Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 235 The Corresponding Results Of Successive Taunts

A dozen Ōtsutsuki captains suddenly appeared around them, and they looked exactly the same. There was no way to tell which one was real and which one was fake.

Seeing so many golden walls suddenly appearing in front of them, many soldiers around them became nervous.

"Something seems to be wrong now. The adults seem to be trapped inside!"

"Now we must apply for Chuck's artillery support. Attacking these walls may be able to escape!"

As these soldiers began to send signals for help, all the Chakra cannons on the earth had turned their muzzles and aimed at the area where the golden wall was located.


As the cannons were fired one after another, dozens of blue rays of light quickly hit the golden wall.

At the same time, the soldiers next to him were not idle. Each one raised his hands high and sprayed a powerful ray attack from his arms.


The powerful attack hit the golden wall mercilessly, causing ripples to appear on the wall one after another, just like a stone hitting the water. In the end, there seemed to be no big movement.

After all the shells of the Chakra cannon were consumed, the soldiers nearby were very surprised to find that the wall formed by the golden light in front of them seemed to have no cracks at all!

In addition to some vibrations caused by the steel, even if the cannon's attack is blocked, there is no way to bring corresponding results!

The captain of Ōtsutsuki seemed to be aware of the attack from Chuck's cannon on Earth, and he couldn't help but frowned.

"What on earth is going on? Are these attacks just not your ability?"

Shiyu shrugged helplessly, "I believe you stupid guys may never know that there is such a thing as technology in this world!"

After the captain heard these words, he suddenly felt even more confused, and he had no idea what the other party meant.

Shiyu shook his head helplessly, "It's normal that you can't understand this. After all, your Ōtsutsuki's IQ is like this. It's already very difficult to invent some fishing rods. I want you to invent the cannon of cruel hatred. It’s too difficult!”

After hearing the opponent's continuous taunts, the captain of Ōtsutsuki's face became very ugly.

The other Ōtsutsuki warriors who were watching the battle were very excited after seeing their captain's explosive abilities.

Even the elders on the side couldn't help but nod, ""It seems that the captain's talent is indeed very powerful, and he can actually hone such a powerful move by himself!"

Others seemed to have seen the same trick before, and then nodded in agreement, "That's true. From what I know about him, he seems to have spent a lot of effort to create this trick! "

After saying these words, many people immediately remembered the scene that happened before. Every time the captain finished training, he looked very tired. .

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