Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 219: Dark mist (part 1)

The anomaly appeared without warning. Originally, since most agents had not been told what the anomaly was, they were only asked to pay attention to some strange things and still maintained a high degree of concentration.

However, unknowingly, there was a problem with the tight protective clothing. An agent's protective clothing was corroded by something unknown. At first, no one noticed the situation, including myself.

Until the protective suit was completely damaged, the sudden wind made the agent agitated, and finally realized that something was wrong.

"Asshole! My protective suit is damaged!"

The agent's words immediately attracted the surrounding team members to look over.

A thin cloud of black smoke that is almost invisible is entrenched on the side of the agent's helmet.

Not waiting for everyone to take action, the black fog suddenly got into the chemical protective clothing and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The only captain who was notified of what the abnormality was, his face was solemn, and only he knew what had happened.

"Seal the gap and check their own chemical protective clothing."


After the captain gave orders to his men, he trot out of the house and reported to his superiors.

"All agents must not leave the blocked area!"

This was the first order issued by the commander, and indirectly, it was equivalent to sentenced to death for the first group of agents who entered the area.

However, there is one exception, Arthur.

Of course, it is not that he can leave the blocked area without doing anything, and he needs a person to come, the Paladin.

However, most agents are equivalent to being abandoned.

"There is no abnormality in the data that has the ability to corrode." The commander immediately reported the situation to his superiors.

The reply received was: implement the original plan, strengthen the blockade, and wait for support.

In other words, nothing can be done.

The inspection inside is also coming to an end, unexpectedly,

"Report, no corrosion of chemical protective clothing was found!"

Except for the first hapless agent, no one seemed to be invaded by the anomaly anymore.

What is going on here? The concentrated attention of the sudden incident quickly made most agents feel tired.

Fortunately, it seems that there is really only that black fog.

Until the night falls, the street lights are on, plus the light of the moon, tonight is a good night.

And everything, starting from this moment, just kicked off.


"It's night, improve concentration!"


"Also, you can support me, absolutely not allowed to sleep!" The captain alone ordered the agent who was abnormally invaded during the day.

"Yes, Captain."

"It seems that the suicide note I wrote this time is really going to come in handy." The agent found his colleague after coming down.

"With each other, aren't we all locked in here." The team members looked at the unusually bright moon in the sky, feeling sad.

I don't want it, or I don't have a task. Once there is a task, it is a life-killing task. It's really a garbage department.

Residents fell asleep during the day of uneasiness, but none of the agents patrolling the streets had a rest.

The night is the time for this abnormal raging, and the intelligence says so.

"No abnormal affairs were found on the west side."

"Neither was found on the east side."

"The same goes for Central Street."

So, the time came to midnight at twelve o'clock,

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire blockade changed drastically, and it was overwhelming.

The strange feeling in the heart caused everyone to raise the weapon in their hands, but the naked eyes around him showed that there was no change.

Finally, an agent discovered the anomaly.


With a loud reminder, everyone looked down, and sure enough, black mist appeared.

They wrapped the agent's feet, and seemed to have a tendency to spread upward.

The UIU agents hurriedly turned on the handheld special vacuum cleaner, and turned on the switch toward the black mist.

The sound of whirring suddenly sounded everywhere in the sealed area.

Now there is no need to report from the agents, and the commander understands what happened.

Take a look at the time, twelve o'clock,

Can I only pin my hopes on the vacuum cleaner? However, the commander’s heart knows that he just doesn’t want to admit it, but what should happen, he will still happen.

At the beginning, the teams in the blockade area,

I was pleasantly surprised to find that this thing was unexpectedly effective. The black mist was sucked into the vacuum cleaner container with no resistance. For a while, all the black mist was controlled.

I checked my feet again. Fortunately, there was no sign of corrosion. The agents attributed it to luck. Fortunately, they found it early.

"This container is specially made, but it won't be eroded like clothes, so don't worry."

"hope so."

The two teams passed by. The two team leaders reminded each other a few words, and they separated again. They had their own tasks to inspect each house.

However, before most of the teams had time to enter the house, the accident happened and the commander was shocked. He had thought that the black fog would erode the container, but he never thought that it would be so fast!

The conductor raised his hand again, and the watch read: 12:05.

In five minutes, only five minutes, the sturdy special container was broken.

Almost at the same time, all the vacuum cleaner containers were damaged, and then, contrary to common sense, far more black mist was squeezed out from the center than before.

Almost instantly, the agent holding the vacuum cleaner was wrapped. A few seconds later, the wrapped agent saw the light again, but his protective clothing was already damaged.

Several agents who reacted quickly activated the vacuum cleaner again. Although there was no way to control the black mist, at least it could prevent the black mist from approaching them.

This is effective, but it is only the last struggle.

What should you do when there is a black fog that obscures the sky and the sun in front of you.


The agents in the area can only furious incompetently, making the last effort, and then being swallowed by the black mist.

Everything that happened here was seen by the distant commander. After all, the large black fog in the distance was so conspicuous that it couldn't help but make people feel scared.

"The black mist has dispersed!"

I don't know who shouted loudly.

Afterwards, the black mist was real, and Case escaped to the surroundings.

"Start the machine!"

"Yes, command!"

With an order from the conductor,

Suddenly, a large number of lights on the cordon line lit up, illuminating the transitional area of ​​a few meters in the middle as if day, and behind the lights were one after another large fans.

But this cannot solve a problem, the black fog can escape from the air.

Of course, UIU thought of this problem, but the support has not arrived yet, and they are powerless. They were caught off guard by the ability to corrode that the data had not shown, causing all plans to be disrupted.

And all of this, after being learned by the senior management, was naturally blamed on Wang Chuan, who provided intelligence.

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