Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 93 Qian Zong comes out of the cage

The emerald camphor trees soar into the sky, with lush branches and leaves like big green eggs resting on the trunks.

Under the tree, there is a bay-red horse grazing with its head lowered, its reins tied to the tree.

On the moss-covered stone floor, a Taoist with long eyebrows and long beard wearing an apricot-yellow Bagua Taoist robe sits meditating with his eyes closed.


The stone slab trembled slightly, and the Taoist suddenly opened his eyes, as if a pair of lightning flashed through his eyes!

The earth and rocks ahead vibrated as if alive.

"The earth dragon turned over?"

The bay-red horse raised its hooves and neighed, its eyes full of panic.

Listening on the ground, you can hear a rumbling sound.


Teng stood up, his hair and beard flying in the sudden strong wind. He looked out into the distance and saw hundreds of birds flying into the sky in the camphor forest in front of him. There were also rabbits and dogs fleeing in front of him, ants fell into their burrows, and only cockroaches climbed steadily on the dung balls. .

The black and white cloth shoes stepped on the earthy yellow tree, the zodiac robe made a hunting sound, and the bird burrowed into the crown of the tree like a bird falling from a branch.

His eyes looked into the distance like lightning.

Skipping the big plaque of "Xu Town", under the night, the sky is filled with black air and corpse energy!

On the black bricks of the Zhenmen building, a zombie in white robe raised his feet and sat on a grand master's chair.

With the moon behind him and the lingering black energy, he really looked like a demon.

The purple zombie raised his hand and touched his head. The corpse's mouth split open, allowing its teeth to show its majesty.

"Kids, kill!"

The Taoist moved his eyes downward again, first looking at a piece of black water sweeping in like a wave. After taking a closer look, where is the water? There are clearly countless heads!

The teacher, who was dressed in green clothes and had a glass mirror on his face, his blue face also looked like clothes, jumping forward.

Wearing yarmulkes embroidered with "福" and "富", hand-woven red satin robes, and shackle-buttoned short coats, businessmen with belly as big as balls and stiff and oily faces were also among them.

There are also people carrying crutches, carrying baskets, thin cooks in khaki aprons, and old women with a mouth full of chicken feathers.

"The whole town has turned into zombies, what a trick!"

The Taoist fell down, untied the horse's reins and ran away.

As the saying goes, too many ants will kill an elephant.

Under Marshal Xu's shadow, the people of Xu Town were pitiful and suffered from cramps and peelings, but they were better off living a stable life, and naturally many people moved here.

Including the soldiers wearing military uniforms at a glance, the number of people is no less than a thousand!

Qian Zong comes out of the cage, even if Zhang Tianshi appears in the world or Tao Hongjing descends to earth, he will still have a headache.

"Can you run away?"

He Cheng's eyes were like lamps, his eyelids were raised together, and he saw Shi Jian riding a horse and preparing to flee.

He stepped on the black bricks and knocked down the gatehouse with the "Xuzhen" plaque. He jumped off the cliff and spread his wings like an eagle, flying four to five feet away!

When he landed, his feet hit the ground but he heard a booming sound, the sound of igniting gunpowder and exploding the mountain.

He jumped up to more than three feet high again!

In two or three steps, you can rush to the front of the zombie wave!

He jumped a few points higher than the tree, aimed at Shi Jian who was riding a horse, and pounced on him with his corpse claws downwards. He had learned 70% to 80% of the skill of an eagle swooping down to catch a rabbit!

Shi Jian climbed on the back of the horse. The horse spread its hooves and ran very fast. The wind beat his beard and hair, which stuck to his eyelids and got into his mouth.

The hair and beard had not yet come out of his mouth. When Shi Jian heard the movement above his head, he looked up and his heart skipped a beat.

The white robe made a hunting sound as it was being beaten by the wind. A pair of corpse teeth looked very much like those wielding two swords. The corpse teeth were wrapped in black air, and the nails on his ten fingers were as dark as cold iron. In the blink of an eye, they fell in front of Shi Jian.

