was that the work would be done by the dark department, and the black pot would be carried by the garrison.

Now that Uchiha Shiyu has made it clear that he doesn't want to back the pot, then he naturally won't let go of this important department that controls the inside.

Coupled with the fact that the rest of the ninja clans are still recovering their vitality, there is simply no extra combat power to form a garrison, so the Will of Fire clan represented by the ape flying sun slash is cheapened for nothing.

Therefore, this can be regarded as a very tacit understanding between the Uchiha clan and the Ape Fei clan, and they divided the military power of the village internally and externally.

Before the meeting was dispersed, Shi Yu and Ape Fei Ri Slaughter sneered at the same time, glanced at each other, and left directly.

After returning to the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Tiehuo looked at Shi Yu with a worried look and asked

"Clan elder, is this really appropriate, no matter how you look at it, our Uchiha clan will suffer losses, and fighting abroad is much more dangerous than catching gangsters in Konoha. And in case the ape flying sun chops that dog thing and unites with the ninja clan, I'm afraid our Uchiha clan will have a hard time. "

Shi Yu sneered:

"You know a fart, the next thing is to engage in an arms race with the ape flying clan and win over allies. "

"And these all need money, what kind of wealth is best to know?"

Uchiha Iron Fire shook his head with a dazed expression.

A cold light flashed under Shi Yu's eyes and sneered

"That, of course, is a war fortune!"

ps. Find the data

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