When Tan Jun was still worried about bin123 and Qiandu Search.

Over there, Wan Xuebing took action again.

A large number of indignant posts appeared on the most popular forums on the Internet such as Tianya, Yahu, Qizhijia, and Maopu.

The content of the post is all about scolding Qiandu Tieba for stealing its high-quality creative content. Even if it is reported, at most it will be removed from the shelves without any pain!

Screenshots of various evidence are everywhere!

These posts are all denounced and criticized from the perspective of users of these forums. One after another, "Our high-quality creative content has been stolen", "Are the posts in our xx forum a public toilet? Why are they randomly posted on Qiandu Tieba? ?”

Starting from this perspective, the users of these forums suddenly felt empathy and directly ignited the anger of the most loyal users of these forums!

In 2001, the Internet had just started, and the Internet was very popular. Most of the netizens were the generation who grew up reading martial arts novels. It is not an exaggeration to say that they were chivalrous and courageous.

After users of major forums were instigated by Wan Xuebing's trolls, indignant posts flew all over the place. More and more people whose posts had been stolen joined in, and users all knew the ugly face of Qiandu Tieba.

Even within Qiandu Tieba, many people complained about the fact that the posts they worked so hard to write were copied and pasted by others, and the Tieba didn't care at all.

Millions of netizens participated and expressed their anger.

Just when everyone's emotions were aroused to the highest point, someone created a TT group called "Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance General Group" and then mobilized users from major forums to create sub-groups and let the sub-groups obey the instructions of the main group. , attack Qiandu Tieba together!

"Brothers and sisters, we must defend our rights and protect the fruits of our labor!"

"Tonight, I propose that everyone gather their friends and carry out a bar-busting operation against Qiandu Tieba!!!"

“We want Qiandu to know that our users are not dogs, and our rights cannot be infringed upon at will!!!”

As a result, netizens who were in high spirits, as well as many melon-eating people who didn't mind watching the excitement, joined in the action of popping the bar!

Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance Tianya Community Group, Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance Maopu Forum Group, Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance Yahu Forum Group...

Countless TT groups have been established!

According to Wan Xuebing's statistics, at 10 o'clock that night, there were as many as 1.8 million online users in these TT groups named "Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance"! ! !

An unprecedented bar-busting operation on the Internet is already undercurrent!

Qiandu Tieba Division is an established department.

Qiandu’s most valuable business, apart from its search business, is its Tieba business.

After several years of development, Qiandu Tieba's business has become very mature, and there are almost no competing products of the same type on the market, so the attitude of the people in the department seems to be very leisurely and lazy.

In addition, almost all the elites in this department have been transferred to the newly established Qiandu DD Division. The manpower of the Tieba Division is relatively less abundant, with less than 50 people.

In addition to daily operations, these 50 people also have some simple tasks: use crawler search to crawl popular posts on major forums on the Internet, and then post them to Qiandu Tieba. For example, there is a lotus rumor in Tianya Community There are many popular posts about supernatural stories, and many people have even successfully become writers and published their own books because of the serialized posts here. Naturally, Qiandu wouldn't let it go, and soon copied all the most popular story posts here to Qiandu's supernatural story bar.

How many hot posts like this have been copied by thousands of people on Qiandu Tieba?

Everything that was almost warm was stolen.

While the entire anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance is gathering, the crawlers of Qiandu Tieba are still working non-stop, copying posts.

At this time, one of the few Qiandu Tieba team members who was working overtime suddenly discovered a Tieba with a strange name - the Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance Bar.

The reason why I found this forum is because the posts in this forum are very weird.

The posts inside are all repetitive and highly clickable content.

Just click on one and take a look.

The employee was stunned.

It’s actually a crusade post!

The post actually criticized Qiandu for stealing popular posts!

Unexpectedly, a post actually attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people. Looking at the comments in it, it can be said that the crowd was excited.

Countless slogans from the second graders came out!

The employee couldn't help laughing and was amused by these childish remarks.

"Hahaha... look at it! An anti-Qiandu infringement alliance has been established here, and they say they are going to crusade against us!" The young employee said to several overtime workers around him at the same time: "They said in the post bar that they want to To take revenge on us for stealing posts, hahaha!”

An employee next to me who was still using a crawler to steal posts laughed: "Oh, I'm so piapia! Call the police and arrest me! Hahaha... Stealing posts is not illegal!"

Another male colleague also smiled and said: "These people may not know that posting posts to attack us is not really attacking us, but increasing our traffic, hahaha!"

A female colleague said with a smile: "A university professor I know just called on us to protest in the TT group, so I copied several professional posts written by him to the forum, hehe."

No one took the Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance Bar seriously, and some even thought that this group of people were doing something wrong and were trying to increase traffic to the Qiandu Tieba.

However, at 10:30, the employee who just discovered the Anti-Qiandu Infringement Alliance suddenly found that the post he had just posted had instantly disappeared from the homepage.

Then, a lot of posts filled with exclamation marks flooded the various forums! ! ! !

When he took a closer look at the names of these posts, he almost peeed in shock!

“Tianya community users strongly condemn Qiandu Tieba’s shameless behavior of stealing posts!!!!!”

"Maopu netizens came to join the war!!! We must give us an explanation today!!!"

"Netizens from the Yahu forum came to report and vowed to fight to the death with Qiandu Tieba!!!!"

"Car netizens are here!!! Qiandu Post Bar, I am throwing the thunder!!!! If you have the ability, try to steal another of my posts!!!"


The employee hurriedly checked several popular forums.

The result surprised him! ! !

Legend Bar, Journey Bar, Football Bar, NBA Bar...

The homepages of all popular Tieba forums are filled with a large number of similar posts! ! !

He hurriedly checked the data from the background. At a glance, the employee wailed: "It's over!!! Something happened!!! Within one minute, more than 30,000 new registered users flooded in and 20,000 people were sent to Tieba. Multiple posts…”

However, what Qiandu people didn't expect was that this was just the calm before the storm.

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