"What's wrong?" Chen Mo asked.

Chen Haonan: "It was a call from the person in charge of the Construction Department, saying that the company developing Queen's Avenue is going to donate a large primary school to us."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Chen Mo asked.

"What a fart! They donated to Hope Primary School! It's still so big! If all the children from poor families in Hong Kong come to school, our house will depreciate by at least 50%!" Chen Haonan said depressedly.

Let me briefly talk about it here.

When developing real estate in 2001, it didn't mean that you bought the land, or that all the areas were developed by you.

For example, public areas such as schools and hospitals can be requisitioned by the government if they want.

Hearing the words "Hope Primary School", Chen Mo immediately understood the other party's sinister intentions.

In Hong Kong City, only children from the poorest families attend Hope Primary School.

Because this kind of primary school has poor teaching staff and a low enrollment rate, it can simply provide children with the most basic education.

The area where the other party proposed to build a primary school happened to be right in the middle of the commercial area and luxury housing area planned by Chen Mo!

It's like putting a tattered patch in the middle of an extremely luxurious piece of clothing!

Once completed, with so many poor people coming to take their children to and from school every day, the quality of this place will drop several notches.

Prices for luxury homes will also be significantly discounted.

No rich person would want to come into contact with a mixed group of poor people when they go home every day!

In this way, because Queen's Avenue is far away from this school and close to the commercial area developed by Chen Mo, it will become the first choice residence for the rich!

Chen Mo sneered: "To put it nicely, I donated money to build a school, but the result was that the value of my house depreciated and the value of his house increased.

They've given us all the fame and benefits, so they're just treating us like fools? "

Chen Haonan sighed: "But Hope Primary School is a project related to people's livelihood. Even if Dong Jianguo comes forward, it is impossible to refuse, and it is impossible for us to tell others that you have affected our profits, so we cannot build a school here.

In this way, we will be criticized by public opinion the next day and become the public enemy of the whole city. Officials will not refuse to build a school for this reason. "

Chen Mo pondered for a moment, and then said: "Go and make an appointment with the official and the other company, and say that you want to discuss the donation to the school."

Chen Haonan nodded: "Okay! I'll go right away!"

Chen Mo still has some cards in Hong Kong City.

After Chen Haonan called out, the person in charge of the construction department agreed without saying a word, and also promised to bring the person in charge of the other company to discuss a donation plan that satisfies both parties.

After lunch.

Chen Mo brought Chen Haonan and several company executives in charge of Hong Kong City Real Estate to the lobby of the Construction Department.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Mo saw Lu Damao, Zhang He and a group of company executives chatting and laughing with the head of the construction department.

"President Lu, President Zhang, and the people from Gong's Real Estate are here."

At this time, the assistant next to him reminded him in a low voice.

Lu Damao and Zhang He looked up and saw a group of young people in suits and leather shoes coming in force. The leader was the man who had given them so much trouble recently - Chen Mo!

Chen Mo strode like lightning and showed his royal demeanor with every move he made.

And the senior executives following him, although they are all young people, are all very fast and energetic.

Lu Damao's eyes flashed coldly at this moment.

At just over 20 years old, he already has such extraordinary achievements and such a kingly demeanor.

If he was given another ten years, who else in Daxia could suppress him?

"He must be strangled in the cradle!"

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

Lu Damao clenched his fists and said fiercely in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Mo came forward and shook hands with Lu Damao, Zhang He and others cordially with a smile on his face:

"President Lu and President Zhang, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Hong Kong City. Why don't you say hello in advance?"

"If word gets out, others will say that I, Chen Mo, don't respect my seniors!"

Lu Damao also had a smile on his face, laughing as if he were seeing an old friend for many years:

"Oh, the flood really washed away the Dragon King Temple!"

"I never expected that the land on Emperor's Avenue was actually a project developed by you, Brother Chen!"

"It's good now! From now on, we are neighbors! We can communicate frequently and have good communication! Don't you think so? Hahaha..."

Zhang He also said with a smile on his face: "I know it's your project, Brother Chen, so it will be easier to handle."

"I know Brother Chen very well. He is a warm-hearted person. He will definitely support our charity projects!"

"Are you right, Brother Chen?"

Chen Mo laughed and said, "Of course!"

Seeing these three people chatting and laughing peacefully, someone who doesn't know the situation might really think that the three of them are good friends for many years!

Chen Haonan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It’s Brother Mo who has to take action!

If it had been him, I'm afraid he would have lost control and started fighting.

At this time, Zhang Tiejun, the head of the Construction Department, said with a smile:

"The three of you are all old acquaintances, so things will be easier to handle!"

"If the three of them can join forces to develop or even connect the two major projects of King's Avenue and Queen's Avenue, then I can guarantee that in the future, this place will become the most prosperous business district in Daxia and even the entire East. !”

Chen Mo smiled and said: "If we can help each other and benefit each other, I will definitely not refuse."

Zhang Tiejun nodded happily.

Lu Damao had told himself before that Chen Mo would most likely not agree to this plan.

Now it seems that Xiao Chen is quite easy to talk to, isn't he?

"Come on, stop standing outside, let's talk in the office!"

The group soon arrived at the conference room of the Construction Department.

Zhang Tiejun smiled and exchanged a few pleasantries, and then said: "The reason why we invite everyone to come together this time is actually to discuss a reasonable plan regarding President Lu's donation to the school."

"Mr. Chen, I wonder what you think about building a school?"

Chen Mo clapped his hands and cheered: "This is a good thing! Once such a large-scale Hope Primary School is built, it will be able to accommodate children from poor families in half of Hong Kong City to attend school!"

"It is a great thing for the education in Hong Kong City and the future of children from poor families, so I fully agree!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked a little weird.

Anyone can see that if the elementary school is built in Chen Mo's business district, his mansion will depreciate in value.

But the luxury homes on Queen's Road will appreciate in value.

Originally, Queen's Avenue was already taking advantage of the dividends from the Emperor's Avenue commercial district.

Now, let Chen Mo cut his flesh for no reason, and give Lu Damao and Zhang He benefits and reputation...

How can this make sense?

Therefore, Zhang Tiejun and others would not be surprised if Chen Mo opposed this plan or even turned against him on the spot.

The strange thing is that Chen Mo agreed as soon as he opened his mouth, which caught everyone off guard.

Zhang Tiejun asked cautiously: "Mr. Chen, do you... really think so?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Of course! My business grew up in Hong Kong City. Isn't it natural to give a little profit to the people of Hong Kong City?"

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