Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 214: At A Very Dangerous Time, A Soldier Finally Made A Decision

Although the soldiers here have high-tech weapons, and these weapons are basically developed for Ōtsutsuki, some Ōtsutsuki feel very confused.

However, after such a long period of adaptation, these Ōtsutsuki seem to have mastered some coping skills, and each Ōtsutsuki has different abilities, making it impossible for many soldiers to grasp the rules.

As time passed like this, the surrounding ninjas and soldiers began to show their fatigue and slowly retreated towards the rear.

And after time developed to a certain extent, the bodies of many ninjas had appeared in the surrounding area.

Although it is true that these ninjas rely on high-tech equipment to increase their strength and speed to a certain extent.

But if they really compare, these Ōtsutsuki in front of them are more powerful.

The intensity of their attacks is also very terrifying. If they can hit the soldiers, all the exoskeleton equipment will be shattered in an instant, and then scattered around in outer space.

At this very dangerous moment, one of the soldiers finally made a decision and sprayed a ball of invisible gas from his right hand.

After the people next to him saw this scene, they also stretched out their right hands, and the boiling water kept spraying the gas around them.

Ōtsutsuki saw some strange movements in these videos, but they didn't think too much because they didn't seem to feel anything unusual happening.

But what they have no way of knowing is that the gases being sprayed out by these soldiers are actually genetic weapons previously developed specifically to target Ōtsutsuki.

This is a poison that only targets Ōtsutsuki, and it spreads out in the bodies of all Ōtsutsuki in a process that is invisible to everyone.

However, because this toxin takes effect relatively slowly, many Ōtsutsuki have not discovered this.


One of the Ōtsutsuki captains held a gorgeous lightsaber in his hand and kept moving around the soldiers. Every move could take away the lives of several people.

After seeing such a scene, the faces of other soldiers present began to become serious, because they now knew very well that there was no way they could survive if they continued like this.

Even if there are still a few hundred of them left, they will all be killed by the Ōtsutsuki captain in a short time, because they have no chance to resist.

Perhaps 850 guessed what these people were thinking, and suddenly an extremely powerful force flew out from the direction of the earth.


After this blue light suddenly appeared, it was followed by a blue giant. The giant held a sharp giant blade in his hand and slashed in the direction of Ōtsutsuki's captain.

Seeing such a huge momentum, Ōtsutsuki did not dare to raise too much, and quickly used the lightsaber in his hand to resist, and then flew in the direction behind.

The blue giant did not take advantage of this to chase the Ōtsutsuki captain, but instead waved his hand to the side. .

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