Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 255 Unfathomable Murderous Intent

At this time, Shiyu's Sharingan aura came out. He stared at the elders and captains in front of him, with an unfathomable murderous intent in his eyes.

He used his powerful strength and strategic talents to force the two of them into trouble, as if putting them to death.

Standing by the lake, Shiyu glanced around and found no other people. Shiyu walked quietly in the Valley of Shadows, thinking about his next plan.

The dim lights in the Valley of Shadows illuminated their faces, allowing people to see the determination and worry intertwined in each other's eyes.

There is an unspeakable tacit understanding 053 between them, and there seems to be some common goal that unites them.

Shiyu realized that it was impossible to completely defeat such a powerful enemy with his own strength. When he felt powerless, a wave of determination and determination surged into his heart.

"What on earth is going on?" Shiyu was shocked.

At the same time, Madara silently observed Shiyu.

"We have to find other people to help us fight against the captain and elders, otherwise we will not be able to reverse the situation." Shiyu walked through the dense woods alone, frowning slightly, thinking about what he should do next.

In the dense woods, the sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps between the leaves, forming Madara Madara light and shadow.

Although no changes can be seen on the surface, there are turbulent waves inside.

The captain watched the whole battle and did not directly participate in the battle.

For the sake of the glory and future of the Uchiha family, he decided to retreat and find new allies and forces.

He was unwavering in his belief that he could handle it all.

In the silent environment, he could clearly hear the sound of his heartbeat.

The elder was troubled by the threat of attacks and seals. His body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and his movements were slow and awkward.

That is the direction he is moving forward, and it is also the goal deep in his heart for Nature Garden.

Uchiha Madara stood beside Shiyu, watching the battle on the field.

Shiyu lowered his head, thinking intently about where to find new alliances.

"Madara, we need to get out of here." Shiyu said to Uchiha Madara.

He longs to find powerful companions so that he can deal with his enemies.

Despite this, he still struggled to resist Shiyu's attack.

"I'm giving it my all! Why are these guys still so difficult to deal with?"

Shiyu stopped and stared at the distant mountain peaks.

He felt that his soul was seriously threatened, and his condition seemed extremely difficult.

He clearly realized that in such a difficult situation, his strength was far from enough.

He knows the anxiety and pressure in Shiyu's heart and empathizes with it.

He realized that the battle between the captain and the elder would be extremely dangerous, but he did not flinch.

He showed concern and tried to help the elder escape from the seal.

Shiyu said to himself, as if to cheer himself up.

He decided with a strong heart to move on, looking for new alliances and clues to power.

"As long as I can find them and convince them to join us, we can turn the tide.

"I know there are many powerful ninjas in this world."

Shiyu suddenly stopped.

An open area appeared in front of him, and the sparkling lake water rippled softly in the sunlight.

He seemed to know the key to this showdown, but did not elaborate on his abilities or goals.

His face was solemn, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

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