Shi Jian's reaction was naturally not slow. He turned over and put his legs on his chest and kicked hard!

He Cheng is like an eagle chasing a rabbit, and he is like a rabbit kicking off an eagle!

He kicked He Cheng's chest hard with both legs, and the force behind him actually kicked him away!

The horse under Shi Jian's back whined, its hooves gave way, rolled over and fell to the ground, throwing Shi Jian away!

After being quiet for more than ten breaths, He Cheng jumped up again, but before his claws could get out of the corpse, Shi Jian's hair stood up one by one as he stretched out the corpse on the ground!

There was a crackling flash of lightning, and Shi Jian pretended to be dead and made a sneak punch. The thunderbolt hit He Cheng in the chest. He ran like a bull against He Cheng, and did not stop until it broke a camphor tree that three people were hugging.

The white robe on the chest had been burned by a large number of electric hot spots, and the skin on the chest was even burnt black.

"Give me electrotherapy to cure Internet addiction?"

He Cheng grinned, and a trace of lightning entered his body. Although it was counterattacked by the corpse energy in his body, part of it was also eliminated.

Knocking away his experience with one punch, if Shi Jian could ensure a day and night of thunder bombings, He Cheng might actually be drained of his corpse energy and be slaughtered on the neck.

"Children, come on!"

Lao Sun likes to call him Monkey Monkey Sun, so there is no need for He Cheng to rush to receive electrotherapy by himself.

At this time, the tide of zombies that had arrived surrounded Shi Jian, and Qianli Ma fell to the ground and died under the corpse's mouth.

Although the zombies raised by He Cheng are not as invulnerable as the ordinary white zombies, they are still tough, one level higher than the walking zombies, and the average level is around level 3.

A flash of blue and purple lightning flashed, and the three zombies in the circle turned into ashes.

"Killing three with one punch is really powerful. Killing thirty with ten punches, killing three hundred with one hundred punches, hum! I have three thousand zombies, let's see how you kill them!"

Not to mention a thousand punches, even a hundred punches would be enough to tire Shi Jian.

The tide of zombies is dense and impenetrable, and a generation of Maoshan bosses may suffer defeat here!

The zombies were like a swarm of bees wrapped around Shi Jian, and the lightning did not stop leaking out for a moment. If it touched the zombies, they would instantly turn into ashes. However, the zombies were not afraid of death. They were still like moths rushing to the fire, insisting on using their flesh and blood bodies. Fight him!

Compared to the zombie army, the consumption of these dozens of zombies is nothing.

"Wood stake technique!!"

As the lightning stopped, a wooden stake fell straight down from the sky, hitting the group of zombies surrounding Shi Jian.

The heavy zombie was knocked to the ground, with broken bones and tendons.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Shi Jian laughed like a maniac, raised one hand high in the air, and with his five fingers blazing with lightning, he touched the wooden stake above his head that was within the attack range of himself.

He looked extremely miserable at this time. His apricot yellow Taoist robe was torn, his skin and flesh were turned out, and there was red blood flowing.

The crown of his hair was missing, and his long hair stood out like a madman.

"Today, I, Shi Jian, will slay demons and defend the Way!"

The lightning turned into a long snake, crackling and splitting the wooden stake above his head in half.

As he roared, the moonlight was suddenly blocked. He Cheng looked up and saw more than twenty wooden piles falling down like rain, crashing into the tide of corpses like a sickle cutting leeks, one after another!

In an instant, hundreds of people were killed or injured!

However, by forcefully summoning so many wooden stakes, Shi Jian was temporarily depleted of mana and the corners of his mouth actually started to bleed.

"I really thought you were a real man who practiced the Iron Gear Kung Fu, but you turned out to be an eggless eunuch."

He Cheng snorted coldly and jumped onto the tree.

After a while, Shi Jian is exhausted, and the meat is on the chopping board. Whether to slice, dice or chop it into fillings depends on one's mood.

It is a feat for one man to be in charge, and there is heroism after the feat.

Shi Jian's death situation has almost become settled, but this expected thing always happens.

Thanks for the tip from Xin Leng Yi Sui Feng~

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